
The food and beverage industry typically uses a large volume of water, yielding large amounts of wastewater, adding financial and ecological burdens to the industry and to the environment. One of the most promising efforts to stem this global problem is water efficient treatment, processing and reclamation.

Within this context, the international social- economic situation is focusing, more and more, on the importance of sustainability and environmental impact, meeting today’s and tomorrow’s environmental, economic, and social needs.

Treating water, wastewater and their distribution is an energy intensive activity. Efficiencies could be achieved reducing water use, wastewater production, and the related high costs. Furthermore, there is a vast potential to use water industry assets for renewable energy generation from biogas, CHP, etc.. .

This is the view adopted by Eurotec WTT: reducing environmental impact, controlling energy consumption, optimizing investment and maximizing the cost-effectiveness of each plant are the key points of company mission.

The experience and skills acquired over 30 years, the attention to sustainability and energy saving, are the strengths of Eurotec WTT, specialized in the design, production and installation of water, wastewater, wastes and food process treatment plants. It offers innovative technological solutions for the entire industry production chain, supplying systems for treatment of process water (for boilers, heat exchangers, etc), wastewater, and  even for treatment of other food products (whey, must, soft drinks) allowing the production of increasingly high added value and better quality products.

Eurotec solutions.

Process Water Treatments

The use of water of natural origin for industrial applications requires characteristics which it does not often possess at source, making mechanical, physical or chemical treatments necessary to ensure suitability for the intended uses. Eurotec WTT is able to offer all these technologies, and it is also leader in the use of resin processes, not only for producing softened or demineralized water, but also for removing specific contaminants.

Primary water treatment plant for a preserved vegetables producer.

Wastewater Treatments

Wastewater, according to its origin, is contaminated by different types of organic and inorganic substances dangerous to health and the environment.

The company has longstanding experience in the design and production of treatment plants, particularly in the food & beverage sector, fully complying with all environmental regulations, meeting specific customer needs and maximising  investment profitability.

Eurotec WTT offers different types of solutions: chemical-physical treatments; anaerobic treatments transforming the cost of treatment into a source of income, in terms of biogas production; aerobic treatments, integrated with nitrogen and phosphorus abatement process, or for completion of anaerobic systems. In particular biogas represents a great opportunity for the energy efficiency growth and for the development of a sustainable economy and society: it exploits biodegradable wastes reducing wastes volume, saving money and meeting national and European waste recycling regulations. Biogas opens up new applications in several fields, such as high tech process energy for industries, effective small scale power generation, flexible energy production method, and more.

Food Treatments

Thanks to its wide experience in the use of ionic exchange resins, Eurotec WTT offers various processes for the treatment and enhancement of food products such as grape must, whey, concentrate juices, etc.

Waste-to-energy and wastewater treatment plant for a jam producer.

In addition to the traditional treatments with ionic exchange resins, Eurotec WTT is one of the few companies, worldwide, to realize ISMB Chromatography plants, the excellence in biological products manufacturing.

Eurotec WTT studies the best solution for the customer’s economic and structural requirements; the solutions are unique for each sector, for each type of treatment and for each customer need.

Each solution points at improving the quality of life and the business opportunities of its customers: the plant will be simple and compact, but with an efficient and focused technology, supported by a fast implementation and high quality standard.

Eurotec WTT is a member of RWL Water Group, a water, wastewater and waste-to-energy system integrator, founded by Ronald S. Lauder. Eurotec WTT has deployed over 250 plants in Italy and abroad, and more than 50% of its clients are repeat customers.

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