
Dear Friends of the art community, Deviant Art, Photographers, models, and fellow artists.

This morning (Of May 2nd) a Message was sent to my box requesting a post on my blog be removed. Having already left for work, and not returning home until very late this evening I had not had the opportunity to check my messages throughout the day. By the time I had returned home this evening several more removal requests had been sent to my message box.

The first message that I had received gave me the post name, but try as I might, I could not find it. It was then that I found a Copyright Violation notice had already been sent in concerns to that post in my email and the post was forcefully removed without my having a chance to remove it myself with a personal apology to the owner of the image. To which I greatly regret.

A couple other Copyright Violation Notices had also already been sent during the day deleting more posts. I had also received another warning that more violations would result in the deletion of my entire blog and account.

Honestly, it was like a dagger to the heart. And I don’t blame any of you. I respect each of you, as artists, photographers and models, and as people. I respect your will in concerns to your art. I am very sorry for the stress that this has caused to each of you. I am grateful for the many hours I have spent personally learning from the images you all have created.

I am also grateful for those who took the time to make Tumblr accounts in order to message me in concerns to image removal. I understand how much of a hassle it is to jump through hoops just for simple communication. By request, I will be publicly posting my e-mail for personal contact outside of Tumblr.


I have removed all posts directed all written requests that have given me enough information to locate the items they desired removed. I am in the process of messaging all those who have reblogged those items as well.

As I have been asked to remove images from my blog, I too have a request: If you would prefer that your images not be posted on social blogs and medias such as Tumblr, would you please remove the Share Options on your Deviant Art Posts? This will help users like me know that you do not want your work directly posted outside of Deviant Art.

I am so sorry for the mess that I have caused. I wish I had been available right when the original accusation had been made so that I could work directly with you in making sure that you are satisfied.

For all of you who own photography on this blog, I would like to work with you to make sure that those images are cited according to your wishes, or, if you so desire, to have those images removed.

I still believe in the work that I am doing here. In creating a safe haven for those looking for quality images without spending countless wasted hours. I have personally studied from almost every image posted here on this blog, you guys have been my life-savers. I wanted to share your work with others. I will do my best to do so the right way.

If you would like to see your work posted on this blog, please message me as well. I would like to work directly with all photographers and models alike to continuing to build our artistic community and making this world a better place. The right way.

I will be posting my place on the changes that I will be making to my blog in Part Two of “Major Changes”

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this message.

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