
It is a pleasure to welcome new members to Fedora FreeMedia group. Every month we have some newly joined member who strengthen the programs’ existence.

However following process will be followed in order to manage new subscriptions effectively.

Once fortnight, starting 27th Oct, most probably on Saturday night I ll be reviewing the requests to join with the Fedora Free Media program and process them. If the noted procedure[1] is correctly followed then the request will get the approval. On the other hand if partial registrations are found out, the request will be canceled immediately followed by an email to the requester.

It is required to refer to the instructions[1] and follow them;

In brief;

Create an account at Fedora Account System (FAS). If you already are a Fedora Contributor, the go directly to the second step. (Please make sure to include Country Code in your FAS profile)

Apply for “freemedia” group via Fedora Account System.

Please make sure your personal wiki page is in place with your contact details. Please include your contry of residence. Your personal wiki page will be located as the following example: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:
You can find out the template for personal wiki page here.

Subscribe to Fedora Free Media Program Mailing List and wait for an approval. If you don’t apply for ‘Freemedia’ group in FAS first, (as described in step 2) your subscription to the list will be rejected!

Optional:If you want to receive every ticket updates, you may subscribe to Freemedia Trac List

Therefore please check FAS registration is done, apply for the membership for the Free Media at Fedora Account System, detailed user page is up and subscribe to FreeMedia mailing list.

However if you skip one or more instructions out of 4, your request will be cancelled but it is possible to apply again with completing above 4 steps. Cancel request will result in canceling subscription request to the mail;ing list and join requests in Fedora Account System. Your FAS account will keep as it is and will not remove it.

Should you have questions feel free to contact me at any time.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/Freemedia/Join_freemedia

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