
Recently I did a lot of tests with Atomic, such as a creating custom images for Ceph, and ways to provide an immutable infrastructure. However, Atomic is meant to be a host platform for a container platform using Kubernetes. Their Getting Started guide describes how to setup a basic environment to host containerized applications. However, this is a manual approach and with the help of Vincent* I create a way to deploy this Kubernetes environment on Atomic and a standard CentOS installation using Ansible. In this article I will describe the components and provide instructions on how to deploy this basic environment yourself.


To deploy the Kubernetes environment you will need either Atomic Host or a standard CentOS installation. If you are using this for testing purposes, a cloud image on an OpenStack provider will do. The described Ansible scripts will work properly on both Atomic Host and CentOS cloud images. Although it has not been tested on Fedora, it should be able to make this work with minimal changes. If you do, please contribute these changes back.

You will need at least 2 (virtual) machines. One will be configured as the Kubernetes master and the remaining node(s) can be configured as minions or deployment nodes. I have used at least 4 nodes; a general controller node to perform the deployment from (also configured to install the Kubernetes client), a master node and at least two deployment nodes. Take note that this deployment does not handle docker-storage-setup and High Availability.

Setup for deployment

Almost all the deployments I perform are initiated from a short-lived controller node. This is a machine that allows
incoming and outgoing traffic, and mostly gets configured with an external Floating IP. This host can be seen as a jumphost. I will configure it with a dedicated set of SSH keys for communication with the other machines. You do not have to do this, and if you have limited resources, consider this host to be the same as the Kubernetes master node.

On this machine do the following:

This will install the Ansible playbook and the required roles:

Each of the roles take care of the installation and/or configuration of the environment. Do take note that the Docker and Kubernetes roles do not install packages on the Atomic hosts as these already come with the needed software.

Configure the deployment

If you look at the files deploy-kubernetes.yml you will see three tasks for a different group of hosts. As mentioned before, they will each take care of the installation when needed.

Take notice of the setting of remote_user. On an Atomic host this is a passwordless sudo user, which can also login with SSH using a passwordless key-based authentication. If you use CentOS, please configure a user and allow add an entry with echo "username ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/username.

Change the inventory

Ansible targets a playbook against a single or group of nodes that you specify in an inventory file. This file is named hosts in this playbook repository. When you open it you will see the same set of names as specified above in the hosts entry in the deploy-kubernetes.yml playbook. For our purposes you will always have to deploy a master and a node. If you do not specify the master node, the installation will fail as some of the deployment variables will be used for configuration of the nodes.

Group variables

At the moment the roles are not very configurable as they are mainly targeting a simple test environment. Inside the folder group_vars you will find the configration for the Kubernetes nodes. These are as follows

Perform the deployment

After changing the variables in the hosts inventory file and the group variables, you are actually all set to perform the deployment. We will start with the following.

This first step will install Docker on the master node and pull the Docker Registry container. This is needed to provide a local cache of container images that you have pulled.

After this we can install the Kubernetes environment with:

Below I will describe what each part of the playbook does and some information about the functionality.

Playbook and role description

Below I will give a short description of what each part of the playbook and role does.

Role gbraad.docker

Each node in the playbook will be targeted with the following role: gbraad.docker. This role determines if the node is an Atomic Host or not. This check is performed in the tasks/main.yml file. It the node is not an Atomic Host, it will include install.yml to perform additional installation tasks. At the moment this is a simple package installation for docker. After this step, the role will set state started and enabled for the services; docker.


Role: gbraad.kubernetes-master

As part of the playbook, first we will configure the master node. For this, the role gbraad.kubernetes-master is used. Just like in the previous role, file tasks/main.yml will perform a simple check to determine if an Atomic Host is used or not. If not, some packages will be installed:





Configure Kubernetes

After this step Kubernetes will be configured on this hosts. Tasks are described in the file tasks/configure_k8s.yml, source.


Congfigure Kubernetes: etcd

This role will create a single 'etcd' server on the master. For simplicty all IP address will be allowed by using as the endpoint. The port used for etcd clients is 2379, but since 4001 is also widely used we will also configure to use this.


Configure etcd LISTEN CLIENTS


Configure Kubernetes: common services

After this the role will set an entry in the file /etc/kubernetes/config. This is a general configuration file used by all the services. It sets the local IP address, identified as default_ipv4_address as etcd server and the kubernetes master nodes.


Configure k8s common services

Configure Kubernetes: apiserver

For the apiserer the file /etc/kubernetes/apiserver is used. We will configure it to listen on all IP address. An admission control plug-in is a piece of code that intercepts requests to the Kubernetes API server prior to persistence of the object. For this role we removed ServiceAccount which is normally used to limit the creation requests of Pods based on the service account.

Restart services

After this the services of the master node are started and enabled. These are:





Configure flannel

For this environment we will use flannel to provide an overlay network. An overlay network exists on top of another network to provide a virtual path between nodes who use this overlay network. The steps for this are specified in tasks/configure_flannel.yml source.

The configuration of flannel is controller by etcd. We will copy a file to the master node containing:

This file is located in the role as files/flanneld-conf.json. Using curl we will post this file to etcd on the master.


Copy json with network config

Configure subnet

After these steps the Kubernetes master is configured.

Role: gbraad.kubernetes-node

For the configuration of a Kubernetes node we use the role gbraad.kubernetes-node. Just like in the previous roles we determine in tasks/main.yml to install packages or not. For all the nodes we will configure:



kubernetes specific settings


Configure SELinux

Because I use persistent storage using NFS with Docker, I configure SELinux to set the boolean virt_use_nfs.

Configure flannel

In the tasks:

Overlay | configure etcd url

Overlay | configure etcd config key

Flannel systemd | create service.d

Flannel systemd | deploy unit file

We configure all the nodes to use the etcd instance on k8s-master as the endpoint for flannel configuration. These tasks configure the networking to use the flanneld provided bridge IP and MTU settings. Using the last two tasks we configure systemd to start the service.

After this change we will restart the flanneld service.

Configure Kubernetes

In the file tasks/configure_k8s.yml we do final configuration of the Kubernetes node to point it to the master node.

In the tasks:

k8s client configuration

k8s client configuration | KUBELET_HOSTNAME

k8s client configuration | KUBELET_ARGS

we configure how the node is identified.

In the tasks:

k8s client configuration | KUBELET_API_SERVER

Configure k8s master on client | KUBE_MASTER

we set the location of the API server and the master node. Both of these will point to the IP address of the k8s-master.

After this change we will restart the kubelet and kube-proxy service.

After deployment

If all these tasks succeeded, you should have a working Kubernetes deployment. In the next steps we will perform some simple commands to verify if the environment works.

Deploy client and verify environment

As you have noticed from the hosts inventory file, there is a possibility to specify a client host:

You do not have to deploy a kubernetes client using this playbook. It will install a single package, but you could also just use the statically compiled Go binary that is provided from the Kubernetes releases:

Verify nodes

Oncae all the nodes have been deployed using the playbook, you canb verify communication. From a client node you can perform the following command:

Schedule workload

If all looks good, you can schedule a workload on the environment. The following commands will create a simple nginx instance.

This file described a Pod with a container called nginx using the 'nginx' image. To schedule it, do:

Using the following command you can check the status:

If you now open a browser pointing to the node Kubernetes used to create it (, you will see an nginx welcome page.


Setting up Kubernetes can be a daunting task as there are many different components involved. Kelsey Hightower has a very good guide, called Kubernetes The Hard Way that will teach you how to deploy kubernetes manually on different cloud providers, such as AWS and the Google Compute Engine. After gaining some experience, it is advised to look at automation to deploy an environment, such as the the Ansible scripts that can be found in the contrib repository of Kubernetes. this allows you to stand up an environment with High Availability. The scripts described in this article should only serve as an introduction to gain understanding what is needed for a Kubernetes environment.

If you want a production-ready environment, please have a look at OpenShift. OpenShift deals with setting up a cluster of kubernetes nodes, scheduling workload and most important, how to set up images for deployment. This is done using what is called 'source to image'. This and OpenShift itself will be the topic of future articles.

More information

Knowledge-base article about Kubernetes on Atomic

Knowledge-base article about Kubernestes

Hands-on-Lab: Kubernetes on OpenStack (Not all material published yet)

Deploying Kubernetes on Atomic hosts

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