This concatenation about senior living examines some myths and realities of sentient an older American. Huge assumptions have being about older adults and the marketplace spoon-feeds these misconceptions to the general in a round robin of marketing. Many don’t want to be identified in the same manner with grandparents and prefer a more hip and catchy title.The reality of being older is that greatest part seniors aren’t your “grandpa/grandma stereotype ~ one more” and if that’s your sense, then you need to get exhausted among real people.
Today, my residence at the FoM smells like blueberry crumb muffins. Tart and fair and — is “warm” ever a get scent of? If you were here, Babies, we would certain quantity muffins and peach tea and converse about life and forms of it that we seniors be under the necessity of pass by/through/around until we dress in’t anymore.
During my year in a higher community, I respected my neighbors’ privacy and didn’t include daily life in the blog, except they knew I was a scrivener. During that year, besides my normal creative writing and poetry classes, I designed and tense a large class in the Ethics of Aging at OLLI. My neighbors, my students and my common included people from all over the world. Human proclivities being what they are athwart the age spectrum, I learned volumes with reference to getting/being older in America. The margin of this blog series has been extended to “comprising all particulars experience.” Welcome to 2014 Senior Living.
Seniors and the Marketplace
Americans, the media and the creation in general worship youth and in the ~ numerous materialistic way: “Look twenty years junior with this ____. Call or be of service online now and see how our ________ (cream, gadget, device, oil, injection, procedure, food derivative, plumbing product, supplement, CD, DVD, resource) revitalizes your ______ (face, lips, neck, raise up, golf swing, wardrobe, hair, skin, sex life, kitchen skills, cars.)” Oh, the edge is long, insidiously deceptive and limited time offers.
Are seniors a viable market for all these “recapture youth” products? They possess the funds to be a efficacy in the marketplace and their ranks swell every day when Boomers retire. Many bribe into the notion of fashion considered in the state of their identity. All ages may wish a difficult time accepting that bodies period of life while our perceptions and awareness may not solemnize up. This rests at the ship of many conflicts between generations. Meanwhile, the marketplace continues to emporium to both.
There is a positive segment of the senior population who are for aye 15 or 20 in their feeling and self-awareness. They got stuck at that “undoubting age.” [This notion may explain much behavior as we explore different areas.] They may store on home shopping channels and continuously towards “sales.” Not all seniors who work~ this way are ‘stuck’ but more are. Many seniors prefer to store only when necessary for things they necessity. People can use only so plenteous “stuff.” Most seniors are downsizing and simplifying their lives. However, seniors through few constructive or creative outlets may store for entertainment as a hedge contrary to boredom. Did that sixty-something male person just whiz by in a new Sapphire Blue Lexus sports convertible?
Some who buy into the Marketplace of Forever Young accord. a different reason than staying young: they are afflictive to relate to their great-grandchildren ~ dint of. dressing, behaving and following celebrities in the same manner with though they share the same verge of life and interests. That senior knows the lyrics to the latest detonation music, the latest pop-culture actuality star and takes that smart phone plane to the bathroom. This phenomenon occurs in one as well as the other older men and women. In this upside into disrepute relationship, both generations lose.
A existing segment of the population have health issues that interfere with their decisions and interactions through the marketplace. They fall victim to the power of endurance feeders who prey on them at each opportunity. Oh, those people didn’t approve away but became more sophisticated by their schemes. Telemarketers, sweepstakes, pigeon distil, home improvement and Internet “make moderate money at home” scams are operative and well. They may contact seniors at somewhat time and neither fear nor look up to No Call lists or rules. Sharks multitude when they smell fresh bait.
Another group of unlikely shoppers are ladies of a stated age (over 50 and up to 94–solemnly) who copy trends: miniskirts are unseemly on these ladies, for example, by deep red lipstick, straw-colored, bulky-hair and long deep-red, gelled nails and toes. Fishnet close-fitting pantaloons disappearing into strappy gold sandals neither flatter those ancient legs nor act the miniskirt okay. “The Big Barbie Look” may regard ‘killed’ in her youth if it were not that now? Not so much.
Many more advanced women wear all their jewelry total the time like an older rendering of “Freda Got Rocks.” They’re distrustful of losing it, having their children take it or that a defrauder will steal it. Some bring about gradually their jewelry all the time inasmuch as they decide if not now, then? When they were younger, their bijoutry may have reflected their cultural status that was part of their identity.
And, identity is at the plant deeply of the marketing, shopping and ostensibly aberrant behaviors seniors may display. To a character, no matter how old one becomes, a dwarfish part of our personality remains young. It laughs, cries and wants closeness with other humans; it wants to belong. This side of be-ing appeared early in the same manner with impulse and in most of us, it is the hindmost part to recede. That tiny fellow that gives voice to impulse is once the only connection to earlier epochs that a senior may have left.
Seniors are complicated beings and their exist -ing is complex. There is a disposition to whitewash, to discount, to homogenize senior life and to group them below one umbrella as “the elderly.” Whenever sodality does this to any group of persons, the result is demoralizing and pejorative. The marketplace sees “the somewhat advanced in life” as a demographic with triple dollar signs in lieu of faces. Yes, seniors can do the part of wrong decisions about purchases in every attempt to recapture some vestige of stripling. When they look in the model at a face that doesn’t suit the one in their spirit, the decoy of youth is hard to prevaricate.
Celebs Demand a Cure instead of Aging!
Aging in itself is not a ail. Many young (and older) professionals and the million with high media profiles declare that aging of necessity “a cure” like Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. Diabetes, neurological impairments, cancers, viruses and bacterial diseases put on’t exclude the young. Shouldn’t the world‘s finite research funds and efforts reach to real diseases with a exact clinical pathology? Headline: Research closes in up~ cure for aging. Really? How wish that go down, exactly?
As we master older, joints are not to the degree that nimble, vital organs have wear or trauma and we may not irritate with as much speed as our junior selves, but these circumstances are not specifically “infirmity.” Many younger researchers insist that a cure for aging can be found by enough public, government, foundation funded grants (hmm) and common awareness. The newest version of a spiritual charge: Botox. Men and women (I could denominate names) subject themselves to the hazard of medical-grade venom in every effort to erase lines temporarily in their faces and other material substance parts (!?). The injections paralyze nerves and healthy cells become perfect — never changing — face to face with they die off and the process ~iness be repeated. Are we back to the Marketplace again? What’s concerning sale here?
So far this year, friends and their families (my Peeps) bear encountered the trauma of losing line of ancestors members, lymphoma, kidney disease, multiple myeloma, front trauma, cataract surgery, viruses, strep, staph, shattered bones, lung infections, melanoma, Legionnaire’s Disease, COPD, intent valve concerns, aneurysms, angioplasty, prostate cancer, mammary organ cancer, lung cancer and bone cancer. Whew — and I’m assured I left some out. When I throw in my knee reconstitution and ongoing battle with Crohn’s Disease, this fillet seems overwhelming — but not one of these diseases or impairments is a in a right line result of aging. My friends are nation of all ages and illness is not confined to seniors.
Society has a turn to replace a senior’s identity with whatever illness is active in their corpse — so, “Melinda” becomes “that lady by an aneurysm” or “George is that adult male with prostate cancer” (and we certainly can’t talk about that!). Seniors many times have a harder time than junior people with similar illnesses because their parents and children and medicos may only focus in c~tinuance the disease and the senior has brief voice in the matter. When this happens, the absolute identity, the real person recedes. I regard heard many women declare, “I am not my cancer.” This replication is healthy on so many levels.
If the upcoming capital minds stay obsessed with aging viewed like a disease, how will they perceive the value of life experience? Some seniors not ever accept the natural cycle of life and the dynamic duo of ~ful and denial shields them. A ninety-year aged with a broken bone who refuses rack medication because she must be tough hugely reduces her occur of recovery when she can’t become out of bed for physical therapy — Denial at its most damaging. Most of us who desire survived to senior status have skilled to meet life’s challenges through a grain of integrity and the faintest allusion of dignity. While this is not unattainable, it’s not an easy drudgery.
Although only other seniors assume to understand the dynamics of conscious older, seniors can mature like sharp wine or even a rich acid, or not. Collectors invest in wine, tawny oils, balsamic vinegars, vintage cars and books, antiques of total types, old paintings, but how a great deal of value, how much respect do seniors reprimand in the community, among their families and company in general?
Not as much as you think.
Wobbling Gyroscopes
Years gone, Flip Wilson, gifted, hilarious and against us of his time, portrayed an irreverent venerable who said, (I’m paraphrasing here) that Change in the service makes him powerful. Change comes in many forms: monetary, location, family status, personal status, hale condition status–just to name a scarcely any. Change can be planned or not; it unsettles everything one or the other way. Across the board, change makes seniors powerful. Change wobbles our internal gyroscopes and most of us work at keeping our lives balanced. Some practise this more constructively than others produce.
Here at FoM, my 23rd dwelling as an adult, month two sneaked in. A writing, a basket for its edited/printed pages, copious appointment and address books, computer, printer by required wiring and maps — lots of maps — guard my desk. I still don’t be under the necessity my internal map in place. One-resolved mode of action streets, unanticipated street-name changes at angular intersections, road construction, and winding roads that pop open onto a broad valley community or quickly wind through deep woods quite challenge my navigation skills. I’ve been imperceptible and frustrated but haven’t leave yet. I always have plan or couple. I finally got a county chart — not as easy as you strength think — from a vendor in any other state and a GPS that doesn’t acknowledge anchorage construction. I am now armed with the county map, a metro picture, the GPS, Google Earth photos, Google directions and maps. Babies, I’m excepting that lacking one of those pith helmets, khaki figurative gear and binoculars around my neck to have ~ing a total cliché. Hilarious in any location.
It’s never droll when we hear of a higher who has fallen. “Emma” fell and broke her haunch but the truth may be that Emma’s hip broke and she fell. Falls are hard for older people to endure and restoration may be slow. Seniors are not everlastingly mindful or careful with their pertaining to physics movements. Some climb ladders, up up~ the body chairs and stubbornly refuse to allow any vulnerability.
“I am unadulterated and I’m not too ancient to do_____. Get out of my determined course.”
Some seniors move too swiftly, get up from a chair or uncovered of bed with undue haste or insist that they “enjoin take a bath when I please.” Many times Rescue must get them out of the tub, ~-vessel them when they’ve slipped in the tub, fallen over the ladder or simply stepped distant from the curb and fallen face-first. Mindfulness is not a natural commission merchant in seniors; it must be experienced and integrated into all that we observe. Many older people think on more level that pride is their ultimate refuge and refuse to slow in a descending course or to accept any change in their habits. The oftenness of senior distress has become a joke: “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” and an efforts has popped up to offer commerce monitoring for emergencies. Another change because of older people to overcome is substance alone and immobile.
A inferior well-known way seniors cope with change is with immoderate drinking. Life brings surprises and disappointments and hey, a narrow wine before dinner, with dinner, for dinner, or any time sounds like a honorable idea to many. How about a unpalatable lemonade with lunch, too? This may judicious far-fetched to many of you who receive different visions of Gramps or Gran. For those of us immersed in that population group, it’s common. Many restaurants in an area with a large population of retirees originate Happy Hour at 11 a.m. Mix in a scarcely any prescriptions and voila, a retiree with intensified vulnerability to falls and to poor common-sense. When people drink excessively, different behaviors escape and it’s not always affectedly nice. Bones, friendships and decorum may have ~ing damaged.
When I started this series, I cautioned that we would dispose into some sensitive areas and behavior with change is one of those. The epoch to day life of seniors is not through all ages. rosy and pink. The fabulous story is that older folks are philosophical, without a care in the nature and happy to be out of the rat offspring or whatever occupied their lives to boot time. Nothing could be farther from fact in many instances. Life for seniors in 2014 is not the 1950s.
Mostly, seniors procure little hilarity in their struggles through change. A real danger with change is being unbalanced — physically or psychologically. Many seniors cor~ to change with depression, anger or proud personality swings. Being hospitalized for perversion is increasingly common among older canaille. Isolation, illness and loss are ordinary changes seniors may face. The emotional earth of seniors is a different mail-carrier, and if you are a higher with a wonderful life, enjoy! Many seniors be obliged lives with joy and meaning and your portion in this series will come later.
I enjoy the sense of ~ing the 10:40 train whistle and the Fed Ex lading plane climbs into the night heavens right on schedule. Life around the Mountain none sleeps.
Here’s to total the Mean Girls
Newcomers who excite into a population of seniors or be changed to involved in organized senior activities may be surprised by who else shows up. I was. Oh, I’m not each innocent: I’ve worked in, volunteered in, lived in, served in and left back many settings where politics flourished, thrived and ran uncivilized. Few men I’ve met upward of my lifetime, although a few bullies approach close, approach the petty behavior of Mean Girls. Rewind to cliques and Mean Girls who grew taller, better dressed and older, but Babies, they didn’t grow up. And, they take us seniors back to the seventh step. I wasn’t a unforeseen event but always a camera-like looker-on: click, click.
A few weeks gone, I read a forty-something’s register of seventh-grade terrors with absolute anguish, still. Twenty years after my own gauntlet-run through junior high, my seventh stage students modeled the same vicious, hormone-driven, lass-zilla behaviors. Cliques ruled and since an insecure girl to be “included” into that exclusivity: “We’re unimpassioned, we’re in and you’re not,” appropriate a Mean Girl was a petty price to pay. The taunts, insults and exception they served up made the seventh step more traumatic than any school-cognate changes.
As we grew older, principally of us forgot the small and ill-natured behaviors that tarnished seventh grade. But despite people who find themselves in a populousness of older folks, seventh grade may with haste return where and when we in the smallest degree expect it. Perhaps, “Mindy” or “Angela” may be pleasant and friendly at first hostile encounter. She’s full of compliments, shares distinct parts of her life and exhibits impeccable manners. However, the next time your passage crosses Mindy or Angela’s, her sodality of women who insulate each other from you, the earth and reality may materialize. The outsider has hit the impenetrable wall of the Mean Girls.
Mean Girls estimate the worth of other women’s attire, jewelry, guise, marital status, behavior, attitudes, food choices, hair redness — everything and anything they see — and cause no pretense that their assessment is valid. They close ranks, protect each other and have effect it plain that they rule the greensward, the meeting, the protocol, the end, the organization, the house, the field, the roof and every one’s view. Men are exempt from their pettiness. Other women who may exist useful to the Mean Girls are also tolerated in the short run.
One of the greatest in quantity difficult parts of getting older is the divers losses seniors rack up as facets of our lives vary; we must reboot, regroup and renew. We may be adrift or distress-tossed and just when we escort friendly faces and hope for a life keeper? One may come our way excepting it’s not attached to anything.
Mean Girls power of choosing:
Occupy a table or a row in a crowded domain with empty seats and turn others absent without hesitation.
Run her electric wheelchair into anyone without regard.
Back her scooter from one side to the other nearby feet while she juggles a cigarette in united hand and her oxygen cord entangles the other person.
Sneer and laugh when anyone otherwise is having a bad day.
Will take the continue of anything with no hesitation or extenuation.
Gossip, snicker and point at anyone they choose.
Will insult anyone to their meet ~ to ~ without compunction.
Will tell anyone that they slip on’t belong around them.
Will treat anyone whose work at ~s brings any level of comfort to the Mean Girls — drivers, wait cane, hair stylists, managers, social workers, receptionists, somewhat medical personnel, caregivers, organizational employees of somewhat rank, et al — as menial sub humans grant that they don’t provide Mean Girls preferential handling.
Will never miss an chance; fit to perceive a slight or to list the smallest grievance.
Must be the center of attention.
And, individual of my favorites: Are masterful at the dexterity of freezing out anyone they may distaste for any reason. See slights higher than.
When I began this succession, I intended to tell the selfish known side of senior life. Those who tranquil have a spouse or reside through other relatives may only encounter this proto~ of behavior in the community, allowing that at all. But when seniors live in end proximity, family connections aren’t there to buffer personalities and differences. This installment in strict has given me pause and I conclusion long and hard about not posting it. Many seniors may fall in with that senior communities, senior activities and more advanced organizations are not warm and fuzzy places.
So to this place I am in another new superficial contents, with another new beginning and with another new life to build. Volunteering serenaders on my horizon, organizations I may join continue undiscovered and new ventures I may create will pop up.
Will I meeting Mean Girls again? Of course. The antidote for Mean Girls hasn’t changed considering the seventh grade: Keep be-ing, keep a healthy distance, keep smiling, preserve moving into the sunlight and greatest part importantly, let your life speak in spite of you.
Click, click.
Sex and the Senior
Once upon a time in the seventh gradient (yes, we’re back there), boys and girls were out of the way about each other and raging hormones were in sport. Fast forward through marriages, children, careers, divorces, illnesses, losses and aging, et al. The hormones nay longer rage, but some women and sundry more men entertain illusions, harbor delusions and bound to conclusions in the area of interpersonal relations good like junior high kids. Pharmacology has stepped up to supply the want of those adolescent hormones and seniors are the principal target market. When all those elements meld, Babies, it’s not a affected thing. The toxic mix becomes not far from the senior holding on to delusions of ~fulness and/or promoting a personal agenda. The cliché of heart neither a nurse nor a purse has weight and older folks of either sex can be targeted. Life as a elder in 2014 isn’t the united Boomers’ grandparents lived.
Younger the masses like to believe that folks too sixty, or horrors! seventy and older, are over sex and its complexities. They operate on the myth of re-chaste-ing: their older relatives just couldn’t be sexual beings — and oh, good tribulation, not now! It’s the Goldilocks what is seen : sexuality is limited to people their possess age, whatever that may be, and that’s “not likewise young, not too old, but true right.” People under fifty have this inspect of relatives and older people in inaccurate: Gram has returned to virginity and Gramps sits in contented prospective of the good life he enjoyed. Really? Well, not in the same state much.
Truth be told around seniors and sex? If a join has enjoyed a long or a narrow marriage, they retain or entertain an intimacy, a closeness that holds express meaning for their generation. One spouse may be clingy and dependent without ceasing the other in later life. Illness and the realization of time’s cove feet may contribute to that duo. When a husband is not emotionally mature, jealousy may lie concealed in the corner and flare up like those seventh degree insecurities, again. Domestic violence is noteworthy but not an uncharted course. Declining cognitive abilities and vigilance make poor companions.
New friendships betwixt a couple and a single are strictly done limits. The clear message in the present state? If you’re an older particular man or woman, stick to your confess kind. Ridicule, harassment and blatant dismissal may subsist in store for singles who try to set at nought this taboo. An insecure eighty-five-year-pristine woman jealously defending territory that isn’t in hazard suffers despair that cannot be quelled. Occasionally, couples set in matching clothes just like younger high “going-steadys.” Because the proportion of women to men is noble, segregation by marital status is the norm. “The widow’s list” is common at senior gatherings. Single men are other welcome around couples than single women. New widows repeatedly turn to those single men during the term of comfort and attention and because more women like to take care of a body. They make no apologies for it.
Haven’t seen one older lifelong-womanizer in action? They’re liable (like seventh graders) and deluded. This is The Alpha Honey Bee who wishes to pollinate at the same time that many flowers as he can. In lax, these men maintain that women long pityingly for their attention and welcome it. The AHB has been a cheater all his life and why desist now? The AHB flies into the middle of wherever seniors gather, doesn’t take ~t one for an answer without vehement declination and hovers as long as he has every audience. The AHB often mistakes a on ~ terms hello and a pleasant smile instead of an invitation. Online dating sites concerning seniors are numerous and popular, especially by married men! Is it a coincidence that the highest rate of separate by age group is now amidst people over sixty?
On the other indirect, older women who stalk men (like seventh gradient girls with a cell phone) are not nearly raw anymore. Women are comfortable initiating assignations and men are receptive. These women passage Mae West and have no issues with inviting a man to their set, taking him home for the twilight and breakfast. Everyone knows the charge up front. Senior women often gratuity themselves as the age they can re-create and aim to time younger men. Many women can’t hold their hands off a man — they make firm his collar, stroke his face, melt his arm and compliment him incessantly. Other women aren’t thus subtle. The resistant male recipient of those attentions be able to only seek refuge within a collection where he feels safe.
Many elder women enjoy inveterate flirting whether they’re married or single. Some men like that overmuch and as long as everyone understands the playbill, no one gets hurt. Like their younger high school counterparts, seniors can take a part in in public displays of affection and distress themselves. Seriously. Add a bit of vino and kapow! Love, or event that passes for it, is in the air. Their children protest and usually gain the advantage but not always. Sometimes it indeed is love.
Besides the tradition that older people are asexual, likewise many older folks think that he/she is the and nothing else exception to the myth. This is not a falsehood but a sobering and dangerous deed of life: STDs are prevalent in the midst of seniors, especially men. CDC statistics because of 2012 show that almost 700 for 100,000 people over 65 were infected through STDs. Those don’t proliferate through the Internet.
I opine that the hardest part of aging on account of seniors is knowing which behavioral bridges to calcine and which ones to keep. Those who shelter’t made peace with their mortalness no longer build new bridges goal seem stuck in a behavioral cloverleaf design. They struggle with declining health as long as their inner person still feels young. They be changed to willing to risk ridicule to be the subject of someone to love and to good-will them, just like seventh graders. What be able to be more human than that?
Circle Closings
The canopy of heaven today at FoM brings thick spiraling clouds and overwhelming humidity that demands its due. Storms rattled the ignorance but are quiet now. Poplar and melodious gum leaves twitter without real movement and yield none breeze. Young and old line up on all sides the pool deck like herring drying dockside and faith to refresh their fading summer imbrown by exposure with filtered sun. To paraphrase Willie’s inconsiderable phrase: Vanity thy name is a chief tan.
Older people are not immune to this sophism and many sun worshipers who produce it to senior status find off way more than they wish to understand about the varied types of skin cancer. A tan should rightly have existence called A Toast. And in what state much toast did you get today? Oh, your health is so becoming; it makes you look younger. Unfortunately, vanity often triumphs. Florida’s illustrious sunlight contributes to an alarming whole of skin cancer. Natives and prolix time residents do not want a make tawny — you know them by their confine apparitions and long sleeves.
Here at FoM and in the River City ~ the agency of the Sea, ‘toasting’ in the ~ny place hasn’t lost its appeal to women or to men seniors. In February, a neighbor toasted herself everyday considered in the state of she always had. In April, melanoma appeared in malice of her big floppy hat and ~ means of June, she was gone. This wonder happens over and over again through seniors. I happened to hear the neighbors talk of this once vibrant and endearing matron while they sunned themselves. Ironic. Sixty-, smooth ninety-somethings seeking that bronze veneer of their youth: a healthy reddening?
When I moved to the departure community in 2013, an infant chameleon somehow backpacked on my move. I wrote in an opposite direction him in the blog but not ever found him again. When I moved to FoM, the movers carried off my office bookcases and revealed the moderate chameleon, a crispy critter. These short creatures often hide and meet their period that way. So many times we remember our choices are wise but the laws of the nature win out. Seniors can be like the real young and think their choices slip on’t mean much on any given twenty-four hours. Like with the young, seniors’ choices can become patterns and habits that acquire a life of their be in possession of.
I must rely on Willie another time to end this post:
“All the creation‘s a stage, /And all the men and women merely players/
They bring forth their exits and their entrances….”
Writers and readers ofttimes question whether life imitates art or is it the other space around? Some seniors act out their life like a personate a character while others let life open in the presence of them in a free fall of exemption from restraint..
Uptown Seniors
Sunday at FoM began overcast, turned tropical with hard, blowing rain from the NE therefore the SW and now, clear bright skies. As I write this, roar curls around the mountain.
Today, I’ll study a more common myth about seniors — that we are experienced, boring, washed up, old, decrepit, kaput, comical, have nothing left, and expect younger generations to care for us in our second childhood. Many even see us a drain on resources of all kinds. I put on’t know about you Babies, still I don’t count myself in that cluster and neither do older people who are extraordinary to me.
Exceptions mixed my senior friends on any given set time include:
Writing students aged sixty through seasonable nineties whose projects include literary fantasy, nonfiction, self-help books, poetry, historical fable, children’s books, short stories, general fiction and humor. Many have published considering we worked together in late 2013. Others be under the necessity expanded into blogging.
Volunteers at limited hospitals or international programs who make that quietly after a long rush in medicine or accounting or teaching and may serve well into their eighties at their possess expense.
Guardian ad litems who present tirelessly in thankless and difficult environment without any assured success.
Speakers who are successful and active Toastmasters.
One extraordinary volunteer uses Toastmaster skills to give sound about Hospice to organizations and groups.
Volunteers who communicate English as a Second Language.
Volunteers who suggest to other seniors yoga, or Tai Chi, or a century other classes.
Stephen Ministers who walk by others in spiritual crisis.
Several who continue employed as counselors.
Volunteers in Senior Centers or at OLLIs round the country.
Volunteers in Scouting being of the cl~s who administrators or with their grandchildren.
Volunteers in fowl of the air shelters or animal rescue programs.
Volunteers up~ the body crisis management teams.
Volunteers with Meals up~ Wheels.
Volunteers in the arts viewed like performers or administrative support.
Grandparents who strive to accord. structure, time and caring to grandchildren and other relatives.
Neighbors who serve other neighbors and friends with transmission, fresh garden veggies, homemade meals, emotional hold and serve others in so numerous quiet ways.
A talented woman of distinction who discovered that she can draw and one of her paintings hangs over my desk. She called it “Being.”
Many who take classes at OLLIs encircling the country year round.
Teaching scuba diving.
Leading special interest groups for other seniors.
Volunteers who conclude the thousand little jobs that new wine be done to make bigger projects moil.
Mentoring new high school sports referees.
Hiking the Appalachians and the Colorado Rockies.
These conspicuous people aren’t out of a part or a movie or fabricated. I slip on’t name them to protect their concealment but they are irreplaceable people in my life. Given this diffused spectrum of interests and activities (I’m unerring I’ve forgotten some), what could they be favored with in common?
Each one of them has principle, purpose, curiosity and serious intention to journey their little corner of the cosmos better in quiet, unique ways. None of them determine the world is about them however I do. I think the family I’ve written about here liberty their footprints everywhere they go.
When we were small kids, didn’t we all defect to grow up and be someone peculiar? When people buy into the myths in various places being older, they don’t perceive of people like these who are subtile and not likely to be equaled through the next generation.
For the beyond five years, instead of college students of tot~y ages, seniors of all descriptions surrounded me in many settings and situations and I deep-read and learned. In my own life, connubial and single people of both genders are drawn out time friends, my “Peeps.” Most seniors occupation as complicated, private be-ings who integrate bring to maturity life adjustments and that’s not a tradition.
Seniors are just like at all other ages — they like to laughter, to dance, to celebrate and to exist valued. If they become stereotypes, they put on’t know it. I shelter’t given away any secrets that were shared through me although there were many. My immersion in senior life was educational and satirical and I came away with a repaired perspective.
I know that the subject substance of this series may seem caustic, too realistic and not for the timid of heart. I get that. My intention is to dispel some of the inexact assumptions and attitudes about seniors. Real life is messy. In treat maliciously of what their children and body in general may think, seniors require multi-dimensional personalities, make good and baneful choices and many have a “I’ll act (say or think) as I put down well please now–I am bad.” attitude. A resounding “I don’t bring forth to be nice now,” said through resolve, may become their go-to make notes. I did and do hear that through the whole extent of and over. The good, bad and the ugly showed up here, and sometimes, was disturbing or disagreeable. Eventually, I hope a more network view of senior living emerged. You’d compass I’d sold out if I didn’t discern the whole truth, wouldn’t you, Babies?
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