Good morning, all! Since the Elections are upon us, we need to examine the the yin and yang, the Jagger and Richards, the Pete and Repeat of the Freeperatis’ political desires – Jeb and Our Sarah!
Jeb won the coin toss (if nothing else), so we’ll start out with Bushed!
Why Jeb Bush should run for president
Washington Post ^ | October 28, 2014 | Ruth Marcus
Posted on 10/29/2014 10:02:51 AM by C19fan
Run, Jeb, run.
I mean it, despite two powerful arguments against a presidential run by Jeb Bush — one specific to the former Florida governor, one more generic.
This is 10 out of 10 on the troll meter for Dauphin Bush 2016. The author admits she wants the Dauphin to run because he is a Open Borders Centralizing RINO.
1 posted on 10/29/2014 10:02:51 AM by C19fan
So – what say ye, Freeperati? Better than Romney or Christie? Better than a pole in the eye with a sharp stick?
To: Colonel_Flagg
Jeb should move to Mexico and take his wetback mistress with him!
17 posted on 10/29/2014 11:52:35 PM by dalereed
I’ll put that down as a “no”.
To: C19fan
Jeb Bush murdered Terri Schiavo.
6 posted on 10/29/2014 10:07:14 AM by Arthur McGowan
OK – make that two “no”s.
To: C19fan
But many FReepers WANT Jeb to run for prez.
Along with Huck, Mittens, Christie, Paul, and any and all other RINO’s and libertarians.
Oh, and just one conservative – Ted Cruz.
They figure the RINO’s(sic) will self destruct each other and leave Cruz as the victor.
12 posted on 10/29/2014 10:11:27 AM by Responsibility2nd (NO LIBS. This Means Liberals and (L)libertarians! Same Thing. NO LIBS!!)
I never heard of such a thing!
How can you be so cold and cynical?
To: Pearls Before Swine
The contest will be between Romney and Bush. That would be good for Conservatives in the primaries as the field of conservatives won’t be eliminating each other while the lefty gope stands in the wings waiting to roll over the later primaries as the only one left standing. I suspect, though, that the contest will be in the RNC et al and will be decided before the primaries. There will be no visible strife. It will all be done with money flows out of sight.
49 posted on 10/29/2014 11:29:00 AM by arthurus
I withdraw the question.
Of course, some of the Freeperati seem depressed :
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Just no more fricking Bush’s. Anybody else– I don’t much care.
18 posted on 10/29/2014 11:53:10 PM by hinckley buzzard
Republicans over and over divide on issues and candidates and end up with splinter groups, with poor turn out
Liberals AGREE with their party leadership and stand in whole agreement behind their party. of course there are differences ironed out in the beginning. They are united and mostly they win.
Over and over Conservatives simply do no vote or stay home. Look at where we are.
STOP! repeating the same pattern or there will be another loss. MO
God forbid! God bless America.
41 posted on 10/29/2014 10:39:05 AM by geologist (“If you love me, keep my commands” …. John 14 :15)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
So the GOP is contemplating suicide? Too bad.
36 posted on 10/30/2014 12:08:55 AM by wastoute (Government cannot redistribute wealth. Government can only redistribute poverty.)
To: Dick Bachert
Are there any Bush people left “in here?”
58 posted on 10/29/2014 12:08:13 PM by arthurus
The rest is……well, you know.
Freeper react to the “Thrilla In Wasilla” after the wildly thrown punch.
Well, Romney thinking of running again – Jebbie thinking of running, period.
Perhaps this is the breakout (well, break back out) year for Our Sarah? Or are they Bailin’ On Palin?
Politically, I am Through with Sarah Palin
Red State ^ | 10/24/2014 | Jake
Posted on 10/25/2014 9:50:32 AM by Responsibility2nd
It’s time for a break up.
If you haven’t already seen, Sarah Palin has endorsed Bill Walker and Byron Mallott’s Independent-Democrat “Unity” ticket in the Alaska gubernatorial race over Republican incumbent Sean Parnell. She endorses the Independent-Democrat ticket over the man who was her own lieutenant governor.
Because of this, as far as Republican politics are concerned, I’m finished with Sarah Palin. I have nothing but respect for her has a wife, mother, and grandmother. I pray that, should I ever be faced with the prospect of having to raise a child with Down Syndrome or any other disability, I would have the wisdom to make the kind of decision she made with Trig and that I could bear that cross so gracefully. I must also add, in light of recent events, that I find the media’s treatment of the family brawl despicable, and unlike Carroll Costello, I find assault no laughing matter.
Sarah is no RINO. because even a RINO would not endorse a liberal.
1 posted on 10/25/2014 9:50:32 AM by Responsibility2nd
That sentence made my head hurt.
To: Responsibility2nd
I don’t know enough about Alaska politics to understand her endorsement.
That’s because nobody’s told you what to think about it yet.
But I am not through with Sarah due to an endorsement.
She’s made lots of endorsements of candidates. I can’t say that I always know who they are in different states.
I guess I don’t understand breaking up politically with Sarah due to one endorsement.
Other politicians I have supported have sometimes done things which I didn’t agree with, but I still supported them. It takes a big event to be a game changer, in my opinion. So would love to learn more, as to why she did this, and who are these people on the Alaska unity ticket.
4 posted on 10/25/2014 9:54:33 AM by Dilbert San Diego (s)
To: Responsibility2nd
She endorsed Republican liberals and people didn’t do anything but praise her. Now the cheshire comes screaming out when one of the Blessed RINOs is threatened.
Oh the hypocracy(sic).
10 posted on 10/25/2014 9:57:39 AM by Norm Lenhart (“Refusing to vote against unprincipled people made Obama President. ” – agere_contra)
Let us now praise famous Sarahs!
To: Responsibility2nd
Perhaps Sarah has got spotlight disorder.Once famous it can be difficult to go back to being just an ordinary citizen.Or maybe her former lt. governor sabotaged things we don’t know about.
Either way there are times it is just better to just shut up and not recommend what other people do or vote.
8 posted on 10/25/2014 9:56:00 AM by hoosierham (Freedom isn’t free)
To: Responsibility2nd
We are 2 weeks out from the elections and Sarah has lost her position as “King Maker”
The longer she stay out of the arena, the more influence she will lose.
16 posted on 10/25/2014 10:00:25 AM by mylife
To: X-spurt
I pretty well agree with all you’ve said,I just think her voice is waning.
37 posted on 10/25/2014 10:23:21 AM by mylife
To: Responsibility2nd
Politically, I am Through with Sarah Palin
Objectively speaking, Sarah Palin figured out that “fame and fortune” lay, not necessarily in winning elections, but in being a professional politico and endorser. That is why she resigned her governorship – because much more money was to be had giving speeches, pontificating on TV, etc.
I lost a lot of respect for her at that time, but would still support her, although I think she has probably burned too many bridges.
101 posted on 10/25/2014 11:30:04 AM by The Sons of Liberty (I want a Speaker who’ll stick that pen and phone where no one but Reggie Love can find it!)
To: Responsibility2nd
But (general sense) ‘we’ on the right do that every time ‘we’ scream about principle not mattering, lying about ‘purity’ and then swearing up and down that a cockroach like Cochran will still get our vote “No matter what”.
‘We’ do it all the time, right here on FR in full view of God and country. So it is pure hypocract(sic) to complain about Palin doing what ‘we’ do so we can “WIN!!!”
107 posted on 10/25/2014 11:37:19 AM by Norm Lenhart (“Refusing to vote against unprincipled people made Obama President. ” – agere_contra)
To: ansel12
I’m the last person thats going to pin Palin to Romney Ansel. you ought to know that by now. But she in fact did, much as I hate it, on one sole occasion tell others to vote for the POS. and like it or not, that is indeed an endorsement. My point was that it was blown out of proportion and used to forward liberalism right here on FR.
You don’t like it. I don’t like it. But it is true that she did it one time.
108 posted on 10/25/2014 11:40:27 AM by Norm Lenhart (“Refusing to vote against unprincipled people made Obama President. ” – agere_contra)
Has Sarah finally worn out her welcome at Freeperville?
To: Norm Lenhart
I think her family’s BBQ brawl is worse for her than whatever dipshit thing McConnell says.
153 posted on 10/25/2014 1:10:02 PM by Future Snake Eater (
Yeah – about that brawl…
It’s time for Looking Into Their Crystal Brawl….
Bristol Palin Describes Drunken Brawl to Police in New Audio [Warning: Explicit Language]
Mediaite ^ | 10/21/2014 | by Matt Wilstein Posted on 10/23/2014 11:37:37 AM by SeekAndFind
Minutes before the final Florida gubernatorial debate was set to air Tuesday evening, Wolf Blitzer broke into CNN’s live coverage to play newly-released audio of Bristol Palin recounting the alleged drunken brawl that took place between members of the Palin family and others at an Alaska snowmobile party last month.
CNN bleeped the numerous curse words in Palin’s statement to police, but according to the transcript posted to the website, here is what the uncensored version appears to be:
“Some lady with gray hair, who wants to push my 20-year-old sister — I’m going to defend my sister, she’s 20 years old. A guy comes out of nowhere and pushes me on the ground, takes me by my feet in my dress — in my thong dress in front of everybody — [and says] ‘Come on you cunt, get the fuck out of here. Come on you slut, get the fuck out of here. I don’t know this guy, I’ve never seen this guy in my life.”
No charges were filed following the incident and the Palin family has not publicly commented about it directly. However, in a Facebook message a week later, Sarah Palin did defend her “strong” daughter, saying, “my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!”
Watch video below, via CNN:
1 posted on 10/23/2014 11:37:37 AM by SeekAndFind
To: SeekAndFind
Wow! With all the $hit going on in the world and people find information about a brawl involving the Palins newsworthy. What a bunch of progressive, imbecilic reporting. But we have come to expect this trash.
2 posted on 10/23/2014 11:40:46 AM by Bitsy
To: Dilbert San Diego
RE: Why is a Palin story so important?????
They want to SQUASH all talk of Sarah Palin being a presidential candidate once and for all.
So, a Jerry Springer brawl for the MSM is the perfect way to do it.
So – the brawl was staged by the dread Em Ess Em? Or Jerry Springer?
THEIR IMPLICATION: A Woman who cannot handle her household, cannot handle the nation’s affairs.
As simple as that.
5 posted on 10/23/2014 11:43:52 AM by SeekAndFind (If at first you don’t succeed, put it out for beta test.)
To: SeekAndFind
If she had any concern for her mother she’d clean up her mouth.
6 posted on 10/23/2014 11:44:04 AM by Buckeye McFrog
To: Buckeye McFrog
RE: If she had any concern for her mother she’d clean up her mouth.
That’s the point, Bristol Palin doesn’t. She’s a train wreck and has been an embarrassment to Sarah since 2008 when she got herself pregnant with a no good louse.
8 posted on 10/23/2014 11:45:01 AM by SeekAndFind (If at first you don’t succeed, put it out for beta test.)
To: JoeDetweiler
“She said she jumped into a fight after “some old lady” pushed her sister, Willow Palin, because “oh f***in’ hell no, no one’s gonna touch my sister.””And THAT is not acceptable.
39 posted on 10/23/2014 12:03:59 PM by SoConPubbie (Mitt and Obama: They’re the same poison, just a different potency)
To: SeekAndFind
There is an episode of Malcolm in the Middle where the hubby and sons defend Mom’s honor… kind of reminds me of that.
15 posted on 10/23/2014 11:49:52 AM by ican’tbelieveit
So – it’s just like a sitcom?
This explains a lot.
To: SeekAndFind
The Palins showed amazing restraint.Treat my daughter like that and I’ll shoot you,plain and simple.
9 posted on 10/23/2014 11:46:05 AM by Farmer Dean (stop worrying about what they want to do to you,start thinking about what you want to do to them)
And develop a size 12 asshole in prison while serving time for Murder 2. Sounds legit.
Isn’t it time for some deflection?
To: SeekAndFind
This made the news while biden’s son’s problem didn’t.
20 posted on 10/23/2014 11:54:11 AM by I want the USA back (Media: completely irresponsible. Complicit in the destruction of this country.)
To: I want the USA back
RE: This made the news while biden’s son’s problem didn’t.
I think BOTH made the news.
22 posted on 10/23/2014 11:54:57 AM by SeekAndFind (If at first you don’t succeed, put it out for beta test.)
And I’ll let “Hugh The Scot” have the last word here:
To: GeronL
I support Sara and her family, and ass whoopins when they are called for. In this case, for instance. Why is this woman not President?
56 posted on 10/23/2014 12:18:20 PM by Hugh the Scot ( Total War)
See you good people next week.