Director Otomo Keishi's contribution to the live-action adaptation of the popular manga franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, has been nothing short of stellar in ths last three years since the first film's release in 2012. To date, two part finale which released in August and September last year have been explosive box-office hits in the film festivals and through its Japan and the Philippines, with critical acclaim attributed to lead actor Satoh Takeru and the cast, its stylish action and electrifying soundtrack by Japanese music band, ONE OK ROCK.
This week, Warner Bros. is ramping up the trilogy's completion in the forthcoming UK release of the second-half of the final chapter, Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends, and as such, they've unveiled a brand new official poster to accomodate fans. March 6 is the official date of its release!
All good things must come to an end and in Keishi Ohtomo's live-action final chapter of Nobuhiro Watsuki's best-selling manga, fans will be awestruck by some of the most amazing sword-fighting action scenes ever seen on film!
Following on from the Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno cliff-hanger; in this final chapter, Shishio (Tatsya Fujiwara) has set sail in his ironclad ship to bring down the Meiji government and return Japan to chaos, carrying Kaoru (Emi Takei) with him.
After jumping overboard into the sea, Kenshin (Takeru Sato) is saved by his former mentor, Hiko Seijuro (Masaharu Fukuyama) and in order to stop Shishio in time, Kenshin enlists the help of his old master to train for the ultimate battle between hero and villain in an epic blood-drenched showdown!
Does Kenshin have what it takes to defeat Shishio, or is Shishio’s sheer insanity just too much to handle?