
Gone are those days when gaming enthusiasts played video games sitting in a single room. As the technology has improved by leaps and bounds, new games have evolved that have redefined the meaning of gaming in the modern times. Now, games can be played with multiple players over the internet network irrespective of the area. Traditional video games were confined to similar themes, graphics and sounds, but over the years, gaming technology has been improvised and new games are designed with highly advanced graphics and audio effects to give them a realistic touch and feel.

Nowadays, gaming enthusiasts are in love with MMORPG and web browser games and for good reasons. Browser games are those special kinds of games that are played online on web browsers. These games are usually free-to-play and do not require any software or programs to be installed. You can play role playing games on your PC, tablets and smart phones without any hassles. In these games, the players can choose the characters according to their wish and then customize the characters to make it more alluring and powerful.

There are many types of browser games which are being played online by hardcore gamers. Magerealm, Hero Commander, Knight’s Fables and League of Angels are some of the best browser games which have earned tremendous popularity among the players.

Below given are details of the best free browser games available these days:

Hero Commander:

It is one of the best MMORPGs that combine different tactical and MMORPG items into a heroic adventure of epic proportions. You can play as the lord of the Grand City along with taking charge of the army chief while battling with evil forces. Playing this game is amazingly interesting and entertaining. It offers unique features and portrays an excellent and seamless storyline. The cute fantasized world is quite appealing. It provides the scenario of battling orc bosses, building army and expanding the empire, this gives a flawless finish to the game. The graphics are suitable and convenient to match the theme of Hero Commander.

League of Angels:

It is a fantasy turned-base role playing game that drops players into a chaotic world churning with the group of evils, in order to save a hierarchy of beautiful angels. In this game you are the hero and it is your duty to save the innocent angels from the devils.

Knight’s Fable:

It is an online RPG where you can hire a role of any character and fight infinite enemies. To protect yourself from devils, you can capture combat equipment.

GTArcade is the most prolific online gaming platform that offers some terrific mobile and web browser games to play for free. For more details, visit Gtarcade.com.

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