
Everyone knows the old adage, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” It’s a cliche for a reason, mainly because the outside rarely represents what’s on the inside. Bikers, especially, have this unfortunate reputation of being crude, mean, rough, and awful group of people.

That’s what it was like for biker-father Luc Perreault when he walked into a Tim Horton’s in Canada. Upon entering, he met a sweet, little girl who just saw a nice man she wanted to say hello to. After exchanging hellos, the little girl’s mother pulled her by the hand and that’s when Perreault heard her call him a “dirty biker” under her breath.

After the incident, Perreault hit Facebook and created an open letter that resonates with all of us.

“To the family in the red SUV at Tim Horton’s today…

Yes I am a big 280lbs guy with motorcycles and full of tattoos. I am a welder, I am loud, I drink beer, I swear, and I look like I would eat your soul if you stare at me wrong.

via Facebook / Luc Perreault

What you don’t know is that I have been happily married for 11 years, my kids call me daddy, I am a college graduate…

My mother is proud of me and tells everyone how lucky she is to have such a wonderful son, my nieces and nephews are always happy to see there m’noncl Luc, when my daughter broke her arm, I cried more than she did. I read books, I help people, I go out of my way to thank war veterans and I even cried at Armageddon…

via Facebook / Luc Perreault

So next time I smile and say hi to your little girl and you grab her and tell her, ‘No no dear, we don’t talk to dirty biker”…

remember that even tho you hurt my feelings, this ‘dirty biker’ would be the first person to run into your burning house to save your little girl’s goldfish so she wouldn’t be sad!!!”

via Quick Meme

If that’s not the truth then I don’t know what is. Don’t forget that even “dirty bikers” have feelings, so we should take into consideration how anyone will react and feel when we say hurtful things.

Credits: Diply

The post Rude Mom Calls Him “Dirty Biker” At A Coffee Shop—His Facebook Response Is Perfect appeared first on Kick Next.

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