I’ve always been curious about why today’s guest likes to read YA. Even though I could have asked at any time, until I invited her to the blog to share her reasons why, I never thought to ask. And I never knew of her fondness for Harry Potter or that she felt the same way that I did – that it wasn’t a series that was opened the doors to other MG/YA reads.
I can’t remember how I first “met” Mindy, though I’m guessing it was through Jaime. But I feel like I’ve known her forever and she’s one of the bloggers I trust to voice their honest opinions and she’s someone I know I can count on.
I also happen to love her blog – not just because of its awesome design – and her enthusiasm for the books she does love. I also love that she can be critical about books that don’t live up to her expectations.
And, yes, I’m also glad that she didn’t leave out the “hawt” guys as a reason for enjoying YA. They definitely make things interesting.
Now, without any further rambling (or ado), let me turn the blog over to Mindy.
“Why Mindy is obsessed with Young Adult!”
Hey Rachel! Thank you so much for inviting me to talk about this awesome topic! Aside from being just plain awesome, there are so many other pluses to reading YA that I just can’t mention them all.
Moves Quickly:
I think the number one, most important thing for me in a good Young Adult book is that the story normally moves really fast from start to finish. A really good Young Adult book cuts out all the super-descriptive world-building details and gets right to the story. But a really great Young Adult book is one that is able to not only get right to the story and keep it moving quickly, but it also creates that super-descriptive world-building detail. And I love those books that are so intense that I don’t want to put them down; books that keep me awake until the wee hours of the night when I don’t even realize where the time has gone while reading.
About Teens:
Another thing I love about Young Adult books is that the characters are right in the middle of truly discovering themselves…who they are and who they will become. It’s that whole ‘coming of age’ thing. I know that YA contemporary books are really popular right now, and I’ve read a couple that I actually like. But I think it’s even more fun to read about a girl who is not only contemplating her first kiss, but who is also concerned about the zombies that might invade her backyard at any moment. Which for her is more important? The kiss? Or saving herself from zombies? With that being said, a lot of the YA books out there revolve around a character that is discovering his or her first love. And that first love comes with all those awesome tingles and all the feels, and it pulls you back into those same feelings from your own intense teen years. With the characters being teens, I think it’s also easier to see myself in their eyes too. It makes me feel like I can be that super bad-ass heroine! Or at least it makes me feel like I really want to be that bad-ass heroine!
My Young Adult Discovery:
I only just realized that my reading preference for YA is only from about 5 years ago. I know that I read a few YA books when I was in high school, but I don’t think I was reading the right kinds of YA books because they didn’t really grab me. But then about 15 years ago I got really obsessed with Harry Potter and it was the very first time that I really discovered reading as a passion…but I STILL struggled with finding anything else that I really liked. I know Harry Potter is middle grade, but I think that I just loved those books because JK Rowling is purely brilliant, and I know that because I’ve tried to read other really popular middle grade books and they are just not my thing. I’ve also tried quite a few adult books but they either don’t move as quickly as I like, or they are too sexy for my liking. Those sexy books make me squirm. Trust me. I prefer the sexy scene that’s just a little tease…not all the details of the act. But the moment I discovered the Young Adult genre about 5 years ago, I haven’t been able to stop. I’m constantly craving the next Young Adult book that will give me that quick fix.
And, Lastly – The Hawt Boys:
Did I cover super HAWT boys yet??? A really good YA book with at least one hawt dude is a major plus in my opinion, and that book just might get a higher star rating simply for that very reason.
So that’s why I’m obsessed with Young Adult!!