GPO welcomes our newest Federal depository library, Sitting Bull College, of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, serving the people of North and South Dakota. Sitting Bull College joined the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) as a selective depository with a land grant designation (44 USC §1906). The library is the first designation to opt for digital-only publications.
Sitting Bull College is building a digital collection to meet their community’s need for access to Federal information. Any selective depository now has this same option. GPO recognizes the number of libraries interested in hosting and providing access to digital content continues to increase as the information community moves toward more digital collections. Digital content expands free public access to Federal information, which is the foundation of the FDLP and remains the responsibility of depository libraries.
Libraries that participate in the FDLP are required under law to provide free public access to and assistance in using depository resources. Additional information is forthcoming to assist libraries in transitioning to an electronic depository. Guidance will include information on access, services, and collections.
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