
Title: Say When
Rating: M
Summary: Yunho’s nineteen years sensible and a stray; Jaejoong’s a twenty eight year aged business man with a 26-sixty minutes schedule and a penchant for cigarettes. They happen upon on an odd night when the world’s grey and Jaejoong can’t determine an issue his lighter. Their worlds clash, and possibly, it was always meant to, in like manner if it’s a catastrophe in the make.
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong




“Got your aperture busted did’ya?”

The compel of metal to his skin was rather cold, and Yunho grabbed the back of Changmin’s neck to suppress him.

“At least I won the contend ,” he grinned, and he rubbed a handle across the metal rings on Changmin’s wrists and knuckles, perception by touch the usage engraved there and scratches from also many punches. The alley way melt of decaying vegetables and there was a dead rat – or four – following the garbage bags, and Yunho’s smelt it all before.

Changmin used to exist a shy thing. Thirteen years former and pale skinned, thinner than Yunho had for~ been, he had found Changmin session on the park bench, sharp knees to his chin and sobbing with a Physics textbook clutched to his packing-box. The textbook had been new through plastic covering and a picture of an atom and some device that Yunho not ever bothered to learn the name of, but Changmin had been clutching it and bending the edges of the part with his arms.

Changmin’s nihility like that now, looking at him. Yunho pushed Changmin from home, to swing his arm around his projection, and rubbed at the blood congealing at the take ~s of his mouth.

“Tomorrow’s your birthday,” Changmin reported, and his eyes are dark brown, near eyes that swallowed the little things, and the habits of commonalty. Changmin was book smart with a dryness for knowledge, and Yunho liked him, added than he’d ever liked anyone enlarging up, and almost as much considered in the state of he’d liked his little sister.

Yunho zipped up his jerkin, and pressed the tip of his catch of a buckle to where his teeth had cut into the mucosa of his cheek. “Yeah I discern. Don’t get me anything. Save your cash for your text books and seminary supplies.”

At age nine Yunho had realized that his maker was an incompetent asswipe without be in ~ with for his sister and him and independently of a paternal obligation to take care of them and Yunho had geared his life towards pleasing care of his sister even before the asswipe had left them.

Changmin was not his mean sister. But Changmin was all he had.

Yunho did unsuitable jobs, and stole, to put Changmin from one side school. He went the neighbourhood northerly school, top of his fucking class and damn if Yunho wasn’t vain-glorious of him, prouder than he’d been toward anything in his life. Changmin’s culpability ate away at him sometimes, despite being able to have an development when Yunho didn’t, but Yunho shut him up every time he brought it up.

Changmin had the desire for knowledge that Yunho didn’t be in possession of. Yunho had, with enough insight to the nature, always wanted to survive, and to live.

“Can’t number me what to do,” Changmin mumbled. His jacket was moderately new, compared to Yunho’s, and Yunho has a vary at the Chinese restaurant a scarcely any blocks down washing wares, his paycheck suitable at the end of the week. They one as well as the other need new jackets with the days and nights getting colder, and Yunho barely has enough currency in his pocket for enough sustenance for both of them to utmost till Friday.

“I can, and ~ly definitely will continue to do in the same state until your ass is in a seminary of learning ,” Yunho stated, fingernails dirty and abrasion his thumb on Changmin’s cheek affectionately.

“Hyung.” Changmin’s spoken sound is soft, and Yunho could attend the emptiness of their stomachs amidst the stir of the cars and passersby.

“Come forward lets go buy some ramen.”

Changmin nods hesitantly, and follows Yunho to the degree that he started walking, keeping beside him. Yunho not ever allowed that particular conversation to occur anymore, about Changmin, and his life across high school.

He was going to compose it happen.


Korea and Japan and America are thing of no importance alike. The buildings are tall, splatters of coffee shops in the present life and there, people too busy to care relating to anything but their direction and themselves and not the people passing by, and cars, moreover many cars little restaurants and scatterings of clothing shops and public way stalls and cultures. The countries are no degree alike, and Jaejoong had been to total three.

His secretary brought him coffee from the coffee store next door. Only once in one and the other month did he have the time to extend buy coffee for himself, sit and have the advantage the morning period on one of the tables through maybe his Ipad, or his phone, bound the past year had been moreover many business meetings and monitoring the strange trends, overseeing the new employees and heads of every division. He had trips to America, to Japan, China, sometimes Europe, and Jaejoong also hadn’t seen his source in a month.

Jaejoong’s hair is blonde and acquirement too long, and it’s the but thing about him that’s stuck from his younger years, dying his hair despite the loutish ways of business men. His stock of leaders were at least contrary from the older ones, embracing commencing techniques, the new clothing trends, ellipticity and disparities.

His uncle had been everything that was the older procreation of business men, and the ill-defined older population, and if Jaejoong himself wasn’t a adult male who didn’t care for a great deal of things or feelings, he would hold been initially hurt when his uncle had primitive met him, ten years ago while he was fresh out of pre-eminent school.

Kim Soon was dead, and Jaejoong did not miss him.

“Kim-sshi,” his secretary spoke, door open and standing in forehead of it. Her legs were clear and her heels beige, and Hyori was a beautiful woman with short sentences – if not when drunk. She was his third part secretary and the final secretary he would be delivered of. “You have a meeting in twenty minutes and afterward lunch with Kim Junsu afterwards. Do you indigence a driver or are you catching the car?”

“Driver,” he reported, and Hyori nodded.

“Are you going home tonight?” she asked him, and grinned then he didn’t answer. “Right, should require known. I’ll go get a renovated change of clothes from your apartment. Anything else you want from home?”

“My fresh moisturizer,” he said to her, and her eyebrows rose, without sin immaculate on her well made up stand opposite to.

“Of course Kim Jaejoong-sshi.”

“I like catching care of my skin,” he added, taken in the character of if he needed to.

“Of regularity.”

Hyori always left the stead after she bested him.


Junsu had been waiting for him.

Jaejoong was not tardy, just two minutes shy of dozen, but Junsu was neurotically prompt, and Jaejoong met the other strengthen when he was drinking coffee and even now skimming over the menu (even on the supposition that he did order the same thing every time he came there).

“Jaejoong!” Junsu smiled by all his greetings, and it was the luncheons and extemporaneous effusion meetings with Junsu that were the but ones in which Jaejoong was not strong limbed and lips tight as he interacted.

“Junsu,” he reported, sitting down, and a woman came to take his family as he did. “Coffee,” he told her, “Café Latte.”

“Yes sir.”

“Came in this place a good half hour early?”

Junsu laughed, and Jaejoong aphorism the Ipad next to his portion, words along the bright screen.

“Reading more news, and this story my brother sent me. He’s travelling at the moment, painting whatever he wants, doing anything soever he wants.”

“The life we altogether want,” said Jaejoong, taking lacking his phone and resting it on the table.

“But will none suit us,” Junsu finished according to him. “Gotta show ya my brother’s paintings whilom. Come over for a dinner a promised time, when we’re both free. My wife’s cooking is the greatest furniture you’ll ever have.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“I heard you prepare for the table. You said so in that meeting you gave last month. The recent accounts stations went crazy.” Junsu leaned onward. “Cook for me.”

Jaejoong began to cachinnate. “You’re crazy.”

“Aren’t we aggregate. So cook for me. I wish for to taste your food.”

Jaejoong heard the whining in his sound, shaking his head. “One of these days. I don’t fall time to cook for myself these hardly any months. It’s been busy, trying to come up with the just discovered product. And then there’s the commencing company.”



“He runs the recently made known chain of coffee shops and patisserie shops. His coffee beans are in every damn coffee shop. It’s insane for what cause fast his product spread, whoever he is.”

“That’s what’s bothering me,” commented Jaejoong, nodding at the time his coffee came. “Why hasn’t the clasp gotten ahold of who’s the CEO of the company? Who’s running it? It’s queer that a company keeps the distinction of their CEO and founder a secluded.”

“But makes for a taker of odds marketing scheme and public curiousity, grant that you think about it,” surmised Junsu. “Wanna instruct?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

“I’ll gain my usual,” he said, “And Jaejoong wants the rice simpleton soup with beef because he’s poor.”

“At least you apprehend me well enough,” Jaejoong grinned. “And that’s not aggregate I order.”

“I be sure. But you look as though you haven’t slept further so you probably need it.”

“That wicked?”

“Dark under eyes. Eye bags. But not that depressing. What the hell do you employment? I have these…” Junsu groaned, gesticulating. “These things under my eyes and it looks like whether or not it’s just growing and expanding and I’m going crazy. Do you apprehend how much water and lemon take in ~ I’ve been drinking? I can’t piss anymore that I’m before that time pissing in a day.”

“I’ll word you the product and store that I practice. I use two specific ones, person that I go to buy myself personally and the same that my secretary goes to become for me – that she’ll not at any time give up of the name of in what place she gets it.”

“Why don’t you grow eye creams?” Junsu asked him, curiously. “Your companies serums and night moisturizers and mists are insanely general why not do eye creams?”

“I would eventually. I’m thrifty it for an entire product de~ate for the end of the year specials.”

His products had been developed in the place of organic, paraben and chemical free moisturizers and serums, sur~ masks and mists and toners. Initially he had came gone ~ with a line using citrus fruits in the same manner with the main ingredients, and then branched onto collagen based, herb based, infusion infused, Korean borne ingredients and his newest based adhering pearl powder and Japanese mushrooms. His researchers had produced their latest crops, collagen powder, and Jaejoong had been going through the marketing team’s figure for the product’s appearance.

“You’re superiority than your uncle, you know. It was his wife that started the guests. He was the face behind it. She was the reason in the darkness.”

Jaejoong at a past period forgot that Junsu was older than him ~ means of seven years.

“I miss her,” Jaejoong confessed calmly.

Junsu locked his Ipad, and traced the edge of his teacup with his pointer finger.

“Aah…so do I.”

The kitchen had the scent of oil. The cook next to him was tossing stir-fried noodles for example he added in the cabbage, and the servant girls were placing the dim put in a nutshell bowls onto the trolleys to take outside to serve.

Yunho kept his regard to scrubbing the wares. The death was nearly over, and Yunho had scrubbed movables as quickly as they came, drying and packing and doing it athwart and over again.

The manager had promised to upgrade him to a lackey. She was an old thing, seasonable fifties and two moles on her upper cheek. She stared at Yunho likewise much and her husband complained almost Yunho’s dark hair and singularly cut bangs and his scar across his eye (and the way that his wife stared at him). Yunho coop up his mouth whenever they spoke, mete he knew the husband hated the spectacle of him, of youth, of stubbornness, of a mankind young but not stupid.

He had seen other than most people did living attached the streets and fighting to live everyday. And he knew whereas to shut his mouth and mortify himself.

The job came with a resolute paycheck – it was one of his greatest in quantity decent paychecks and he damn well needed it (Changmin needed it).

Yunho dried the remain of the plates, and continued by the cutlery.

He didn’t stand in need of Changmin working. Changmin went to drill for most of the day and at that time went to work at one of the modern coffee shops opened a few minutes walk from the park, Ladybug, some odd name like that. He’d seen their coffee beans in the other restaurant that he worked at – the manage he had after as a servitor.

Changmin looked more of a legitimate kid than he did, and Yunho wanted it kept that advance.

He glanced to the upper wall where the clock hung.

It was ten to six. His expedient was about to end. He had every hour free and then his craft at the next restaurant, and Changmin’s devise ways and means finished when he started again back his break.

“Yunho.” The dress up jabbed his side. “Got ya some containers of the left overs.”

“Thanks soul,” he told him, and color waved him away, frying up the nearest batch of wantons on one can, and starting on a fresh collection of fried rice.

One of the waiters brought in a lot of dirty wares, and Yunho turned right and left to start washing and drying once more.


Hey so um…new fic?

The Commission in opposition to Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy certifies pharmacists in geriatric pharmacy custom.

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