
In the mirrorless market, it is pretty clear that Sony is leading the way, and unsurprisingly so. They have spared no expense at marketing, plus they were also first on the scene with a full-frame mirrorless camera, and so far reviews of their cameras have been largely positive. This has left little room for other camera makers, such as Nikon.

In the past we have seen the company struggle with the Nikon 1 lineup, but could it be bad enough for Nikon to do away with it for good? Possibly, according to a recent review DPreview did for the Canon EOS M3. As spotted by a Nikon Rumors reader, Jeff Keller of DPreview wrote that the Nikon 1 series was no longer being developed.

It reads, “Trying to figure out where the EOS M3 fits into the mirrorless landscape is tough. Its closest peers, based on price and features, are the Fujifilm X-A2, Olympus E-M10 II and Sony a6000 (we’re leaving Nikon 1 cameras out of the list, as we believe the series is no longer being developed.)”

Now DPreview is a pretty reputable site when it comes to all things camera related, meaning that they wouldn’t simply throw in speculation or rumors if they did not think it had some merit. To their credit, we haven’t really heard anything Nikon 1-related for a while either. The last Nikon 1 camera we saw was back in early 2015. In any case maybe take this with a grain of salt for now, but we’ll have to wait and see what Nikon has to say about this.

Did Nikon Discontinue The Nikon 1 Series Of Cameras? , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.

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