
Invoices are the only real proof that a business exchange has taken place. Ensure you get them right with these templates.

If you are involved in any type of business, chances are you’re going to need to know the ins and outs of invoicing. Invoices are legal documents which detail an an exchange of goods or services. They are needed by both parties involved in the transaction as they act as proof of the agreed-upon terms and they also act as a tax receipt for government and legal purposes.

Even though they’re common, people often make mistakes when filling out invoices. It’s important to have all of the necessary information to ensure that the invoice is valid. The team at finder.com.au has put together everything you need to know about invoices, and provided you with some free invoice templates that you can use for all your invoicing needs.

Table Of Contents:

Adding professionalism to your invoices

Tax invoice template and checklist

Template for under $1,000 invoice:

Template for over $1,000 invoice:

Proforma template and guide

Job work invoice template and checklist

Adding professionalism to your invoices

It’s no secret that stationary and invoices which are structured correctly and have a professional appearance can put your business ahead of others, so sometimes it pays to use a professional letterhead when making an invoice.

There are many companies which can take care of this for you. One such company is Vistaprint, which has a large range of standard designs which you can use for your invoices, and also allows you to upload your own custom logo design.

Vistaprint will print out your letterheads and uses high quality full-colour printing and papers to achieve the best result for you.

Here are some designs which are available from Vistaprint now

Swirly A4 Letterhead

Balloons A4 Letterhead

Manufacturing A4 Letterhead Gear Industry

Growth Chart A4 Letterhead

Big Ben A4 Letterhead

Types of invoices

There are three main types of invoices that you may need to use:

Tax invoice.This type of invoice is usually issued by the seller and shows the price of sale, whether it includes GST and the amount charged. These types of invoices are usually automated using accounting or cashier software at shops and other businesses, but many small businesses still write these out manually.

Proforma invoice.This type of invoice details a transaction which is going to take place. It sets out an agreed upon price and quantity for the transaction which needs to be honoured by both parties.

Job work invoice.This type of invoice is usually used by contract workers and freelancers, and is used to detail the amount of work they have done and how much they need to be paid. These are extremely important for tax purposes as they determine income and how much tax the contractor will need to pay.

Tax invoice template and checklist

There are two types of tax invoices: invoices for sales of less than $1,000 and sales of more than $1,000.

Sales of less than $1,000 must include the following:

The seller’s identity

The seller’s Australian Business Number (ABN)

The date the tax invoice was issued

Description of items sold, including quantity and price

GST amount payable in relation to the sale

The extent to which the sale on the invoice below is taxable

Template for under $1,000 invoice:

Tax Invoice  

Jack's Windows and Glass

ABN: 32 323 198 777

17 Keller Street

Redfern NSW


Date: 20th February 2014

To: Jane's Flowers

     17 Smith Street

     Sydney NSW 2000

Description of supply                                                                        Total

Glass window panes                                                                            $900

Total price incl. GST                                                                          $900

Sales of $1,000 and more must include the following:

The seller’s identity

The seller’s ABN

The date the tax invoice was issued

The buyer’s identity or ABN

A description of items sold, including the quantity and price

The GST amount payable in relation to the sale

The extent to which the sale on the invoice is a taxable sale

Template for over $1,000 invoice:

Tax Invoice  

Jack's Windows and Glass

ABN: 32 323 198 777

17 Keller Street

Redfern NSW


Date: 20th February 2014

To: Jane's Flowers

     17 Smith Street

     Sydney NSW 2000


Description of supply

Unit price




Glass window panes




Total amount payable


Proforma template and guide

A proforma invoice is slightly more complicated invoice as it needs to include all costs associated with the sale, not just the cost of the goods or services that are being exchanged. Here’s a quick guide on how to put together a proforma invoice:

You need to decide on the price and sale terms of the prospective transaction, these may have been laid out in an initial agreement between you and the buyer. Your invoice needs to include additional costs that you will incur for the transaction including shipping, transport, insurance, taxes, custom fees and duties. Make sure this is as detailed as possible because it’s regarded as a binding sale agreement.

Make sure the invoice is clearly labelled as a proforma invoice. You need to include full names and mailing addresses for the seller and buyer and the date. If the invoice is only valid until a certain date, make sure to include that date as well.

Include as much detail as possible about the goods or services that are a part of the transaction, and include the country of origin as this is a requirement for some country’s custom requirements.

Outline the financial and shipping terms of the sale, including the type of currency you will use. You should also include a cost per unit for each item and also a total price.

Sign and date the proforma and send it off.


Proforma Invoice



Lucy Jones

Tom Fitzgerald

27 Richardson St

27 Arnott St

Sydney NSW 2000

Chicago, Illinois, 60667


Mode of transport

Total Packages

Total gross weight







Unit Price $



Green plates





Blue bowls





Yellow forks






Tax rate


Sales Tax


Shipping and handling




Job work invoice template and checklist

When you are invoicing for a freelance or contract job, you should pick a template and stick to it for the sake of consistency. Here’s what to include:

You and your client’s name and address

Your client or your own job number or order number

Details about the work you completed, including hours

Dates you completed the work, if relevant

An invoice number and date

Payment amount and terms

Your registered business address, business name and ABN

Your bank details


Invoice Number 42

Invoice date: 20th February 2014


New Beginning Magazine

Simon Jones

79 Cross Ave

12 Wayward Lane

Sydney NSW 2000

Drummoyne NSW 2076

Job number: ART467





Article - How to start fresh




Article - Valentines Day






Payment due: 27th February 2014

Please make cheques payable to: Simon Jones
Electronic payments:

Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 062 345

Account number: 12 345 678 9

Browse through more letterheads at Vistaprint now

Finder.com.au regularly has coupon codes which can be used on the Vistaprint website to secure discounts and special offers, so be sure to view these before making an order.

The post Download Free Invoice Templates appeared first on finder.com.au.

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