
I have been sick for the past week-and-a-half. I had the whole deal: fever, sore throat, cough, congestion, fatigue, aches…it all put the “ick” in sick! These symptoms pushed me to ask my readers as well as my blogger buddies to share their favorite natural remedies to kick sickness to the curb!

While I am still on the mend, the following blog posts and tips definitely helped me feel better faster!

My Natural, Easy Tips

Peppermint for Headaches and Tummy Trouble

I make myself homemade peppermint tea that soothes and calms headaches and digestive issues – a simple and wonderful way to alleviate some discomfort.

Simple Peppermint Tea

1 palmful organic mint leaves, roughly chopped

hot water

Instructions: to make tea, dice up the leaves and place into a loose tea contraption. Pour in hot water, steep until desired strength, and sweeten with honey and add lemon if desired (see below for these two awesome illness fighting ingredients).

Ginger Root

I love me my ginger. This guy also helps with digestive issues and tummy troubles, making it great for the queasy stomach. Ginger is also sometimes used for pain management, so it’s great for easy headache relief. I make this into a tea as well.

Fresh Ginger Root Tea

1 small hunk organic ginger root, peeled and finely grated

hot water

Instructions: take the fresh ginger root, peel a hunk, and then finely grate into a tea brewer. Pour hot water over the grated ginger and let steep for 5 to 8 minutes. Boom! Insta-Ginger Tea! (combine with peppermint for an extra-pick-me-up).

Real Raw Honey

Raw honey is fantastic for colds as it soothes coughs, is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, and helps with digestion.

The Throat Soother

2 tablespoons organic coconut oil (where to buy coconut oil)

2 tablespoons raw honey

1 teaspoon organic ground cinnamon

Instructions: mix with the powerhouse coconut oil (for some great lauric acid), ground cinnamon (to also help sooth the throat), and raw honey together until a paste forms. Eat the goodness throughout the day and soothe the throat!

Give Lemon a Squeeze

These yellow babies are powerful! They are great for detoxing the body, are packed with vitamin C, is great for digestion, and for fighting off colds and the flu.

Squeeze some juice and add some lemon slices to water; or make homemade lemonade sweetened with honey.

Homemade Single-Serving Lemonade

2-3 tablespoons raw honey (or more to taste)

2 organic lemon juice, freshly squeezed

water to dilute

lemon slices

Instructions: Whisk lemon juice and honey together until well incorporated. Dilute with water to taste and add ice cube and lemon. Sip up!

Epsom Salt Bath to Soak the Sickness Away

Bathes are not only relaxing during illness, but Epsom Salt Bathes can be really beneficial as they detox the body, improves circulation, reduces stress, and also relieve inflammation.

Now for more homemade and natural remedies goodies from my blogger buds!

More Tips to Kick the “Ick!”

Fight the Flu & Cold

No Flu “Tea” by Homemade Mommy

DIY All-Natural Vapor Rub by Mommypotamus

8 Natural Cold Remedies by Grass Fed Girl

Natural Cough Syrup by Oh Lardy!

Natural Cold and Flu Remedies by Oh Lardy!

Natural Remedies for Headaches by Happy Mothering

Natural Remedies for the Flu by Real Food Forager

Herbal Honey Cough Syrup and 5 Ways to Fight a Cold by Homegrown & Healthy

Try a Cup of Elderberry Tea for Colds and Flu by Earth Friendly Goodies

Winter Detox, Brain, and Immune Boosting Cold Remedy by Earth Friendly Goodies

My Date With Mr. Hot Toddy: A Natural Cold Fighting Remedy by Earth Friendly Goodies

Hey, Who Stole My Cold? Thieves Oil Strikes Again by Earth Friendly Goodies

Honey and Lemon Cough Syrup with Coconut Oil by The Coconut Mama

10 Must-Have Ingredients To Help With Your Kids Cough by Growing Up Herbal

Help Your Child Manage A Sore Throat by Growing Up Herbal

10 Foods Your Body Needs to Fight Off Cold and Flu by Whole Green Love

Tea Thyme: Thyme and Honey Tea for a Cold by Whole Green Love

5 Foods to Fight a Cold Without Medicine by Our Heritage of Health

Everything In Between

How I Cured My Son’s Ear Infection… Naturally by Healthy Roots, Happy Soul

What to Do When You’re Down for the Count & How to Know When to Get Back Up by Real Fit Mama

How to Make Raw Medicinal Honey with Ginger and Rosehips by Earth Friendly Goodies

Prevent the Ick!

10 Tips to Prevent Getting Sick or Shorten a Cold or Flu & an Immune Boosting Workout When You Are Sick by Primally Inspired

Thump Your Thymus by Learning and Yearning

What to Do When You Feel “Ick” Coming On by A Joyful Mother

3 Steps To Getting A Head Start On Flu Season (video) by Growing Up Herbal

Elderberry Syrup to Prevent the Cold and Flu by Whole Green Love

What are some of your homemade remedies?

Sources: WebMD: Peppermint, Lemon, Ginger; Kitchen Stewardship: Raw Honey, Health: Cinnamon, Food Renegade: Epsom Salt Bath.

Read more at http://girlmeetsnourishment.com/30-homemade-natural-cold-flu-remedies/

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Disclaimer: The techniques, strategies, and suggestions expressed here are intended to be used for educational purposes only. The author, Drew Canole, and the associated www.fitlife.tv are not rendering medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury.

It is imperative that before beginning any nutrition or exercise program you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician.

Drew Canole and Fitlife.tv claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material presented here.

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