
I am sharing a couple of my very own chicken meal recipes that are healthy, delicious, and quite simple to make. Over the past couple years, I’ve learned a lot about how eating is not only linked to internal physiological health but happiness, energy levels, and fitness progress. Whether you want to see great results from your workout routine, feel more energized for your daily schedules, or just feel good about yourself, you need to eat healthy.

What is healthy eating? I’m not going to advertise any specific diet plan out there. I don’t believe in diets; I believe in lifestyle changes. Sounds cliche but really diets are fads and often fail. We become obsessed with what we can’t have instead of enjoying what we can have. As you make the permanent change to grocery shop for and cook healthy foods it is a habit and you’ll find you crave the clean foods that don’t make you feel heavy and fatigue. Many studies show how our metabolism and mood is affected by what we eat, and how we can change our bodies to burn fat instead of sugar. It’s important to know your body and metabolism. Become familiar with what your body can tolerate, how often you need to eat, and what amounts. When eating certain ingredients doesn’t settle well or makes you ache, it’s a clear indication you shouldn’t be eating it. The symptoms and effects that food has on us is not always drastic, but when I have been eating healthier and then fill my body with junk I notice how much worse the fast food, sodas, junk food, and so many bread carbs is for me. I hope that you will enjoy these recipes and have fun creating your own, or finding new ones.

***Spaghetti Squash Chicken Alfredo***

I have to credit my friend Mandy for introducing me to spaghetti squash. It’s so delicious and a filling, but healthy alternative to pasta.


Spaghetti Squash

Lean Boneless Chicken

Lemon Pepper

Garlic Salt

Alfredo Sauce store-bought (measure amount to watch calories) or try this low-calorie homemade recipe..

1 cup skim milk

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese

1 tbsp cornstarch

1/4 tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/2 cup grated parmesan

Spaghetti Squash– Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut Spaghetti Squash in half and scoop out the seeds and fibers with a spoon. You can season lightly with salt, pepper, garlic salt, lemon pepper, or whatever you’d like. I use lemon pepper and then sprinkle very lightly with garlic salt about halfway through baking. Place your squash boats on a baking pan and cover loosely the top of the pan with aluminum foil. I left the sides open and then uncovered the foil completely 20 min into baking. Total bake time about 40 min. Keep an eye on the squash and you may turn them over but not necessary. Remove from oven when tender and let cool a few minutes til you can handle the touch. I hold squash with one hand and brush the squash inside with a fork. Spaghetti strings peel easily from the skin of the squash into bowl.
Chicken– Cut up your chicken and place in a stove top pan on medium heat. You may add just a tiny amount of olive oil and sprinkle pan with lemon pepper beforehand to flavor and prevent sticking. Once chicken is tossed into pan to cook, add your flavor of lemon pepper and garlic salt. Make sure the chicken is cooked thoroughly and remove pan from heat.
Alfredo Sauce– You can shop around for your favorite brands and nutritional amounts. I’m fine using the Great Value Alfredo Sauce (90 calories) and just heating up the amount I’ll use in a microwave container when I’m being quick or short on ingredients but you can also cook this low-calorie sauce recipe as the squash bakes (about 111 calories)..

Blend the sauce ingredients together. Add to saucepan and cook on low to medium heat for about 15 minutes. You may add a little basil for an extra bit of taste.

Mix Alfredo Sauce and Chicken or stack them onto the spaghetti squash and mix altogether and enjoy!

***Honey Healthy Garden Salad***

Salads are simple but a tasteful salad and the right ingredients can be filling

This recipe combines protein, fruit, and vegetables for a low-calorie fix to your day.


Salad (Romaine lettuce, spinach, a simple pre-packaged garden salad.. You pick!)



Almonds or any nut you like

Baked lemon pepper chicken

craisins or raisins

Low-Fat Honey Dijon Dressing

Spaghetti Squash shreds or a light cheese

This is perfect for eating up leftovers from your spaghetti squash chicken alfredo or have baked lemon pepper chicken and plain spaghetti squash cooked before hand and refrigerated then use to make this salad during the week.

I made whole pieces of chicken seasoned with lemon pepper stove top the night before and shredded it when I made the salad. If you have leftover cut up chicken you may use that as well or make some! I like my chicken chilled with this cold salad. Top your salad with chopped carrots, grapes cut in half, shredded chicken, craisins or raisins, nuts, and Honey Dijon dressing. I like to eat my salads with cheese but sometimes use shreds of cold spaghetti squash instead. Easy right?! and so delicious!

***Spinach Chicken Wraps***


Flavored Chicken

Low-Carb Wheat Tortillas

Cream Cheese

Pinto Beans


Lime Juice

garlic salt

Shredded Cheese


Shred warm seasoned chicken of your choice. It can be baked, made stove top, or come pre-packaged and heated up in the microwave. I change it up but the idea is warm, shredded chicken to add to your wrap.

Use a small amount of yogurt butter or canola oil to grease a saucepan and moisten spinach. Add spinach to pan and season with whatever you prefer. You may also chop tiny pieces of fresh garlic and add to spinach. Add lime juice and cook on low to medium heat until spinach is darker and soft. It does not take long so keep an eye on it.

Putting it together:

Lightly smear cream cheese across your low-carb tortilla. You may heat the tortilla 10 seconds in the microwave or take the cream cheese out of the refrigerator while preparing the spinach for an easier spread. Don’t spread to thick, se sparingly. Add spinach and heated pinto beans (without much juice) to the center of your tortilla. Top with shredded chicken, cut up avocado or guacamole, and shredded cheese. You may fold as a burrito or just wrap the tortilla and eat.

Have a fantastic week!

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