
Greetings from space! Here’s what’s happening around the shop.

New Arrivals

Excellent yarns landed this week! We’ve freshly the Pepperberry Lace, just in time for some lighter-weight knitting. Each skein packs in 366 yarns of 100% cashmere. Get inspired with pattern ideas here!

After all the excitement of February’s Knockout Round knitalong, we had to restock Neighborhood Fiber Co. Studio Sock. This 100% superwash merino is great for socks and so much more.

This time out we’ve got semisolid and variegated colorways from Fiberstory Core DK. Check out project inspiration here!


We also got a huge shipment of Hazel Knits Piquant Lite! The colorways are excellent. Danielle’s scheming a Duane Park Triange shawl and I’ve got designs on a Polaris. We love all the Hazel Knits bases in the shop, but this fingering base wears extremely well. Want to make something with little to no pilling? Look no further than Piquant Lite.

Tired of renegade skeins? Underground Chic bags are back in stock! These staff favorites come in two sizes and cost a very reasonable $30.50-$34.


© nosmallfeet on flickr

Our spring charity stitch-a-long continues. Thank you to those who have already contributed! Join us for the Bi-Annual Knit & Crochet Baby (Not Just) Hat Drive to benefit DC-DMV PAIL Net, the area’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network, in collaboration with The Solace Foundation and Stephen’s Heart. There is a basket for donations in the lounge. We are collecting items through April 15. Turn in an item and receive a 10% off coupon. We will be having a stitch-in-space day on March 22. Join us in making these small items for families in need.


Our spring calendar is rolling out. We’re offering our standards (hats and socks and sweaters, oh my!) as well as some exciting new offerings.

Learn the fundamentals of knitting with Introduction to Knitting. Seats are available in our April sessions, with classes beginning on Wednesday, April 1; Tuesday, April 7; Saturday, April 10; and Sunday, April 11. ($75)

Learn to make a hat in one sitting, seriously. Our next Beanie Hat class meets on Wednesday, March 18 at 6 pm. ($50).

Step up your hand-warming game with our Connectivity Gloves on Saturday, March 14 at noon ($80).

Let’s make socks! Beginner Socks returns on Sunday, April 12 ($80) and Two at at Time Socks starts Monday, April 13 ($80).

Is this the season that you tackle sweaters? They’re rewarding as all get out and we’ve got options to help you ease in. Try one of our first sweater classes: Introduction to Top Down Sweaters – Spring Cardigan beginning on Wednesday, April 8 ($80) or Top Down Raglan Summer Tee on Sunday, April 12 ($80), or beef up your skills with our Open Study Sweater on Saturday, April 4 ($80).

If you’ve tackled your first few shawls and want a new challenge, check out Intermediate Lace Shawl – Catoctin starting on Monday, March 16 at 7 pm ($80).

Interested in learning lace but not too excited about shawls? Try our Introduction to Lace – Baby Blanket on Tuesday March 24 at 6 pm. ($50)

Learn to make a Lacey Mobius Cowl with Danielle on Thursday, March 26 at 6 pm ($40).

Looking for a little help on some of the finer points of knitting? Our series of technique workshops continues with Continental Knitting on Saturday, March 14 at 1 pm ($30) and Efficient English on Saturday, March 14 at 7 pm ($30). Finishing Essentials meets on Sunday, March 29 at noon. ($40)

Learn the basics of crochet and make a sweet baby blanket or lap afghan! Introduction to Crochet begins on Monday, March 23 at 7 pm. ($80)

Learn to crochet in the round with our upcoming Crochet Cowl on Saturday, March 22 at noon. ($40)

Learn to make this cool Padded Crochet Basket on Sunday, March 29 at 2 pm ($40).

One of our exciting new classes for this semester: Tunisian Crochet – Working in the Round meets on Saturday, April 4 at 10 ($40).

What’s Hot

Is anyone else a little unsure of what to make right now? Suddenly it’s spring outside, but it’s tough to trust it when we had a ‘winter weather event’ less than a week ago. We’ve got a rundown of some great spring tees to make when you’re embracing a sunshine and cherry blossoms outlook. All of them would also be great in the Blue Sky Alpacas Skinny Cotton that we’ve got in the shop for a limited time!

Happy stitching, happy spring!

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