
Hey Crafty Friends -

I have just a few random snippets to share with you tonight. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen a few of my photos of flair buttons. Ones like these:

and these:

I bought a button maker because I wanted to make my own flair designs. You may have noticed them on my projects over the last few weeks. I have oodles of extras (can’t make just one) so I have added them to my very neglected Etsy store which you can find HERE. I currently have seven designs listed. If you do place an order, I’d love to see what you make with them.

And speaking of my Instagram account, I share some random photos of things I’m working on but haven’t or don’t plan on posting on my blog. Like these guys that I made over Thanksgiving with my mom and sister-in-law:

Yup, I have a whole army of them and they have invaded my Christmas tree. They are always watching…

One last note, my craft room is overflowing with stuff so I have decided to purge a little. You can find a listing of stamps I’m selling on my For Sale page here on the blog. Or you can just click THIS LINK. All lovely stamps, I just don’t have the room and time to play with them. :)

Any questions, just shoot me an email or leave a comment here. Have a great weekend.

P.S. I’ll be back tomorrow with some crafty eye candy. It has been a busy week working on illustrations (they are so cute) so I haven’t had any time to play with ink and paper.

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