Our partner from dealers net Czech republic - Lovec pokladu, regional shop owned the famous hunter nick name Zipsy from North Bohemia was last one night heavy hit - thieves did stoled number of metal detectors. Detectors are not in majority equiped fully, with boxes, documentation, manuals... etc etc... If you would be in touch with people with metal detectors described below, please, could you contact a police athorities or me at web pages:
If you could help, share this list across the metal detecting comunities wolrldwide now, please.
Stolen detectors:
Bounty Hunter ES Platinium 11 no serial number
Bounty Hunter ES Titanium 10 no serial number
C.Scope CS1MX 224315
C. Scope CS3MX 226896
C.Scope CS4MX 227034/ c223098
Garrett ACE 150 52324941
Garrett ACE 250 52372622
Garrett AT Pro International 52332647
Garrett EuroACE 52361899
Garrett EuroACE 53159335
Golden Mask GM1+ HF bez sondy 8674
Golden Mask GM4 Pro W set 12x10 + 7 9030
Golden Mask GM4 Pro set 12x10 + 7 8233
Golden Mask GM2 10x9 8060
Golden Mask GM3 10x9 no serial number
Minelab Etrac Plus 40422505444/ 40481511496
Minelab Safari 40424505086/ 40481511534
Minelab X-Terra 305 40425504409/ 40467508305
Minelab X-Terra 505 40426501517/ 40473505088
Minelab X-Terra 705 40427533172/ 40473515727
Minelab X-Terra 705 40427533907/ 40473516070
Nexus Credo DDM 10 DD 5201316
Nokta Velox One 03647/ c03991
Tesoro Cibola 12x10 209884/ c75544
Tesoro Cortes 204049
Tesoro DeLeon 200658
Tesoro EuroSabre 9x8 214382/c81087
Tesoro Lobo 12x10 HOT 2D 20646
Tesoro Outlaw 203709/ c67725/ c67226
Tesoro Silver 9x8 206186/ c71445
Tesoro Silver 9x8 206179/ c71330
Tesoro Tejon 9x8 211772/ c77888
Viking VK40 no serial number
Garrett ProPointer 52254615
Minelab ProFind 25 12290010370
Minelab ProFind 25 12290014029
Minelab ProFind 25 12290016210
Minelab ProFind 25 12290021327
Nokta RS Pinpointer 3960
Nokta RS Pinpointer 3980
Nokta RS Pinpointer 4512
Nokta RS Pinpointer 4928
Nokta RS Pinpointer 5353
White´s Bullseye II 3647603
Thank you very much for your support!