Tom Dawkins, Misys
Misys today is launching Misys FinCloud, a range of cloud solutions and “global cloud environment” for its clients. It is supported by “selected global and local infrastructure providers, systems integrators and solution partners”, including Rackspace and NTT Communications, Misys says.
With Misys FinCloud “clients gain faster access to innovation through shorter and more predictable on-boarding and updates”, says the vendor.
“Offered on elastic, consumption-based charging models, Misys FinCloud clients pay for what they use.”
An early adopter, Milan-based Banca Akros (the investment and private banking arm of Banca Popolare di Milano Group), goes on the record about its use of FusionCapital Summit in the cloud. “We benefit from high performance, high availability and strong security,” states Ferrante Zilioli, CIO of Banca Akros. “Misys takes care of every aspect of managing the solution so we can stay focused on our business.”
Tom Dawkins, global head of cloud enablement at Misys, says: “Today we are launching new cloud solutions into each of our four main lines of business – this is a first wave of Misys FinCloud solutions to be launched.” The four business lines comprise retail banking, corporate banking, treasury and capital markets (TCM), and investment management.