Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, who already parted her ways from Ranbir Kapoor in the past, has also got removed now from Kapoor Family’s Whatsapp group. According to sources, we got the piece of news that Ranbir Kapoor’s aunt Ritu Nanda, who was the admin of the Kapoor Family group, removed the Fitoor actress from the members list.
Ranbir and Katrina, who really held each other’s hand for so long, had finally called off their relations in January this year. For Katrina, Ranbir left his family home and shifted to the new house, where he was living with her in a live-in relationship. For few years, things were really good between the two, but Ranbir’s family was never happy with their relations. Once, Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor has uploaded a cropped family picture on Twitter, which originally included Katrina in it. Even, father Rishi Kapoor was not at all happy with their relations and wanting his son to be back in the family. All this clearly means that they were not ready to accept Katrina at all. Finally, things turned really awkward for the two and they got separated.
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