
CZW 1999-2000~3viL

Year 1999 Pack:

*These are all VHS to DVD transfers from my own personal collection.

Keep in mind that CZW had little to no production value back then.

If you’ve ever seen a Botchamania, you know what I’m talking about.

If you’re if your someone that’s turned off by things like that,

save your bandwidth. That being said, enjoy!*

“Opening Night”

February 19, 1999

1. Quicksilver vs. Sensational One

2. King Pinz vs. Extreme Fahrenheit

3. Mr. Meaner vs. Ric Blade

4. Lobo vs. Domino

5. Brothers of East L.A. vs. Jose Rivera Jr. & Jon Dahmer

6. *4-Way Death Match:

Domino vs. T.C.K. vs. Nick Gage vs. Justice Pain

“The Staple Gun”

March 27, 1999

1. 20-Man Battle Royal

2. Kingpin Price vs. Billy Baja

3. Kingpin Price vs. Kingpin Schaffer

4. Sensational One vs. Quicksilver

5. Reckless Youth vs. Justice Pain

6. Mr. Meaner vs. Mr. Arrogance vs. Ric Blade

7. *Staple Gun Ladder Match:

Lobo vs. Nick Gage

“Barbed Wire Brawl”

April 24, 1999

1. T.C.K. vs. Diablos Macabre vs. Middknight

2. Sensational One (S-1) vs. Jon Dahmer

3. Jon Dahmer vs. Mr. Meaner

4. Quicksilver vs. Ric Blade

5. *CZW Tag Team Titles:

Extreme Fahrenhiet vs. The Brothers of East L.A.

6. *Barbed Wire Death Match:

Lobo & Zandig vs. Justice Pain & Nick Gage

“May Madness”

May 22, 1999

**Lobo and T.C.K. take it outside before the show!** – *SCREENSHOT BELOW*

1. Extreme Fahrenheit vs. Brothers of East L.A.

2. *Tuxedo Match:

P.R. Express vs. Shadow

3. “I Got Your Girl” Match:

Ric Blade vs. Quicksilver

4. Anarchy vs. Gentlemans Club vs. Middknight & Jon Dahmer

5. John Kronus vs. Justice Pain vs. Nick Gage

6. *4 Corners of Pain Death Match:

T.C.K. vs. Lobo

“Down In Flames”

June 19, 1999

1. Ric Blade vs. Mike Quackenbush vs. Reckless Youth

2. Silver Bullet vs. T.C.K.

3. Anarchy vs. Gentlemans Club

4. Anarchy vs. King Pinz

5. White Lotus vs. Trent Acid

6. Nick Gage vs. Zandig

7. Middknight & Jon Dahmer vs. Extreme Fahrenheit

8. Justice Pain vs. Lobo

“Street Fight ’99”

July 19, 1999 (Low audio)

1. Quantum vs. Eclipse

2. Ric Blade (w/Shorti) vs. Justice Pain

3. Lord Everett DeVore vs. Body Bag

4. King Pinz vs. D.O.D. vs. Extreme Fahrenheit

5. S-1 & Trent Acid vs. White Lotus & Johnny Kashmere

6. *Barbed Wire Dog Collar Match:

Justice Pain vs. Lobo

“Pyramid Of Hell”

August 21, 1999

1. Nick Berk vs. Johnny Kashmere

2. Jon Dahmer vs. Midknight

3. Wifebeater vs. Trent Acid

4. White Lotus vs. Justice Pain

5. *Pyramid Of Hell Match:

Nick Gage & Zandig vs. Lobo & Ric Blade – *SCREENSHOT BELOW*

“September Slam ’99”

September 19, 1999

1. White Lotus vs. Johnny Kashmere

2. Nick Berk vs. Trent Acid

3. Barr vs. Jon Dahmer

4. *CZW Title:

Wifebeater vs. Nick Gage

5. Ric Blade vs. Zandig

6. *Iron Man Title:

T.C.K. vs. Justice Pain

“Get It On”

September 25, 1999

1. Mike Evans vs. Grim Reefer vs. Mike Mayhem

2. Corky the Disturbed vs. Kashmireno Brothers

3. Trent Acid vs. Reckless Youth

4. White Lotus vs. Justice Pain

5. Jon Dahmer vs. Nick Berk

6. Lobo vs. Wifebeater

7. Ric Blade vs. Nick Gage

“Pain In The Rain”

October 9, 1999

1. Bad Crew vs. Mongoose & Barr

2. Corky the Disturbed vs. Trent Acid

3. Jon Dahmer vs. Nick Berk

4. Battery vs. Lil Buff D

5. White Lotus vs. Ric Blade vs. Reckless Youth

6. *Hardcore Match:

Zandig vs. Wifebeater

7. Thrill Kill Kult vs. Kashmerino Brothers vs.

Lobo & T.C.K. vs. Justice Pain & Nick Gage

“Cage Of Death”

October 16, 1999

1. Big Slam vs. Jon Dahmer

2. White Lotus vs. Trent Acid

3. Kashmerino Brothers vs. White Lotus & Trent Acid

4. Nick Gage vs. Ric Blade

5. Middknight vs. T.C.K.

6. *First Blood Match:

Zandig vs. Wifebeater

7. *Cage of Death Match:

Lobo vs. Justice Pain

“The War Begins”

November 20, 1999

1. James Proper vs. Lord Everett DeVore vs. Jon Dahmer

2. *Jr.Heavyweight Title Match:

Ric Blade vs. Mercury

3. Trent Acid vs. The Kashmerino Brothers

4. The King Pinz vs. The Haas Brothers

5. *CZW Tag Title:

Justice Pain & T.C.K. vs.Thrill Kill Kult

6. *CZW Title I Quit Barbed Wire Strap Match:

Wifebeater vs. Zandig

7. *Iron Man Title Match (Nick Berk Special Ref):

Lobo vs. Nick Gage

“Bloodbath 2000″

January 8th, 2000

Mantua, NJ

1. Z-Barr vs. Lord Everett DeVore

2. Kashmerino Bros. vs. Jon Dahmer

3. Mercury vs. Reckless Youth

4. Mac Smack & Wifebeater vs. Haas Bros.

5. *Jr. Heavyweight Title:

Low-Ki vs. Ric Blade

6. Thrill Kill Kult & Justice Pain vs.

T.C.K., Lobo & Nick Gage

7. Mad Man Pondo vs. Ian Rotten

“A Night Of Main Events”

February 5th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Lord Everett DeVore vs. Jon Dahmer

2. Nick Berk vs. Trent Acid

3. *CZW Tag Title:

Kashmerino Bros. vs. Thrill Kill Kult

4. *Jr. Heavyweight Title:

Mercury vs. Ric Blade

5. *CZW Title Taipai Death Match:

T.C.K. vs. Wifebeater vs. Zandig

6. Nick Gage vs. Justice Pain

7. *No-Rope Barbed Wire/Cactus Death Match:

Kronus vs. Mad Man Pondo vs. Lobo

“Climbing The Ladder”

February 12th, 2000

Blackwood, NJ

1. Lord Everett DeVore vs. Nick Berk

2. Ty Street vs. Trent Acid

3. Johnny Blaze vs. Dewey Donovan

4. *Mixed Tag Match:

Jon Dahmer & Natasha vs. Zandig & Dallas

5. *CZW Title 4-Way Dance ;

Thrill Kill Kult vs. Haas Bros. vs. Da Hit Squad vs. Kashmerino Bros.

6. *Jr. Heavyweight Title Ladder Match:

Mercury vs. Ric Blade

7. *Dream Partner Tag Team Match:

T.C.K. & Nick Gage vs. Wifebeater & Justice Pain

8. Lobo vs. Kronus

“March Violence”

March 3rd, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Nick Berk & Ty Street vs. Kashmerino Bros.

2. Trent Acid vs. White Lotus

3. *Catfight:

Dallas vs. Natasha

4. *Staple Gun Match:

Mad Man Pondo vs. Mitch Page

5. *CZW Tag Title:

Haas Bros. vs. Shane Bros.

6. *CZW Title:

Zandig vs. Kronus

7. Nick Gage vs. Justice Pain

8. *Iron Man Title:

Wifebeater vs. Lobo


March 18th, 2000

Philadelphia, PA

1. Paddy O’Brien vs. Jon Dahmer

**Knight addresses the crowd.**

2. *Arm Wrestling Match:

Zandig vs. Justin Kase

3. Ric Blade & T.C.K. vs. Low-Ki & Mercury

4. Haas Bros. vs. Bad Crew

5. Johnny Kashmere & White Lotus vs. Trent Acid & Nick Berk

6. *Fans Bring The Weapons:

Zandig & Lobo vs. Wifebeater & Kronus

“Controversy 101″

April, 1st 2000

Pitman, NJ

**Zandig addresses the crowd about the Christie Whitman (Dumb Bitch) situation.

Whitman has made a career out of trying to shut down hardcore wrestling.**

1. Johnny Kashmere vs. Nick Berk

2. Johnny Blaze vs. Dewey Donovan

3. Gabriel Knight vs. Mercury

4. *CZW Title:

T.C.K. vs. Zandig

5. *CZW Tag Title:

Ty Street & Trent Acid vs. Haas Bros.

6. *Hardcore Title:

Jon Dahmer vs. Lobo

7. Ric Blade & Nick Gage vs. Wifebeater & Justice Pain

“Winner Takes All”

April 8th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Gabriel Knight vs. Jon Dahmer

2. *Loser Leaves CZW:

Kashmerino Bros. vs. Ty Street & Nick Berk

3. Mercury vs. Trent Acid

4. *Anything Goes Match:

T.C.K. vs. Nick Gage

5. *CZW Tag Title:

Shane Bros. vs. Haas Bros.

6. *Jr. Heavyweight Title:

Justice Pain vs. Ric Blade

7. *Winner Takes All Match for the Heavyweight, Hardcore and

Iron Man Titles (Special Referee, Kronus):

Lobo vs. Wifebeater vs. Zandig

“A Living Hell”

May 6th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Gabriel Knight vs. Diablos Macabre

2. *CZW Tag Title:

John Kronus & Justice Pain vs. Haas Bros.

3. Mercury vs. Nick Berk

4. Nick Mondo vs. Trent Acid

5. *Hardcore Title:

Nick Gage vs. Lobo

6. *Jr. Heavyweight Title Stretcher Match:

Ric Blade vs. Justice Pain

“Caged To The End”

June 10th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

**Closing moments of Ric Blade vs. Trent Acid**

(Jr. Heavyweight Title Match)

1. *Tables Match:

Nick Gage vs. Nick Berk

2. Gabriel Knight vs. Jon Dahmer

3. *CZW Tag Title:

Johnny Kashmere vs. Russ Haas

4. *Iron Man Title:

Mad Man Pondo vs. Wifebeater

5. *BJW Tag Titles:

Wifebeater & Justice Pain vs. Nick Gage & Zandig

6. Ty Street vs. Mercury vs. Nick Mondo

7. *Steel Cage/Scaffold Match:

Ric Blade vs. Justice Pain

“They Said It Couldn’t Be Done”

June 25th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. *CZW Title No-Rope Exploding Barbed Wire/Exploding Tables Death Match:

Lobo vs. Zandig

2. *Fans Bring The Weapons Battle Royal:

Jon Dahmer, Gabriel Knight, Natasha, Rockin’ Rebel

Frankie Starz, Jessie Drive and more…

3. Rockin’ Rebel vs. Nick Berk

4. *Jr. Heavyweight Title:

Ric Blade vs. Trent Acid

5. Nick Mondo vs. Justice Pain

6. *200 Light Tubes Death Match:

Wifebeater vs. Nick Gage

**Plus…The Hate Club, The Backseat Boyz, Pastor Jim and more…

“No Rules No Limits”

July 22nd, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Rockin’ Rebel vs. Nick berk

2. Nate Hatred vs. Mercury

3. *CZW Tag Title:

Nick Mondo & Ric Blade vs. The Backseat Boyz

4. *Iron Man Title Fans Bring The Weapons Match:

Nick Gage vs. Wifebeater

5. *CZW Title:

Justice Pain vs. Zandig

“Blood, Sweat & Violence”

August 12th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Dewey Donovan vs. Nick Berk

2. Gabriel Knight vs. Rockin’ Rebel

3. *Dog Collar Match:

Nate Hatred vs. Mercury

4. *Tag Title Ladder Match:

Ric Blade & Nick Mondo vs. Backseat Boyz

5. *Iron Man Title:

Mad Man Pondo vs. Nick Gage

6. *Barbed Wire Boards/Whips & Lumberjacks w/ Barbed Wire Straps Match:

Justice Pain vs. Zandig vs. Lobo

“Cage Of Death 2: After Dark”

September 9th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. *Cage Of Death Match:

Lobo vs. Zandig

2. *Cage Of Death Match:

Lobo vs. Justice Pain

3. Trent Acid vs. Nick Mondo

4. Jon Dahmer vs. Rockin’ Rebel

5. Nate Hatred vs. Nick Berk

6. Yamakawa vs. Zandig

7. Wifebeater vs. Mad Man Pondo vs. Nick Gage

“Rules Were Meant To Be Broken”

October 7th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

*(The sound is absolutley awful on this one. Unfortunately,

there’s nothing I can do about that. My advice, Watch on

mute and listen to a podcast or something. Main event is

pretty damn sick!)*

1. Johnny Blaze vs. Nate Hatred

2. *CZW Tag Title Handicap Match:

Trent Acid vs. Ric Blade & Nick Mondo

3. Wifebeater & Justice Pain vs. Ric Blade & Nick Mondo

4. Ric Blade vs. Nick Mondo

5. Jon Dahmer (w/ Natasha) vs. Nick Berk

6. Rockin’ Rebel vs. Justice Pain

7. *Iron Man Title (No-Rope Barbed Wire Death Match):

Mad Man Pondo vs. Wifebeater vs. Nick Gage

“Jersey Rulz”

November 11th, 2000

Sewell, NJ

1. Jeff Rocker vs. Jon Dahmer

2. Johnny Kashmere vs. Nick Gage

3. Lobo & Kashmere vs. Nick Gage & Trent Acid

4. *CZW Title:

Rockin’ Rebel vs. Justice Pain

5. *Iron Man Title:

Nate Hatred vs. Wifebeater

6. Ric Blade vs. Nick Mondo

**BJW/CZW Feud:

“World Extreme Cup 2000 (PPV Version)”

April – May 2000

*** all matches are clipped ***

**World Extreme Cup – Block C – Scramble Bunkhouse Barbed Wire Board Sword Death Match:

– Mike Samples vs. Tomoaki Honma

[2000/04/24 – Tokyo, Korakuen Hall]

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: The W*inger vs. Terry Bull

[2000/04/24 – Sendai City Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Block A: Mustapha Saed vs. Harley Lewis

[2000/04/24 – Sendai City Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: Crazy Sheik vs. The W*inger

[2000/04/26 – Hirosaki City Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Block A: Ryuji Yamakawa vs. Harley Lewis

[2000/04/26 – Hirosaki City Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Block A: Tower Of Doom vs. Harley Lewis

[2000/04/28 – Obihiro City Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Block A: Tower Of Doom vs. Mustapha Saed

[2000/04/29 – Sapporo Teisen Hall]

**World Extreme Cup – Block C – Barbed Wire Lightbulb Board Death Match:

– Tomoaki Honma vs. Shadow WX

[2000/04/29 – Sapporo Teisen Hall]

**World Extreme Cup – Block C: Mike Samples vs. Shadow WX

[2000/04/30 – Sapporo Teisen Hall]

**World Extreme Cup – Block A: Tower Of Doom vs. Ryuji Yamakawa

[2000/05/01 – Hakodate Citizen Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: Zandig vs. The W*inger

[2000/05/02 – JR Akihabara Station Showa Exit Open Space]

**World Extreme Cup – Block C: Shadow WX vs. The Wifebeater

[2000/05/02 – JR Akihabara Station Showa Exit Open Space]

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: Zandig vs. Terry Bull

[2000/05/04 – Iwaki City Flat Competition Wheel Place Parking Lot]

**World Extreme Cup – Block C: Mike Samples vs. The Wifebeater

[2000/05/04 – Iwaki City Flat Competition Wheel Place Parking Lot]

World Extreme Cup – Block A: Ryuji Yamakawa vs. Mustapha Saed

[2000/05/04 – Iwaki City Flat Competition Wheel Place Parking Lot]

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: Zandig vs. Crazy Sheik

[2000/05/05 – JR Shin-Kawasaki Ogura Bridge Open Space]

**World Extreme Cup – Block C: Tomoaki Honma vs. The Wifebeater

[2000/05/05 – JR Shin-Kawasaki Ogura Bridge Open Space]

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: Crazy Sheik vs. Terry Bull

[2000/05/06 – Honjo City Gymnasium] …

**World Extreme Cup – Block B: Mustapha Saed vs. Tomoaki Honma vs. The W*nger

[2000/05/06 – Honjo City Gymnasium]

**World Extreme Cup – Round 2: Shadow WX vs. Tower Of Doom

[2000/05/08 – Fukui City Gym]

**World Extreme Cup – Round 2: Zandig vs. Ryuji Yamakawa

[2000/05/09 – Kira Messe Numazu]

**World Extreme Cup – Round 2: Tomoaki Honma vs. Mike Sampels

[2000/05/10 – Takaoka Techno Dome]

**World Extreme Cup – Round 2: Crazy Sheik vs. Mustapha Saed

[2000/05/11 – Minowa Townsman Gym]

**Semi-Finals and Finals!**

“Samurai TV”

May 14th, 2000

Kawasaki, Japan

1. Daikokubo Benkei/Abby Jr. Kobayashi vs. Ryuji Ito/Daisuke Sekimoto

2. Mike Samples/Mustafa Saed/Tower of Doom vs. Winger/Jun Kasai/Ryuji Yamakawa

3. 8-Person Elimination Match of Int’ll Scramble Title

4. Mens Teoh vs. Abdullah The Butcher (Loser Leaves BJPW)


5. Shadow WX vs. Crazy Sheik – Semi-Finals

6. John Danzig vs. Tomoaki Honma – Semi-Finals

7. Tomoaki Honma vs. Crazy Sheik – 3rd Place

8. Shadow WX vs. John Danzig – FINAL!

“Samurai TV”

September 15th, 2000

1. Men’s Teioh vs. Onyro (Big Japan Jr. Title)

2. Men’s Teioh vs. Trent Acid (CZW Lightheavyweight Title)

3. Kamikaze & Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Ryuji Yamakawa & Shadow WX (Big Japan Tag Titles)

4. Big Japan Tour Highlights

5. Tomoaki Honma vs. Zandig (Big Japan King of the Death Matches Title)

“World War 2000″

November 23rd, 2000

1. (Big Japan New Generation Battle)

Ryuji Ito vs. Daisuke Sekimoto

2. Masaysohi Motegi vs. Fantastik

3. Kyoko Ichiki vs. Marcela

4. Daikokubo Benkei & Shunme Matsuzaki vs. Abdullah Jr. Kobayashi & Kamikaze

5. (BJW Junior Heavyweight Title – BJW vs. CZW $100,000 Scramble Complete Confrontation Series Match)

Jun Kasai vs. MEN’s Teioh

6. (BJW vs. CZW $100,000 Scramble Complete Confrontation Series – Fluorescent Light Tube Board Death Match)

Lobo vs. Shadow WX

7. (BJW vs. CZW $100,000 Scramble Complete Confrontation Series Match)

Ryuji Yamakawa & Kintaro Kanemura vs. Justice Pain & Wifebeater

8. (BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title – BJW vs. CZW $100,000 Scramble Complete Confrontation Series Barbed Wire Boards & Glass Death Match)

Tomoaki Honma vs. Zandig


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