
The sweet WellfedFred of The Whining Diner & WellfedFred nominated me with a view to the Sunshine Award last month. Thank you WFF! I am at all times tickled pink and honoured when I persuade these awards.

The Sunshine Award requires that I annulet 11 random facts about myself. For a thing a little different, I thought I would border my top 11 skin care and cosmetic products, the ones I everlastingly turn to and have been using with a view to years.

Before I get into the like, a little bit of background: I regard sensitive, problem-prone skin that is in like manner the extreme of combination skin. That measure having a really oil T-belt combined with really dry skin in a circle the forehead and temples, and somewhat stress or hormonal fluctuation can trigger an acne break-out. Actually, most hide care products make me break abroad, and I’m allergic to a sort of fragrances. On top of that, my skin kind is extremely prone to hyperpigmentation in the figure of freckles and tanning, and some level of inflammation, injury or ~ny place exposure will bring it on. So, identifying products that moil has always been really difficult and single of the main motivating factors rearward my interest in cosmetic science. The following are products that are tried and loyal for my skin type. Think of this because a peek inside the INGREDIENTS medicine cabinet and makeup case!

1.  Spectro Cleanser

I be favored with been using Spectro cleanser for impressible, problem-prone skin, for over 15 years. With years of discretion and the miserable winter we fit went through, I recently had to switch to the some for combination skin, which contains higher skin conditioning component than one for point in dispute-prone skin. Paula’s Choice rates this cleanser for example just average, the main criticism being that it’s not sufficient for removing makeup, but I’d differ in opinion. After testing many cleansers, this actually is the best one out in that place – fragrance-free, non-irritating, gentle, and inexpensive. No other cleanser I’ve tried has up to the present time to measure up to Spectro forward all these counts. Being a shed ~-based non-foaming gel cleanser, I dress in’t expect it to be serviceable at removing silicone- and oil-based makeup, but that then again, those are makeup types that I seldom ever wear. If I do impair them, I rely on the nearest item in this list to cheat the job.

2.  La Roche Posay Toleriane Eye Makeup Remover

This is marketed in favor of eye makeup removal, but I in reality use it for all-over makeup transference. It’s perfect for sensitive skin and in reality effective for removing all types of makeup. Half of a 5 mL phial is good for soaking through a raw ~ pad and wiping off the full face.

3.  Tanda Light System legend (discontinued; replaced by Tanda Clear+)

I bought the Tanda clear system several years ago, and just though it was pricey at the time, it has been well credit the investment (see earlier review hither). The blue light really does zap pimples – redemption time is taken down to moiety the usual time.

4.  Kellett Skincare Moisturizing Gel

I reviewed this human being earlier here. This is an excellent oil-free moisturizer that’s especially convenient for people with sensitive, problem-bowed skin, and those who are commerce with adult acne.

5.  Kellett Skincare Clarifying Acne Treatment / DDF Benzoyl Peroxide Gel (both contain benzoyl peroxide 5%)

I practice gels with benzoyl peroxide as a place treatment when I see an impending pustule. Early application usually helps to avert a pimple crisis. (If not, the Tanda airy device comes into play.) I used the DDF gel with a view to many years. Recently, I got turned onto the Kellett Skincare gel, that is formulated with lightweight humectants and skin conditioners like sodium PCA and urea, in the way that it is less drying and gentler ~ward the skin.

6.  Dr. Dennis Gross Ferulic Acid + Retinol Brightening Solution

Most retinol formulations forward the market come in a cream or lotion form with a very low retinol content. Higher retinol concentrations be possible to be found in serum form, yet these are usually in a mellifluous silicone base. Unfortunately for me, chiefly silicone-based formulations don’t operate well on my skin, causing it to be wrought up itchy and produce excess oil. This serum is a scarce thing as it is water-based. Retinol decree oxidize readily and lose its power, especially in a water-based form, but this contains ferulic acid, a efficacious antioxidant, which helps to protect retinol from oxidation. Besides that, it too contains skin lightening ingredients, azelaic stinging, arbutin and licorice root extract, in the same manner with well as weak acids (salicylic tart and AHAs) to hasten skin simplest organism turnover. It’s pricey but well desert it.

7.  Vichy Capital Soleil Ultra Protection Sunscreen Stick according to Sensitive Areas SPF 60

This sunscreen stab is fantastic. As stated on the label, it is aroma-free and can be used ~ward the most sensitive areas of the meet ~ to ~. What it doesn’t say up~ the label is that it is a non-oleaginous waxy type balm stick with weak oil content, so I haven’t had somewhat problems with breakouts or clogged pores. I application it around the eye area to honor the fine lines at bay, and my front and the tops of my cheekbones to endure freckles from forming.

8.  Bioré remove by stripping strips

These work amazingly well as far as concerns unclogging pores. Enough said!

9.  Shiseido Pureness Oil-Control blotting drafts

You would think for something to such a degree simple as a blotting paper, they would the whole of be relatively the same. Sadly, that’s not the covering. I have tried many, numerous company blotting paper brands and the Shiseido blotting ~ hangings is the one I always go to and it is also the the same against which all others are uniform. The thin layer of powder without ceasing the paper picks up all the remainder oil but doesn’t leave astern any tacky residue or make my hide feel weird afterwards.

10. Jane Iredale PurePressed Minerals and Glow Time Full Coverage Mineral BB Cream

As mentioned divers times before, I have been using Jane Iredale mineral foundation for well over 15 years. She was united of the pioneers in mineral foundations, and in my persuasion, remains the best in the expanse. I have reviewed the mineral settlement before here

11.  Curelle

For hair and body care, I turn to Curelle products (be studious in books my earlier in-depth reviews: office 1 and part 2). These products are the conclude, meeting all of my criteria: balminess-free, free of suspect chemicals, moderate, highly effective, and suitable for exceedingly sensitive skin types. On top of that, everything of the products are inexpensive, and achieve better than many other, more lavish products. 

Questions, comments? Please impediment me know!


My kids drew a denomination out of a box…

The winner of the Maybelline cosmetics and J. Crew legacy card is:


Congratulations! Mae, I volition be contacting you about collecting your value highly.

Huge thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway contend for. Even without the incentive of a value highly, I urge regular readers to remain to sign up as followers by way of Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin’. I started this website being of the cl~s who a blog back in 2010 independently of a clear idea of where it was headed, no other than that I wanted to review grace products, explain the science behind them, and in addition give people information on how to cull products based on the ingredient choose. From the beginning, I have always felt that I should only in fact talk about products that, in my witness, are worth talking about and recommending. For the greatest number part, this means having to bribe the products I want to critical notice and discuss here (these days, chiefly companies will only send samples to websites with a large, established readership). That in like manner means it is getting harder because of me to continue. So, your continued sustentation makes this website possible.

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