
"We don't know who's out there!" The first trailer has debuted for an Australian coming-of-age drama titled Jasper Jones, adapted from Craig Silvey’s bestselling Australian novel of the same name. The film stars Levi Miller as a 14-year-old boy living in a small town, who is awoken by a local man named Jasper Jones, played by Aaron L. McGrath. Jasper leads him deep into the forest and shows him something that will change his life forever, setting them both on a dangerous journey to solve a mystery that will consume the entire community. This kind of sounds a bit like Stand by Me by way of Australia, and the trailer has a bit of that feeling. This also stars Hugo Weaving, Toni Collette, Angourie Rice, Matt Nable, Dan Wyllie, and Myles Pollard. Not sure when this film will show up in the US, but it actually looks pretty damn good. ›››

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