
im finally calling out me and driad smol-bat‘s abuser, and self-admitted pedophile,faust (or jack[ie]) zombieself. this is extremely important

content: #abuse, #pedophilia, #stalking, #harassment, #gaslighting, #ableism, #sexism, #threats, #suicide, #nsfw, #self harm, #rape, #incest, #bestiality / #zoophilia, #racism, #cultural appropriation, #lying, #manipulation, #sacrifice, #tokophobia

known urls: ph4u57, russian-dad, uwupenis, dickcrave, faust16, gossip-demiboy, zombieself, repausare, ourviolentimpulses

this is kinda long, sorry. please signal boost

disclaimer: i don’t have many receipts due to him deactivating his previous blog, ph4u57, and since nshrine.com shut down due to his eratic stalking and harassment of me and driad smol-bat‘s shrines (more on that later). there will be some, but this call out will mostly rely on testimonials from me and driad. all i ask is that you pls do your best to take our words for it, since this is serious business that we would not lie about.

the main story / my story

so faust and i became mutuals in late 2014 to early 2015. i don’t recall the exact month of anything but it was around that time frame. i had followed him first. at the time i was 15 and he was 22. he seemed very nice and there were no issues between us in our mutual following and friendship until approximately 4 months ago, after months of being mutuals + friends.

during this time faust also became mutuals with driad (16 at the time) and the relationship escalated to a sexual sense and then a relationship. (driad is from england, where he is a legal adult, so that was the justification for him dating faust, who was 22.) they seemed pretty well off although the relationship wasn’t very public.

in fact, i (driad’s best friend and qpp) had no idea that relationship had existed of that nature until it was over. so it was very “closed doors.” i later learned that faust was extremely abusive towards driad throughout the duration of the relationship. (more info on that later; press ctrl+f and type in “faust and driad’s abusive relationship” to skip to it now.)

like i said, with me and faust, we were on p good terms until around 4 months ago when allegations of him sending rape threats to a minor came out. i don’t recall if i had seen any receipts of it but faust was denying that the rape threat allegations were true and, being his friend and knowing him as a very nice person, i believed him. but things went downhill from there after people began accusing him more and more of things like ableism, more rape threats, harassment, etc. so i was starting to get a little uncomfortable. even though faust was denying everything, it was just so much that i couldn’t really ignore it. and there were receipts of it too. some of it.

in fact an anonymous person had even approached with about some stuff on faust, and faust and i had what i thought was a good talk about it, resulting in him apologizing for using the b-slur. he’d had some confusion about whether or not he could reclaim it because he identified as androgyne, but ultimately he cannot and could not.

but i really pulled the plug on faust when he outright admitted to supporting mikahel melloficient (then m1kahel), a known abuser, harasser, pedophilia apologist, racist, transphobic, etc. (proof: callouts by me and kahel-receipts) as a victim of mikahel’s harassment, i was really taken aback and immediately told faust i didn’t want to be friends anymore. he seemed neutral about it and we broke mutuals.

shortly after, some more accusations about him surfaced about him being a pedophile. and, instead of denying… he admitted he was.

shortly after, faust posted a suicide note (fake) and, after that got a reasonable amount of attention, he deactivated that account and everyone was relieved. however, this didn’t last long, as someone noticed parallels between his previous account at ph4u57 and a brand new blog, “uwupenis,” that had been made shortly after faust’s deactivation. i didn’t follow that ring of drama thoroughly because i was still in shock and disgust that i had unknowingly befriended a literal pedophile. i do know that uwupenis had turned out to absolutely be faust, and that that account subsequently deactivated.

ironically enough, uwupenis (who was faust) had been someone who messaged me regarding faust admitting he was a pedophile. (before deactivation, obviously.)

faust stayed away from tumblr for a while, but instead moved to a website driad and i (as well as many other mentally ill minors) used called nshrine.com. nshrine is currently an unavailable website. the reason is because of faust.

what faust did on nshrine was harass and abuse and stalk driad and i relentlesssly for weeks. i have no idea why, and i probably never will. was it because i cut him off? it wasn’t like i did it for no reason. for driad, was it because of their ended relationship? i have no idea.

faust posted candles (the nshrine equivalent of messages) on my shrine threatening me, accusing me of horrible things, namecalling me, etc. i stopped checking my shrine after a while because everytime i would go on, there’d be 50+ new messages just from him that i would have to delete. it was not worth the occasional good candles. driad took to defending me against faust, but of course that ultimately failed.

i remember one occasation vividly where i decided to confront faust myself about spamming my shrine with awful messages (in this case, it was things like “everyone hates you” and “you have no friends”). i had told him something like, “faust please stop, you are causing me to have constant bouts of anxiety attacks and paranoia and making me self harm.” (i have paranoid schizophrenia, which faust knew, and am a recovering self harmer.)

faust had replied with something like, “you don’t type like you’re paranoid, paranoid people tlk lik ee thhh i ss. you’re obviously faking it. liar. faker. i’ll tell everyone that you’re lying about being schizophrenic.”

not only was that response completely rude, but it was also ableist for denying my illness — which is even professionally diagnosed — and making fun of people whose typing gets messy when panicking. not only that, but he made an incorrect assumption that if you didn’t type that way when upset, you must be lying. he doesn’t know:

how long i took to be able to learn to try to control my attacks so they aren’t very eratic (allowing me to type not-so-messy)

how long i took to type that specific message because i HAD been typing like that because i was so fucking triggered by his abuse

i was even more angry and upset by him then, than before. shortly after that exchange, nshrine closed down and has stayed that way ever since.

(note: faust also harassed, stalked, and abused driad via nshrine, which will be covered in the section dedicated solely to what faust did to driad. again, to skip to the section press ctrl+f and type in “faust and driad’s abusive relationship” and it’ll take you right there.)

at the same time as the nshrine fiasco, a gossip blog called gossip-demiboy had emerged. driad and he became fast friends and, again, the relationship escalated to a sexual nature. driad and gossip-demiboy (mostly the latter) convinced me to join a skype chat with them. i eventually did, which was difficult for me because i have avpd.

gossip-demiboy quickly made the convo sexual, and driad kind of joined in, while i just kind of sat there uncomfortably. i was both in a closed relationship and did not know anything about gossip-demiboy, and therefore was not comfortable with the sexual nature of the skype chat.

i left fairly quickly and probably went blogging on tumblr for a few hours before i received a string of panicked, upset asks from driad claiming that gossip-demiboy had admitted to be faust in disguise. driad made a bunch of posts about it to inform others and soon after, the blog gossip-demiboy deactivated.

faust was then out of me and driad’s lives for a bit longer until i caught wind that he had a new blog. he had messaged me on a side account i had (that no longer exists), and said that he was “going to try to change himself” and stuff like that. the url of this blog, at the time, was faust16. (over time, he has changed the url from faust16 to russian-dad and finally to zombieself.)

above is a screenshot of his current about. he mentions to be into rape (“non-con,” aka “non-consensual”) as a kink, as well as “taboo break” (which is getting off to breaking cultural taboos, which include things like incest, rape, pedophilia, bestiality, etc.).

in fact, on his current nsfw blog dickcrave, mayonnaisekahel (another receipt blog for the aforementioned melloficient) collected a few receipts of instances of rape, pedophilia, etc.

it is also important to note that faust also practices shamanism. shamanism is, in short, a spiritual religion practiced by groups of indigenous peoples in what is now northern central asia, and some native americans. because faust is white, his practicing of the sacred religion is cultural appropriation, which many shamans call “plastic shamanism.” (more references: one // two // three)

in fact, in driad’s testimony, there is evidence of faust repeatedly ignoring and harassing someone who attempts to inform faust that he cannot be shaman. (again, to skip to the section press ctrl+f and type in “faust and driad’s abusive relationship” and it’ll take you right there.)

on faust’s faq page, he denies being a pedophile (“my fantasies about having sex with children were just a delusion uwu”), says his relationship with driad was when driad was 17 (he was 16; although faust is correct about how they were both legal adults but a 22 year old dating a 16 year old is still creepy), and also claims that he apologized for “doing things that were wrong” (aka absuing, stalking, harassing, etc me and driad). faust DID HAS and HAS NOT apologized to either me OR driad. he is lying.

he also says that people should “move on,” as if that’s SO easy for victims of abuse to move on!! driad can’t even read or hear the name “faust” without having a panic attack.

he also says he’s an anti-feminist now apparently.

on his mobile links page, he also admits to running two other blogs called “repausare,” a confession / “no judgement” blog, and “ourviolentimpulses,” for neurodivergent people to vent about their violent impulses. so just be sure to avoid these blogs too.

there’s also a rumor that faust is or was friends or mutuals with outted pedophile and zoophile hyenaboyyyy / teethingpuppy, who has actually acted upon his gross fantasies about children and animals (namely, dogs).

and now, onto driad and faust’s relationship…

faust and driad’s abusive relationship

faust initiated contact with driad (messaging, skyping, mutual following, etc) from finding him through me (driad is one of my best friends and someone interact with frequently). faust also knew driad from the aforementioned mikahel melloficient drama (before faust began to support mikahel, he was “against” them, so to speak). but anyway.

driad says that “[they] talked a lot, and [faust] seemed nice… nothing special.” but yeah, they got into a relationship soon after, when driad was 16 and faust was 22. driad didn’t see much of an issue with it at the time, since he;’s from england where the age of consent is 16, and faust is from russia where it is 14. however, driad now says that it was still very bad and disgusting for a 22 year old to be in a sexual (altho not physical, bc of the country difference) relationship with a 16 year old.

“I found out about [Faust’s] religion and it seemed weird? I knew [something] was up and when I searched [his] tumblr tag and found all the callouts and specifically animal sacrifice I felt worse and worse about being in a relationship with [him]. ([A]lso [Faust] mentioned about having a child for a god? That was weird too.)” — Driad

faust apparently used to be a practitioner of animal sacrifice, drowning rats for his deity of a religion he said he discovered himself. (this was before he switched to shamanism.) driad said that, upon learning this, he felt sickened, along with all the other accusations that were occurring. driad also recalls faust once mentioning wanting to have a child for his god. this made driad feel weirder, and now especially knowing faust is a pedophile…

so driad broke off the relationship. this was shortly before faust announced his support of mikahel and that he was a pedophile and all that.

then, the nshrine fiasco. faust targeted not only my shrine, but also driad’s and some of driad’s friends’ shrines, too, with vicious candles. driad has some receipts of one occasion in an imgur album here. (driad is the blue candles, faust is the purple, and one of driad’s ex-friends who was a friend at the time named amar is yellow. conversations start from the bottom of the screen and end at the top.)

driad says that at another point faust pretended to be sombeody else else via candles on nshrine that had seen the harassment driad was receiving, and to attack the candles faust was leaving. (i hope that makes sense but if it doesn’t it’d be like, faust leaves a candle as himself saying, “fuck you driad” and would reply as the fake identity saying, “leave driad alone!!” and just go back and forth like that.)

driad also brings up the gossip-demiboy situation and the lying faust did there by pretending to be a different person to be sexual with driad. driad says faust only revealed himself as faust after a few weeks. driad says this initiated his first ever anxiety attack, which he know has just about every time he thinks about faust and the abuse and manipulation he underwent. about the gossip-demiboy incident, driad says:

“That was the worst bit honestly, being lied to so many times and at such a personal level, making me that vulnerable to such a manipulative and destructive person.” — Driad

also, faust later spread a rumor about driad, saying that driad admitted to faust that he was a zoophile. this is incorrect and a disgusting accusation that still makes the rounds even today (but not as prevalent as it was a few months ago).

so that’s driad’s story.

if you have any receipts / testimonials on faust yourself, please comment them or submit them to me.

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