
In the world of DVD services that mail movies out to its customers, we can’t think of another service as popular and widely known as Netflix. Subscribers to its DVD-mailing service know a good time is a-comin’ when they spot that red envelope in their mailbox. But it turns out the postal service, you know, the people who are responsible for delivering your Netflix DVDs, have been discriminating in favor of Netflix mail compared to other similar services, like Gamefly.

Judges in Washington DC have ordered the Postal Regulatory Commission to end all discriminations against Gamefly, or at least “explain why treating GameFly differently than Netflix is reasonable.”

Apparently, the U.S. Postal Service has been manually sorting Netflix DVDs at no extra charge to the company, while other similar services, like Gamefly wasn’t shown the same favoritism, which could result in an “epidemic of broken discs.

We understand the movie industry is considered much bigger than the gaming industry, but showing that kind of favoritism to one company and not another when they both have identical services is ridiculous. We’re hoping the ruling changes how the postal service treats their DVD-mailing services and treats all of them with care.

By Ubergizmo. Related articles: President Obama Signs Bill Allowing Netflix Users To Share Videos Through Facebook, Samsung Partners With Lionsgate To Convert Films Into 3D,

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