Trade Association Recognizes AmeriPride with ‘Clean Green’ DesignationAmeriPride Services Inc., a leading supplier of linen and uniform rental services in North America, today announced that it is the largest commercial laundry organization worldwide to earn ‘Clean Green’ Certification from TRSA, the leading textile services industry association. This designation signifies that its production facilities meet TRSA’s international standard for achieving efficiencies in water and energy conservation and adopting best management practices for reusing, reclaiming and recycling resources.
“This achievement demonstrates our commitment to the environment while maintaining the highest quality in laundered products for our customers,” said Brian Keegan, SVP of Plant Operations for AmeriPride Services and Canadian Linen. “Our customers care about sustainability, and so do we. This new Clean Green designation spans our North American facilities and is an important step forward for our business and the communities that we operate.”
The Clean Green certification provides third-party verification that the uniforms, linens, mats, towels and other reusable textiles procured from AmeriPride are laundered in an environmentally friendly manner. It is the only industry certification that quantifies and validates a commercial laundry’s environmental sustainability.
To attain the Clean Green Certification, a commercial laundry must comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water via a re-use system, using environmentally friendly detergents, filtering wastewater before discharging to the sewer, utilizing solar energy and energy-efficient lighting, using recycling programs and re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel.
“Congratulations to AmeriPride for achieving this industry milestone and for their dedication to preserving our natural resources,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Laundry customers who choose AmeriPride can feel confident in the knowledge that their products are washed, dried and finished in a manner that meets the highest standards and helps protect the environment.”
Commercial laundries are by nature better for the environment as they promote recycling and reuse of textiles. They are also much more efficient and eco-friendly than companies that wash their own garments and linens in smaller, less-efficient washers and dryers or have their workers wash uniforms at home. Commercial laundries realize economies of scope and scale and often employ the latest technologies for removing pollutants, recovering heat, reusing rinse water and other resource-saving functions.
About AmeriPride
Headquartered in Minnetonka, Minn., AmeriPride Services is recognized as one of the largest uniform rental and linen supply companies in North America. Operating more than 115 production facilities and service centers throughout the United States and Canada, AmeriPride provides linen and towels, uniforms, floor mats, restroom and cleaning products to nearly 150,000 customers every week. Founded in 1889 by George and Frank Steiner, the privately held company is still owned and managed by the Steiner family. Commitment to the customer, personalized service and innovation has sustained the company for 125 years. Additional company information can be found online at
About TRSA
TRSA is the only organization advocating fair, balanced regulation and pro-business tax, labor and energy policy for the $16-billion U.S. textile services industry that employs nearly 200,000 people at more than 1,500 facilities nationwide. TRSA also provides professional development, benchmarking and training resources that increase productivity and efficiencies for companies that launder reusable textiles, which help businesses project a clean and attractive public image. Most Americans benefit at least once a week from the cleanliness and safety of laundered, reusable linens, uniforms, towels, mats and other products the industry supplies to the service, industrial/manufacturing, hospitality and healthcare sectors. TRSA quantifies our industry’s commitment to cleanliness and sustainability through its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean certification programs. For more information please visit