
“My dog is lost.”

These are the words no pet parent wants to say or experience. A pet parent’s worst nightmare, next to having their pet pass away, is having their pet go missing. Over the years, countless numbers of products to help reunite lost pets have crossed our desk. We always recommend your dog have a name tag on with current information and be microchipped. However, nothing can give a pet parent peace of mind when their pet is missing other than a GPS collar. Like your vehicle, a GPS collar on your dog works on the same principle: being able to accurately pinpoint where you are at any given time.

Any GPS collar we’ve encountered to date has a monthly data fee associated with it.

Until now. We recently discovered a fantastic Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to bring the Nuzzle Smart GPS Collar® for Dogs and Cats to fruition. If you’ve always wanted a smart collar for your dog but dreaded the notion of a fee every month, raise your paws in the air in celebration: The Nuzzle is changing all that.

Here’s the scoop:

If your pet ever decides to wander off, you’ll always be able to find them with their collar’s GPS and cellular connectivity. No one wants their dog to go missing, but should that happen: This is the type of product that you thank your lucky stars you purchased.

If your pet is alone all day while you work or if you run errands and leave Fido alone, the Nuzzle Smart GPS Collar tells you what your dog is doing when you’re not there. Using the accompanying app, you can check-in from anywhere and see what your dog has been up to.

The GPS tracker is lightweight, waterproof, durable, and with no monthly fee. So if your dog bolts away and is out in the rain or the unit gets wet, you are covered.

Why Fidose of Reality Loves the Nuzzle

You don’t have to wait for someone to find your dog and hope they get in touch with you or heaven forbid, keeps your dog.

There is no monthly fee.

The GPS is waterproof.

The collar has impact detection – the folks at Nuzzle will notify you if the collar has been hit hard. This means either your dog is playing rough, or may have gotten into an accident.

The Nuzzle has temperature monitoring. Winter is coming and I want to be sure my dog is not outdoors too long but that he is getting enough exercise. The collar will detect temperature – if you dog isoutside too long in the cold, you’ll know!

You aren’t married to the collar that comes with the Nuzzle GPS tracker: The Nuzzle tracker can be detached and reattached to your personal collars and harnesses.

Long battery experience: The Nuzzle battery is removable from the collar (the black portion pops right out) so you can charge it and leave your collar on your pet. Additionally, Nuzzle is

providing an additional battery with each Nuzzle collar purchase. So your dog’s collar is never left uncharged.

If you are trying to help your dog lose some weight, you can track where your dog’s walks along with the distance they’ve covered.

We buy our dogs toys, treats, apparel, and give them so much love: This is one of those dog products you wish someone would invent. And now that someone has invented it, they need the backing to bring it to market. See?

How Many Dogs Really Go Missing

Over the past 10 years or so, my spouse and I have helped reunited at least a dozen lost dogs with their frantic families.  The dogs seem to find their way to our house. If a dog goes missing, my wife and I like to joke that they find their way to us to help reunite them. It wasn’t always an easy capture, though. And these dog would have been reunited with their frantic family members had they been wearing the Nuzzle.

Years ago, a study was conducted and I will never forget the results, as they were spine tingling (and they still are). Only 6 percent of dog owners and 2 percent of cat owners found their lost pets at shelters.

How the Nuzzle Works In a Nutshell

Place the Nuzzle Collar on your pet.

Download the Nuzzle app.

Register by completing your dog or cat profile.

That is it! Easy peasy.

To help get this project off the ground and see the Nuzzle saving lives without breaking the wallets of dog moms and dads, visit the Nuzzle Smart Collar Indiegogo website for complete details.

Question: Would you be interested in having a Nuzzle collar for your dog or cat (or giving one as a gift)?

The post The World’s First Dog GPS Collar Without Fees #NuzzleSmartCollar appeared first on Fidose of Reality.

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