Year entered:
Program Title:
The Production of Space and the Role of Community-Labour Mobilization
Comprehensive Areas:
Production of space (urbanization) under capitalism: state, space, and everyday life
Urban social movements
Urban planning
Advisory Committee:
Ute Lehrer (Chair), Stefan Kipfer , Steven Tufts (Geog)
Previous Education:
M.A. Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto (2006)
B.A. Urban Planning, University of Dortmund, Germany (2002)
R* Kipfer, S., Saberi, P. and T. Wieditz (2013). Henri Lefebvre. Debates and Controversies. Progress in Human Geography 37(1): 115-134.
Kipfer, S., Saberi, P. and T. Wieditz (2012). Henri Lefebvre. In F. Eckardt (Ed.), Handbuch Stadtsoziologie. Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Wieditz, T. (2010). Gentrifizierung im Stadtteil Liberty Village in Toronto [Gentrification in Liberty Village, Toronto]. In I. Mertens & K. Usunov (Eds.), Raumplanerinnen im Ausland. Dortmund: Institut für Raumplanung (IRPUD) Universität Dortmund
R* Lehrer, U. and T. Wieditz (2009). Condominium Development and Gentrification: The relationship between policies, building activities and socio-economic development in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Urban Research 18(1): 140-60.
R Lehrer, U. and T. Wieditz (2009). Gentrification and the loss of Employment Lands: Toronto’s Studio District. Critical Planning 16: 138-60.
Wieditz, T. and U. Lehrer (2008). “Big Box Bitter Battle: Opposing the Impoverishment of Ontario“. In: RC21. The research committee for the 21 century. Sociology of Urban and Regional Development. International Association. July 2008.
Wieditz, T. (2007) “Liberty Village - the Makeover of Toronto’s King and Dufferin Area“. In: Research Bulletin #32, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto
Book Reviews
Wieditz, T. (forthcoming).”Review of Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront (by Gene Desfor and Jennefer Laidley), Urban Studies Journal.
Wieditz, T. (forthcoming).”Review of Insurgencies. Essays in Planning Theory (by John Friedmann), Planning Theory & Practice.
Professional Experience:
2013- Research Fellow, The City Institute at York University (CITY)
2007-08 Research Coordinator: “Urban Images, Public Space and the Privatization of Toronto”. Principal Investigator: Dr. Ute Lehrer, York University
University Service:
2009-2010 Committee of Instructions (CoFI). Ph.D. Student Representative, FES, York University 2008-2009
Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee (FAAC). Ph.D. Student Representative, FES, York University
2011- Ralph Thornton Centre (RTC), Board Member, member of various committees
Teaching Experience:
2013 Course Director ENVS 4750: Political Ecology of Landscape. Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University.
2013 (W) Teaching Assistant: ENVS 2200: Foundations of Urban and Regional Environments. Planning, Analysis, and Design. Course Instructor: Dr. Stefan Kipfer.
2012 Course Director ENVS 4750: Political Ecology of Landscape. Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University.
2012 (W) Teaching Assistant: ENVS 2200: Foundations of Urban and Regional Environments. Planning, Analysis, and Design. Course Instructor: Dr. Stefan Kipfer.
2011 Course Director ENVS 4800Q: Urban Development Processes. Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University.
2009-10 Teaching Assistant: ENVS 2200: Foundations of Urban and Regional Environments. Planning, Analysis, and Design. Course Instructor: Michael Ekers.
2008-09 Teaching Assistant: ENVS 2200: Foundations of Urban and Regional Environments. Planning, Analysis, and Design. Course Instructor: Dr. Stefan Kipfer.
Other Activities:
Gallery exhibit: Lehrer, U. and T. Wieditz (2009). “Strip-mining for Creative Cities”. Toronto Free Gallery. Conceptual and Photographic Contributions. January 15 to March 1, 2009.
Conference Presentations:
Wieditz, T. (2013) “Don’t let the Condos eat my job!From the production of cookies to the production of space.” Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Graduate Research Program: Empire, Nature, City, Toronto, Canada. May 31, 2013.
Nugent, J. and T. Wieditz (2013) “Labour as Urban Planners: Recent Labour-Community Coalitions and the Struggles to Protect Employment Districts in the City of Toronto.” Paper presented at the United Association for Labour Education, Toronto, Canada. Apr. 19, 2013.
Wieditz, T. (2013) “From a socio-ecological fix in the “country” to labour’s spatial fix in “town.” Condos, cookies and speculative pressures in Toronto.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA. Apr. 10, 2013.
Wieditz, T. (2013) Roundtable discussion: The how? and why? of presentations. Graduate Workshop on Conference Presenting. Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto. Jan. 30, 2013.
Wieditz, T. (2013) “Employment Lands and Toronto’s Comprehensive Municipal Review.” Presentation given at an event co-organized by the Toronto York Region Labour Council and the City Institute at York University (CITY), Ryerson University, Toronto. Jan. 19, 2013.
Wieditz, T. (2012) Roundtable discussion: Urban Renewal and Citizen Protest. Urban-Activism-Scholarship: Global Discourses in Local, Historical and Contemporary Contexts. 1st Annual Conference of the International Graduate Research Program, Berlin, Germany. Nov. 2, 2012.
Wieditz, T .(2011) “Transcending the Regulation Approach? The role of the sensuous human body, everyday life and space”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA. Apr. 14, 2011.
Wieditz, T. (2010) “Where Regulation Theory meets Labour Geography: The case of the South of Eastern District”. Paper presented at the Second Annual FES PhD Research Matters Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Nov. 25, 2010.
Lehrer, U. and T. Wieditz (2009) “Spatial Politics in Toronto: Community Groups Fighting Back. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, NV. Mar. 24, 2009.
Wieditz, T. and U. Lehrer (2008) “WalMart and the gentry: The fight for ‘good jobs’, working class space and sustainable urban development in Toronto’s inner city”. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Critical Geography Conference, Athens, Ohio. Oct. 4, 2008.
Lehrer U. and T. Wieditz (2008) “Accelerated Gentrification: Toronto’s Condominium Boom”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA. Apr. 15, 2008
Lehrer, U. and T. Wieditz (2007) ”The New Gentrification: Toronto’s Condominium Boom”. Paper presented by Ute Lehrer at the Conference: New-build Gentrification. Forms, Places and Processes, Neuchatel, CH. Nov. 15, 2007.
2013 SSHRC IDG 430-2012-0547 “Placing Labour in the New Urban Economy” collaborator. Principal Investigator Dr. Ian T. MacDonald.
2013 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) “Author Meets Critic Grant.”
2012-2013 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Doctoral Award
2010-2012 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SHRC) Doctoral Award
2010-2012 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Doctoral Award (declined)
2009 AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group Student Award: Travel award to support presentations on topics related to the focus of the specialty group at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers in Las Vegas
2008 York University Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship (Ph.D.): Incoming award for students who have demonstrated the highest academic standing
2008 AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group Student Award: Travel award to support presentations on topics related to the focus of the specialty group at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers in Boston
2006 Mark Nawrot Award: Award for academic excellence and leadership
2002 Globalization, Urban Governance and Environmental Issues: EU funded scholarship financing the exchange program between York University and the University of Dortmund, Germany
Guest Lectures:
2013 ENVS 2200: Foundation of Urban and Regional Environments. Friday, March 7, 2013. Lecture on Toronto Urban Planning and Employment Land Conversions in Toronto.
2012 ENVS 2200: Foundations of Urban and Regional Environments. Friday, February 17,2012. Lecture on ‘Compact City’ planning and the Amsterdam Extension Plan of 1935.
2010 ENVS 4800B: Creativity and Cities in Urban Politics and Planning. Wednesday, 27, 2010. Presentation on Labour’s agency in the production of space.
2009 ENVS 2200: Foundations of Urban and Regional Environments. Friday, April 17, 2009. Lecture on gentrification and its relationship to intensification policies and the recent boom in condominium construction in Toronto.
2009 ENVS 4800: Urban Development Processes. Wednesday, February 11, 2009. Walking tour and subsequent discussion of the gentrification of Liberty Village, Toronto.
Why FES?:
Following my Masters in Environmental Studies in 2006, I felt that FES was the right place to continue my studies. The flexibility of the program, the strengths of my advisors and the community within FES made the decision easy for me.