
Buying a new car is a massive expense, however buying second hand can cut that cost in half and sometimes you can’t even tell whether your car is second hand or not if it has been kept in tip-top condition.  However, there’s more to it than responding to an ad, handing over a wad of cash and going on your way, you have to really pay attention to little things like colour.

Online sites are great for comparing cars that are listed there to see what is the best deal, however nothing is better that physically going and test driving the car. If you want more information, then check out this infographic. It contains loads of info on all sorts of aspects of buying and selling your car. When buying a second hand car, you have to buy it with a mind to sell it at some point in the future and this is where this infographic really comes into its own as it shows you the best areas to sell your car, the best models to sell, and the best months in which to sell your car in.

Buying and selling car can be confusing so make sure you carefully read this infographic before making any decisions.

The UK’s 2nd hand car market – things your auto-know! is an infographic that was produced by Gumtree

The post Save Money, Buy Second Hand appeared first on Financially Poor.

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