
Day 4 of the Valentine’s Mini Challenge hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee’s View is all about the love triangle. And as you may or may not have known, I am a huge fan of those triangles.

Nothing creates as much angst-y goodness as a girl who is torn between her love of one boy and her lust for another. Nothing.

Of course those triangles have to be well-written and well-developed. A half-hearted love triangle is really nothing more than a blob.

Anyway… Here’s the challenge schedule. My favorite (and not so favorite) love triangles are below.

The Challenge

Day 1 – Let us have it. Your Book Boyfriend List.  (And I mean all of them!)

Day 2 – The HOTTEST scene you have ever read in a book.

Day 3 – The CHEESIEST ROMANCE scenes or topics you have read in a book.

Day 4 – Love-triangles. The ones that worked for you, The ones that didn’t.

Day 5 – Most romantic books you’ve ever read.

The Love Triangle

Instead of one of my long-winded rambles, I just thought I’d get right down to it. I love the triangle. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that statement.

As you can see from my list (which is not all-inclusive), all but two are successfully written triangles. However, the outcomes of said triangular love stories don’t always fall into the WIN column for me.

Jack + Evie + Death = WIN (Outcome TBD)

Nash + Kaylee + Tod = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Barrons + Mac + V’lane = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Dimitri + Rose + Adrian = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Blake + Brianna + Austin + WIN (Outcome MIXED)

Tamani + Laurel + David = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Logan + Aura + Zack = WIN (Outcome a LOSE)

Puck + Meghan + Ash = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Eric + Sookie + Bill/Quinn/Sam = LOSE (Outcome a LOSE)

Warner + Juliette + Adam = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Lucas + Helen + Orion = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Vincent + Kate + Jules = WIN (Outcome MIXED)

Jack + Nikki + Cole = WIN (Outcome a LOSE)

Colt + Ashline + West = WIN (Outcome MIXED)

Will + Ellie + Cadan = WIN (Outcome MIXED)

Jeb + Alyssa + Morpheus = WIN (Outcome TBD)

Tucker + Clara + Christian = WIN (Outcome ???)

Daniel + Luce + Cam = WIN (Outcome ???)

Elliott + Araby + Will = WIN (Outcome MIXED)

Luc + Frannie + Gabe = WIN (Outcome ???)

Keenan + Aislinn + Seth = WIN (Outcome ???)

Irial + Leslie + Niall = WIN (Outcome ???)

Will + Tessa + Jem = WIN (Outcome ???)

Gale + Katniss + Peeta = LOSE (Outcome a WIN)

Prince Maxon + America + Aspen = WIN (Outcome TBD)

Prince Dorian + Celaena + Chaol = WIN (Outcome TBD)

Peter + Alice + Jack = WIN (Outcome a LOSE)

Edward + Bella + Jacob = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Christian + Dani + Ryodan = WIN (Outcome TBD)

Den + Riley + Ori = WIN (Outcome ???)

Ryan + Beth + Isaiah = WIN (Outcome a WIN)

Graves + Dru + Cristophe = WIN (Outcome ???)

Griffin + Finely + Jack Dandy = WIN (Outcome ???)

I tried not to be too spoiler-y, so if you don’t know for sure which “Team” I’m on, the “victor” will hopefully not be readily apparent.

And the covers are just random ones from the series – my favorite covers where possible – so they’re not necessarily the book in which the triangle resolved itself. But each cover links to the series on Goodreads. Or it should if I didn’t accidentally skip one.

So the list is not my entire list. Some series I love aren’t far enough along for me to have determined whether it’s a love triangle or just a wandering eye situation. Some I haven’t read far enough into the series to make that determination.

And some are just not at the top of my mind at the moment. But I’m sure I’ll be kicking myself when I read a few other participants’ posts.

Are you a fan of the triangle?

Do you love a love triangle? Or are you more a fan of “there can be only one”?

Have the love triangles you have loved worked out in the way you hoped they would? Or have you been crushed by their outcomes as I have on a few occasions?

And if you do love a triangle, which one is your favorite?

I would love, love, love to know!

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