


It was Breana’s first day off since her vacation, she has been working hard on post production for Battleship as well as rehearsing for the Grammy’s. It was going to be a chill day. She was going to do whatever she wanted until the Lakers play the Nuggets later this afternoon. Jas was a huge fan of the Lakers and so was she, so they both tried to see as many home games as they could. Since Shannon didnt play for the Lakers any longer, it wasnt as awkward for Naureen anymore, which was good.

You would think Breana would feel refreshed and fine but she felt off. She looked at herself in the mirror for awhile, not saying nothing, just staring at herself. She stared at her features and she slowly started to pick them apart. She shook her head and texted a certain number and sighed. She only did that to herself when she wasnt happy or bored. Or both. She was hoping she was just bored.


"Hair 911?"Ursula asked as she walked into Breana’s bedroom. Breana smiled at her and gave her a hug. Ursula pulled away and touched the pile of brown curls on top of Breana’s head. "Girl from your texts, I would have thought you caught this on fire. It looks fine. You just need to comb it"

"Hair 911 in this case means Im bored"Breana said

"Oh? Are we going back to Redana? I loved that phase"

"Yeah everybody did. But no, Im not feeling….loud….right now. I wanna go back to blonde"

"Like Rated R?"

"Yeah but this time will be different. I want it to be longer"she said as she showed her a couple pictures

"I can definitely do that. Lemme get my bleach together. Comb through that shit and make my life easier"Ursula said as she looked through her ‘hair miracle bag’ as Breana liked to call it. Breana flicked her off playfully and took her thick pile of curls down from the messy bun she had it in

"I dont want it to be thick either. I want it to be sleek"

"Ok. Got somewhere to go tonight? A Grammy party or something?"

"Those arent until next week"Breana said as she combed through her hair,"Just a Lakers game"

"Hey thats the same as the Grammy’s around here"Ursula said with a laugh as she poured some bleach and found some blonde dye into a bowl. "Ok, lets transform ya"she said to her

A few hours later, her hair was done and Breana loved it. She loved how blonde hair went with her skintone. As she got ready to go to the game, she texted Maurice: guess what?


we’re twins

how u mean lol?

im blonde 2

no way


we aint twins i dyed my hair back last night

gtfoh!!!! y didnt u tell me

cuz i didnt know u were gonna cop my swag boo

shut up

i bet it looks good
send me a pic

one step ahead of u, she typed and attached a few photos that Ursula took of her and sent them to him

damn boo u make me wanna dye mine back

do it

nah ;)
what u doing today?

goin to the lakers game

ill watch 4 u then

u better

An hour later, the rest of the world started to find out that she was blonde again. Her fans loved it. They loved anything she did with her hair really which was great. She sat courtside with her girls and during halftime, she got a text from Maurice: i see u with ur sexy ass ;)

wish i could see u :(

just a few more days love & ill be there

Breana smiled, she was going to hold onto that.


"So how did the Lakers do?"J asked Naureen when she called him after the game ended.


"They won"Naureen said simply

"Fucking Kobe man, cant stop him"J said

"So where are you now?"she asked him

"Orlando. Miami tomorrow"

"Turn up"Naureen said. "How was the Orlando show?"

"Turnt up to be honest. Went to Universal Studios, never been there before"

"Me neither"she said,"So….you um….met anyone?"she asked him. She wondered if he has yet. She hasnt, she has been too busy to meet anyone



"Why you sound so surprised?"

"A girl gives her man permission to see other people and he doesnt do it. Its just weird"

"Im not like other guys Naureen. Get that through your head. Besides, no one caught my eye"

"So you were looking then?"

"I dont look for pussy, pussy finds me"


"Thats how I got you. I didnt expect to find you or hit it off with you or for you to let me hit it. It was meant to be. We dont get a lot of those moments. You met anyone yet?"

"Not yet"she said and he laughed

"Yet? You gonna drive me crazy. I already feel it"

"You like it"she said but she felt herself sighing with relief. She was preparing herself for the day that he would take her up on her offer. But she wondered if J would be more focused on staying true in spite of that…or would he be just like every other guy shes been with?

For the rest of the week, their conversations have been the same. Neither of them has met anyone yet, regardless of the fact that they could if they wanted to. She wondered if having the choice didnt make cheating so appealing or if J was truly different. She really didnt feel the need to go out on him either. If having the choice made their relationship healthy and drama free, she was going to call Oprah immediately and write a book. She finally found the answer to most women’s problems: infidelity.

The 10th of February couldnt come fast enough, Maurice was back in town and he promised to see Breana. He had called Genn to set everything up and he told her to call everyone he and Breana trusted to witness their reunion. Breana had butterflies in her stomach, she knew she would be seeing him but she didnt have any idea what he had planned and it seemed only Genn knew about it

They left the mansion and drove to Hollywood and soon they pulled up to a building. Breana recognized the area but it was nothing special. They got out of the car and hurried inside. Genn, Jake and the rest of the security team made sure that the paparazzi wouldnt catch on. Breana followed Genn down a few hallways and she gasped when they walked into a room and saw Maurice and The Dream in the recording studio listening to ‘Birthday Cake’

"Ohmygod"Breana said as she hugged them both and smiled when she saw their vocal coaches were there as well. "You trying to do a remix today?"


"Im trying to knock out both. I aint leaving til they’re done"he said as he kissed her forehead. "Lets warm up"he said as he smacked her on the ass and they walked over to the piano. Naureen, Jas, Lee, Genn and Blake got comfortable. Maurice booked the biggest studio so they could all relax, eat food, drink, smoke and make music. Soon Trey and Shad walked in. Jas smiled when she saw Trey and walked up to him and gave him a kiss


"Can you believe this shit? A secret collab? Do they know what they’re getting themselves into?"Trey asked her


"They do and you know them, they’ll do what they want"she said as a group of guys walked in. She recognized that Jake was among them, which made Naureen happy and she smiled as she walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Who are they?"she asked as she watched them walk up to Maurice and Breana, interrupting their warm up session for the time being

"Hood, Keeis, Red. OHB"

"OHB? Sounds like a gang"

"Its his posse, you know. Hes trying to put a rap group together"Trey explained and stopped when he saw that there was chicken. "Oohhh Im hungry"he said and she laughed at him

"Babe I wanna introduce you to my boys. We been tight for a hot minute. Hood, Keeis, Red? The infamous Pisces"Maurice said with a big smile as he introduced them. Breana gave each of them a hug and he couldnt help but smile wide at them finally meeting her. They have been around Kae and Kae only but it was about time that they meet Bree, so they could see what he saw in her.

"Nice to meet you guys"she said


"So what you guys got poppin off in here? Not some Cinderella shit right?"Red asked and the other guys snickered

"You’re saying that like its a bad thing?"Breana asked with a skeptical smile

"The song was corny"Red said,"Right? Maurice even said so-"

"Oh you did?"Breana asked him.

"Nah Red said it. I only agreed because compared to the stuff Im doing now like rapping…Im just saying we evolved, nah mean? That was a pop record. But we arent pop no more. We R&B, we’re Hip Hop. I mean come on, the song is like 5 years old. You dont agree?"Maurice asked her

"I dont think its corny at all. It was nominated for a Grammy. Corny songs dont get nominated for Grammy’s and though its a pop record it was perfect for me because thats who I was back then. Thats who we were. Corny ass little kids"she said to him. Did he not forget that they were 18 and 19 when they recorded that track? They were just teenagers.


"Aww man she called you corny dawg"Hood said

"You guys keep saying corny like its a bad thing. We are all corny when we are teenagers"Breana said. "You should have seen the corny shit we used to do together right Reecey?"she asked him and Maurice blushed.

"Reecey? Wow"Red said with a snort


"I love your accent. Ive been to Barbados once, had the time of my fucking life"Keeis said

"Act right and maybe you’ll be invited again"Breana said and winked at him

"Act right?"Red said and snorted again. Breana looked at him. What was his deal? Was he a pig in another life? Did he have a cold? He kept snorting like one of those questions were true. She noticed his eyes were as red as his hair so he was probably one of those guys who laughed at every single thing when he was high

"I got that good good though"Keeis said as he pulled out a few bags of green and Breana’s vocal coach cleared his throat

"Yeah we’ll get on that after we lay down these tracks man"Maurice said

"We gotta warm up, we only have a few hours so if you guys would….."Breana suggested politely

"Warm up? Aight"Red snorted again and walked off. Hood and Keeis following him

"So what you think?"Maurice asked her

"About them? They’re….interesting"she said. Deep down she didnt know how she felt about them but it was like that sometimes when she met people for the first time. Either they hit it off great and were the best of friends or didnt. There was no middle. Maybe these guys were the exception. "Lets get to work"she said and they continued to warm up. They did so for another 10 minutes and then they felt they were good to go. Terius started to play ‘Cake’ and everyone got hype. Breana smiled, she loved what this song did to crowds of people. They always seemed to go bananas when it played

"This track is hot. I didnt know Pisces had it in her"Red said and Breana heard him. What was THAT supposed to mean? She ignored him

"Lets get you in that booth pretty boy"Breana said to Maurice. "Show me what you got"

"Oh I’ll show you alright"he said as he winked at her and bit his lip a little and she blushed as he got in the booth. Terius played the track and Maurice was ready, set and went for it.

Girl I wanna fuck you right now
Been a long time
Ive been missing your body
Lemme lemme turn the lights down
When I go down its a private party
Oooh its not even my birthday
My birthday
But I wanna lick the icing off damn
Give it to her in the worst way
Cant wait to blow them candles out
I want that…

Everyone in the studio cheered and ‘ohhhhed’ after Maurice finished his verse. While he sang, Maurice locked eyes with Bree through the glass that separated the booth from the mixing board. He was literally singing that right to her. He kept biting his lips, smirking at her and grabbing MJ over his jeans. Was it hot in here?

"Yo that shit was hot! Do it again and I think we got it"Terius said with a laugh

"Ohmygod, what is happening"Naureen said as she side eyed LeAndra


"This is just foreplay for the full on porno they gonna have later"Lee said and Red looked at her. Porno? Werent Maurice and Pisces just friends? What about Kae?

"Whats good Ma? Im Red"he said to Lee as he extended his hand out to her

"I can see that"Lee quipped and Naureen giggled

"Oh you a comedian huh? You from Barbados too I see?"

"What gave you that idea?"Lee said sarcastically. Who was this nigga anyway?

"Whats your name ma? Dont leave me hanging"Red said

"LeAndra. This is Naureen. We both grew up with Breana"

"Who’s Breana?"

"Pisces, dumbass"Lee said as Naureen laughed

"Oh damn, aight. I didnt know her government. So you got a man Lee?"


"Where he at?"

"Hes good, thats all you need to know"

"What about you Ma?"Red asked as he eyed Naureen. Jake glared at him but Red ignored him as usual

"Im taken"Naureen said and Jake looked at her. Wait, what? Was she telling the truth or was she lying just to get him off her back?

"Fuck man"Red said and sighed. He saw another girl sitting on the lap of some bodyguard and he saw a sexy ass blonde but she was flirting with Trey Songz. "Pisces slipping yo. She brought chicken but no chicken heads, there aint no bitches here for us. Points lost my nigga. You always look out for your peoples. You gotta make them comfortable"he said to Hood and he nodded. "Yo I think Pisces here is trying to step on Kae Kae’s toes"

"You think so?"

"They aint here just recording some songs man, look at how they looking at each other. Aint that some shit?"

"I thought they were taking a break anyway"Hood said

"Yeah but you know how Kae Kae is, she lives and breathes for this nigga and Pisces knows that shit"

"Let him have his fun"Hood said and Red didnt say anything. He was all about loyalty. He didnt know any of these people in here but it seemed that Maurice, Keeis and Hood were just fine but he wasnt. He was uncomfortable because he knew how Kae would react if she knew Maurice was fucking with crazy ass Pisces again. His phone vibrated and he looked down and saw a text from Seiko


Red paused, should he tell her? Seiko was his girl too. She helped him out when his girl was cheating on him. She was honest and had proof when everyone else walked on eggshells around him, not wanting to be the one to tell him. He wished everyone acted like Seiko that day or he wouldnt have been so far in.

man u wont even guess who im wit rite now, he texted back

Doggy want the kitty
Gimme a heart attack
Now throw it back and watch me get it
I knew all this and you the shit
Damn girl you pretty
Blowing out your candles
Lemme make a couple wishes uh

"You liked that?"Maurice asked Breana as he walked out of the booth

"It was perfection to be honest but dont let that go to your head. I got a few tricks up my sleeve"Breana said as she slapped him on his ass and walked into the booth. She put on her headphones and Terius played Maurice’s verse again, she caught onto the rhythm and got ready and spit just like he did. She learned a couple tricks too:

Remember how you did it
Remember how you fit it
If you still wanna kiss it
Come come come and get it
Sweeter than a rice cake
Cake worth sipping
Kill it, tip it
Cake, fill it

"Ohhhhhhhhh!"everyone shouted out as Breana laughed. She did the same thing that Maurice did when she was in the booth. She gave a great performance, not breaking eye contact with him, twirling her blonde hair around her finger and grabbing her ‘kitty’ as she spit the verse she wrote. Maurice ate it up. He shouted along with everyone else as Shad dapped him up. He was smiling widely and he was shocked but impressed that his boo could spit. Where did she learn that at?


"Its like Freestyle Friday up in this bitch like on 106"Shad said with a laugh

"And guess who won this round? Pow pow pow"Lee said excitedly. Breana laughed and took off her headphones and playfully dropped them on the ground like a microphone

"Aye those headphones aint cheap now"Terius said

"Please, Terius, I can buy you ten more"Breana said as she bent down and picked it up

"You still picking it up though"Terius said and winked at her. Breana pointed at him and raised her eyebrows as if to say ‘watch it boy’

"Yo she gotta cut that part out"Red said as he walked up to Maurice

"What? Why? Its hot"

"She said ‘sweeter than your rice cake’"


"She said rice cake man!"

"Am I missing something?"

"Yeah dumbass, rice cake is a derogatory term for Asians. Shes going in on your girl and you just sitting here laughing"Red said

"You reading too far into it man"Shad said as he shook his head

"Hey Im just warning ya’ll"Red said

"Just chill. Kae aint my girl aight? So it doesnt matter-"

"Oh ok, wait til she hears it then"Red said and Maurice sighed as he signaled Breana to come out the booth

"I aint done. I got another verse to kill you with"Breana said

"What you mean by ‘rice cake’?"Maurice asked her

"What do you mean?"

"Rice cake is a derogatory term for Asians. Everyone knows it"Red said

"No, rice cake is a bland snack that no one eats"Breana said and Shad snorted. "Are you kidding me? The song is called Cake. Im not trying to send a racist message. Im not racist"

"No one said you were. We were just making sure that no shade was thrown"Maurice said

"I dont need to throw any shade. Right?"Breana asked as Red’s phone rang and he let himself out. "Yo whats the deal with him?"

"Sorry forget about it"Maurice said

"Im not cutting that line. You know how long it took me to come up with it? Im not a rapper"Breana said with a smirk

"Ok we good"

"Good"Breana said and then leaned in and whispered,"Cuz come to think of it, at the end of the day, my cake is sweeter than hers anyway right?"she said and winked at him and walked back in the booth. Maurice bit his lip to keep from smiling as he shook his head. Girl was something else.

And once she got in the booth and finished the verse, he was even more impressed:

If you sexy and you know it
And you aint afraid to show it
Put a candle on my muhfucking back
Baby blow it
Love it when you do it
When you do it like that
Showing up with them stacks
Put them racks on my rack
Wrap it up, wrap it up boy
While I take this bow off
Talk that talk yeah
Im such a showoff
Daddy make a wish
Put this cake in your face
And its not even my birthday

They all cheered again and Trey was one of the loudest,”Yoooo! This shit is gonna be epic”he said to Jas as he kissed her cheek


Pisces may also make decisions based on her feelings, which are sure to change later. The Taurus man can feel annoyed due to her unpredictable nature while Pisces woman can become upset due to inflexible nature of Taurus man.


Meanwhile, Mijo was in the studio as well across town. Hes been ignoring his phone all day and he figured whatever surprise Genn was throwing could wait or he’ll catch the next one. He, Braxton and Stormi decided to continue as U.G.L.Y. and as a trio. If Ethan wanted no part of it, fine, they’ll wish him well and move on. Hell, how many members did Destiny’s Child have over the course of their career? No one wants that type of headache when starting a band but hey, it happens. Thats what happens when you deal with different personalities.

Before he had gotten to the studio, he went to see his grandmother. She was doing well and she actually had a surprise for him. He sighed as he took the vintage box out of his jacket pocket. It was their family ring. His mother gave the ring back when his parents marriage fell apart and now she was giving it to him. There were a few stipulations when getting the ring. On the event of:

A) your wedding, which you would give to your bride


B) on your 25th birthday

Since he was nowhere close to being engaged, she gave it to him for his 25th and she told him that he hoped that he would settle down soon. And as usual, when she talked about settling down, she always asked about Jas.

'Hows that Goldilocks doing? You still keep in touch?'
'You two were so cute. What happened?'
'Shes engaged? Thats too bad. Do you think she loves him?'


"No"he had answered her honestly and she scolded him for speaking ill of Jas. But it was true, Jas could keep lying to herself but he couldnt. He was hoping she would finally open her eyes soon. It was February and she and the fucktard were getting married in May.

As he sat there and looked at the ring, the only person he could see wearing it was Jas. But as long as they carried on this charade, that would never happen. He sighed as he put it back into his pocket. He got out his phone and texted her, hoping she wasnt with fuckface.


He waited and the longer he did, he realized that she was either busy with Bree or with him. They agreed that if he texted her and she didnt answer, that he wouldnt call her back to back, so it wouldnt look suspicious. He sighed, the ball was in her court and he hated when that was the case

However, a few minutes later, she called him back and he got up and excused himself quickly. He walked outside and answered the phone,”Hey, what you doing?”

"In the studio with Bree….and Maurice"

"Wait what? You’re kidding? Are they killing each other?"

"No its like old times. They are on the ups again remember?"

"I know but those tend to not last long sometimes, remember?"he asked with a laugh. "Ya’ll just saying hi?"

"No…they….you cant tell anyone ok?"

"Who am I gonna tell?"he asked her with a laugh

"They’re doing a secret collab…or two"

"Get the fuck out"he said,"When Im done here, Im on my way"

"No! You cant"she hissed at him


"Trey’s here"she said. "Maurice had Genn invite a lot of people and she invited Trey because…well she doesnt know about you…."

"She did invite me actually, Im just in the studio myself. I should come by later-"

"Did you hear what I just said? You cant come here"

"Why not? Im not gonna say anything to him-"

"Mijo, you cant. This is a secret collab. We dont need a fight breaking out, cops being called and the paps to be tipped off. We did a great job getting everyone here without the media knowing, we cant have you fucking it up"

"Wow….I’d just be fucking it up huh?"Mijo asked angrily. "Fine you and your new Fantastic Four can have your secret society meetings, fuck you. I dont want any part of it"he said and hung up on her. She called back immediately and he didnt know why, but he answered and obliged her. "What?"

"Im sorry. I didnt mean for it to come out like that-"

"Fuck you anyway Jas"he said and hung up on her again. He walked back into the studio,"Breaks over. Lets get to work"he said

Jas walked back into the studio with a sour face. She tried calling Mijo back but he wasnt answering and now she felt like shit. “You good?”Trey asked her

"Yeah Im fine"she said

'Birthday Cake' was done and Breana and Maurice got to work on the remix for 'Turn Up The Music' while everyone continued to relax, catch up and watch the magic happen. Maurice was a good coach and he even wrote lyrics for Breana to sing. He knew exactly how he wanted it to go and he knew it would be perfect with her on it.

When it was time to record the bridge, he surprised her by walking into the booth with her. “What are you doing?”she asked him

"It will sound more authentic if we are singing it to each other"he said as he put on his headphones. Breana nodded and she could feel a sense of deja vu. She was brought back in time when she and Maurice flew to Jamaica to record Cinderella….

He then surprised her and reached down and held her hand in his and squeezed it,”Just follow my lead ok?”he asked her and she nodded, caught up by his dark eyes and just the simplicity of holding his hand. They kept it down at their sides as Terius played the track and they sang into the mic together, still holding hands, never breaking eye contact…well unless they closed their eyes while singing to each other passionately and in perfect harmony

I can see it in your eyes baby
You want a piece of me oh
So lets do it tonight
And do whatever it takes to make it right
Baby baby
Just turn it up
Just turn it up
Just turn it up

They kept singing those four words together and as she held his hands in hers, the love that she had for him in her heart turned up as well and soon she couldnt contain it anymore

"I love you baby!"she sang as he did a riff and everyone in the studio did a double take and watched the moment these two were having. If only the rest of the world could see these two in this moment, maybe they would understand…

"And…thats a hit!"Terius said and everyone gave them a round of applause

Maurice smiled and hugged Breana close, he nuzzled his face into her neck and kissed it,”I love you too baby”he whispered

Jake and Naureen clapped along with everyone else. They were catching up. Though they talked regularly it seemed that every time they had time to talk, they had even more stories to tell each other. But what was really on Jake’s mind now was what Naureen told Red earlier. “Those two are so fucking cute I swear”she said and then her phone started to ring. She looked down and saw that Jermaine was calling. “Oh be right back”she said to Jake and he nodded as she left out as everyone got up and congratulated and teased ‘Breece’ as they got out of the booth

"Hey Jermaine. Whats going on?"

"Tonightttttt wassssssss epiccccccc"he said and she paused

"Tonight? Its barely 11am here"she said

"I meant last night. Miami….fucking Miami man I love it. Im just getting back to my room. Thank God I have today off cuz Im still fucking….."


"Yeah yeah totally"

"You havent slept have you?"

"Oh I slept. I was knocked the fuck out-"

"But you just said you were getting back to your room"she said to him as she heard a door close in the background and shuffling around. "J? Jermaine?"


"Where did you sleep if not in your hotel room?"

"Um…..oh……oh……uh…..man I was gonna tell you later once I got like more sleep and shit"he said

Naureen paused. She had a feeling what was coming but deep down inside she hoped it wasnt true. Maybe he had a crazy story like how he fell asleep in someones bathtub after a hotel party or passed out on someones lawn after a pool party?

"I met someone"he said and she felt her stomach, heart and pride fall to the floor. She was in the hallway so there was no place for her to sit so she held onto the wall behind her. Did she feel faint? "She was like fucking exotic man. She was like half Cuban, half Filipino and shit. Long curly hair, nice-"

"I get it Jermaine"she said

"But we promised that we would be honest and thats what Im doing-"

"Where did you meet her?"

"One of the strip clubs. Her names like….Chiquita Banana or something but I caught a look at her ID for some reason and her real name is Simone"

"You fucked a stripper? Did you use a condom?"

"Yeah of course I did. I remember her putting it on for me"he said with a chuckle and then yawned,"I am TIRED, do you hear me? Chiquita Banana knew what she was doing"

"You’re drunk. Sleep it off and call me later"she said and hung up on him. She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself

This was what you signed up for Naureen. It was your idea Naureen. If you werent ready to have a conversation like this why put yourself in this situation Naureen?

Because she was getting used to the idea that just having the label as ‘open relationship’ was enough to keep him faithful? That he wouldnt act on it? But how stupid could she be? Maybe he was just like the others…

Or maybe he was merely just using the benefits that she gave him to his advantage for once. Did he have to rub it in her face though? Her name was Simone and she was half Spanish and half Asian or whatever. Whooop dee doo. She had that real good hair probably. Who cares. But the fact that he called her exotic made her feel….well not exotic at all.

Was this a mistake?

No, a voice inside her head said. You have the same benefits as him. He can find someone exotic? So can you.

Just then the door opened and Jake peeked his head out.


"Hey most of us are heading out. Seems Pisces and Maurice both have rehearsals for the Grammy’s-"

"Are you doing anything right now?"she asked him as she locked eyes with his baby blue’s

"Um no. I was gonna go back to my place and work on some websites but if you wanna do something-"

"Yeah, lets go"she said as she hooked her arm in his and they left out together

"When will I see you again?"Breana asked Maurice

"Im gonna be rehearsing until I walk the carpet. The choreography…everything has to be perfect. You’re still my secret date right?"he asked her and she nodded. "I’ll see you at the Grammys then. If anything changes, I’ll call you"he said as he kissed her. She melted into the kiss. As usual a simple peck didnt work for them and soon it turned into a full on makeout session. "I gotta go"he said. "I cant wait to release these tracks. Your birthday cant come fast enough"

"Tell me about it"she said excitedly. She loved birthdays, especially her own. And now that they were releasing these tracks, it was like Christmas was coming again. She gave him another kiss. "I love you"

"I love you too"he said and left out quickly

She got her purse and noticed a red and white letterman’s jacket and saw that it was Maurice’s. She smiled and picked it up and followed Genn and Blake out.

They left separately and out different entrances but someone was watching and took photos as the two left. Pisces and Maurice could have been in the studio recording at the same time and it could be a coincidence. Or maybe it wasnt…..

You think one of the biggest ‘fly on the wall’ moments was over? Think again, the day turned into night and it seemed that the evening brought more surprises….

Trey was doing interviews and had a rehearsal for his performance at Essence’s Grammy party. This weekend was going to be so busy with all the parties being thrown. Jas let him do that and she drove across town to see Mijo. She apologized profusely about what she said to him but he kept ignoring her. She showed up at his hotel unannounced and that pissed him off

"What if Stormi saw you huh? And what do you want anyway?"he asked her as she let herself in

"She was here?"she asked him

"Earlier, yeah"he said

"Mijo I wanted to say that Im sorry-"

"I got that. I know-"

"But you didnt say-"

"I was busy. As I said, Stormi was here earlier"he said and Jas couldnt help but cringe

"You’re mad you werent included and I wish you were there. It wasnt the same without you. Everyone was there. Shad, Terius-"

"Everyone except me-"

"This Red guy was there, pissing everyone off on the low"she said

"Red was there? Kid Red? Hes an asshole yeah but get used to it. Thats one of Maurice’s strays he picked up"

"Ouch"she said

Mijo shrugged,”We’ve had our ups and downs so to speak. Im glad he was able to see this reunion. Happy for all of you”he said sarcastically

"How was your studio time? You saw your grandma today? How is she?"she asked him, hoping to take his mind off of him feeling left out

"She kept asking about you. Told her you were engaged now"he said,"She was disappointed"

"Awww. I miss her"

"She misses you"he said with a frown. "She gave me her ring"

"Wow. Really? The family ring?"she asked and he nodded

"Late birthday present. Im 25 now and though Im not married, shes entrusting me with it"

"Thats great. I remember her saying how much it meant to her"she said and glanced and saw the old vintage box on the counter. "Is that it? Can I see it?"she asked as she walked up to it. She remembered when Grandma showed it to her when Mijo first introduced them years ago. It was a beautiful ring.

"Jas-"he said but it was too late. She opened the box and frowned and looked at him. "Jas-"

"Its empty"she said. "You wearing it now?"

"No"he said. "Its too girly. My dad usually kept it on a chain or something but um….I gave it to Stormi"

"You gave it to Stormi?"Jas asked him and she couldnt help but feel a dagger stab her in her heart

"We’ve gotten really close since the last time I saw you. We connect on a musical level too. We been in the studio nonstop while you been out doing God knows what-"

"You’ve only known her for a few months-"

"So you’re saying she doesnt deserve it? Huh? So who does?"he asked her and she didnt say anything

"Do you love her?"

"That doesnt matter-"

"It does matter because thats why you give that ring to someone. Its your family ring Mijo. Not just anybody can wear it. Its for your fiance-"

"Stormi isnt just anybody and its my ring now and I can do whatever I want with it"he said to her. They stood there in silence. "What?"


"We could never be married anyway Jas"Mijo said and she looked at him. She didnt say anything, didnt look at him as she closed the box and walked away from it. She used to dream about having that ring. She hoped that she would have gotten that ring on their wedding day when she thought they were getting married. But he wasnt ready. He never will be. "You hate how I stay up late sometimes or keep you up late at night when you were studying, working"

"You know how early I have to get up. I have to go to bed early too-"

"Yeah you used to go to bed at 9:00 you fucking Grandma, still do, you did the last time I saw you. Its annoying"

"So sleep schedules is why we can never be married? Or is it because you think Im a cold, heartless, withholding bitch?"she asked him. Might as well be honest.


"No? Yeah right-"

"Im used to it"he said and she pretended that didnt hurt either,"See I tell you a lot about whats going on with me and at this point in our….whatever the fuck this is….I always overshare. Like telling you about the ring and Stormi having it. You dont need to know that. But I tell you because I like being open with you. Ive always been open with you and I dont want that to change. You…..you like to be a fucking mystery and it was good at first cuz I cant stand the fuckwad you’re marrying but now…..it would just be nice to know what the fuck you were thinking…."

"What am I thinking? You’re right. We can never be married. Which you love to remind me time and time again"she said as she got her purse and walked out the door and slammed it behind her. She ran as fast as she could and opened the door to the staircase and ran downstairs, tears stinging her eyes as she did….

And while one of our favorite couples seemed to be crumbling, another one was brewing across town.

"You are so beautiful Naureen….you sure you wanna do this?"Jake asked her

"Im sure"she said as she took off her dress and got on top of him….


If Taurus can take care of Pisces and show some flexibility then this relationship becomes very easy.


If you want it, put your name on it…. - Rihanna


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