
Download your free copy of the FE Week 16-page  supplement celebraing Adult Learners’ Week 2014 ~ in partnership with NOCN.

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Learning that goes far beyond the school classroom

Welcome to this year’s Adult Learners’ Week (ALW) supplement.

For me, the best thing about this annual week of celebration is the stories of people who find new skills that change their lives.

What has struck me this year is that it’s not just people who struggle at school who benefit from adult learning (although, of course, they do), it also boosts those who want to progress at work or pursue a lifelong dream or are in prison and want the skills to change their lives when they are released.

The National Institute for Adult Continuing Education (Niace) wants everyone to experience these benefits; on page 3, read the manifesto that it believes will help to make this happen.

On pages 4 and 5, learners, including winners of the ALW awards, tell their stories. Read too about the Transforming Lives award for tutors.

On pages 6 and 7, there’s a profile of Bob Rose, South Gloucestershire and Stroud College’s head of work and life preparation. He’s a man who has experienced the power of adult learning in his own life.

We’ve got a feature on prison learning on pages 10 and 11, with a piece by Prisoners’ Education Trust chief executive Rod Clark that celebrates offender learners’ achievements.

On page 12, Association of Colleges president Michele Sutton tells us what colleges can do for adult learners, and Dr Fiona Aldridge, Niace assistant director for development and research, analyses the institute’s adult learning participation survey.

On page 13, Frances Graham, director of Workbase Training, writes about Learning Associates who support learning in non-unionised workplaces, while Association of Employment and Learning Providers chief executive Stewart Segal calls for integrated employment and skills programmes.

Finally you can look at pages 14 and 15 for our calendar of taster sessions running across the UK throughout this wonderful week.

As always, you can contact us and keep track of events on twitter via @FEWeek #ALW14

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