

Today marks the official home video release of Ex Machina, Alex Garland’s brilliant sci-fi thriller about artificial intelligence and its relationship with humanity. I don’t speak for the entire staff, but I will say that this is unequivocally my favorite film of 2015 thus far. It’s the single movie that has become my de-facto answer to the question I am asked most, “What’s out right now that’s good?”

Too few people really know about Ex Machina, so I’ve made it a personal mission to get the word out. It’s a gripping, beautifully constructed movie that is thoughtful, well-acted and innovative. So today, as it becomes available on Blu-ray, DVD and remains available on Digital HD formats, we’re going to have a little Ex Machina party. It’s time for assigned reading, exclusive videos and if you scroll all the way to the bottom, a very cool giveaway.

1. Read about Ex Machina

We’ve written extensively about Ex Machina over the months since it debuted at the SXSW Film Festival. You can read the article in which we named Ex Machina among the best movies we saw at SXSW. You can also read my own glowing review from SXSW. You can read our conversation with star Oscar Isaac and/or listen to The Broken Projector’s conversation with director Alex Garland. If you’d like to get deeper into the film’s technical achievements, you can watch this video about the gorgeous cinematography. If talking about the themes of the film are more your speed, here’s a great video exploring the lines between human and robot. Just for fun, you can also simply bask in the glory of the Ex Machina dance scene. And when you’re all done and ready to move on to other movies, we’ve got a list of 12 movies to watch after you’ve seen Ex Machina. Needless to say, when it comes to Ex Machina, we’ve got you covered.

2. Watch this exclusive behind the scenes clip from Ex Machina

3. Watch this mash-up of Ex Machina and Star Wars

4. Buy Ex Machina and watch it because you’re a late adopter of quality cinema

It is now available for purchase on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and on Blu-ray via your favorite local retailer of somewhat outdated physical media. If you’d like to buy it right now and have a man in a big brown truck bring it to your home soon, here’s a link to Amazon.

5. Enter our contest and win Ex Machina and an exclusive poster for free

In addition to the reading material, the exclusive clip, the mash-up and the suggestion that you should just go watch the damn movie already, we’ve also got a nice little prize for our loyal and witty readership. We’ve scored three limited edition Ex Machina posters created by artist Francesco Francavilla. Check it out below. Three lucky winners (who live within the U.S. and are 18 or older) will receive one of these beautiful posters and a copy of the Blu-ray. To enter, leave a comment below with your answer to the following question: If you met Ava, the film’s artificially intelligent robot, and were told that you could ask her one question, what would you ask her?

Winners will be chosen by our editorial team on Friday, July 17 and contacted via email or Disqus. Don’t worry, we’ll find you.

Here’s that poster:

"Today is Ex Machina Day, Here are 5 Ways You Can Celebrate" was originally published on Film School Rejects for our wonderful readers to enjoy. It is not intended to be reproduced on other websites. If you aren't reading this in your favorite RSS reader or on Film School Rejects, you're being bamboozled. We hope you'll come find us and enjoy the best articles about movies, television and culture right from the source.

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