





I’ve said this before and I’ll point it out again -

Menstruation is caused by change in hormonal levels to stop the creation of a uterine lining and encourage the body to flush the lining out. The body does this by lowering estrogen levels and raising testosterone.

Or, to put it more plainly “That time of the month” is when female hormones most closely resemble male hormones. So if (cis) women aren’t suited to office at “That time of the month” then (cis) men are NEVER suited to office.

If you are a dude and don’t dig the ladies around you at their time of the month, just think! That is you all of the time.

And, on a final note, post-menopausal (cis) women are the most hormonally stable of all human demographics. They have fewer hormonal fluctuations of anyone, meaning older women like Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren would theoretically be among the least likely candidates to make an irrational decision due to hormonal fluctuations, and if we were basing our leadership decisions on hormone levels, then only women over fifty should ever be allowed to hold office.

Reblogging hard for that last comment.

the above comment is a little oversimplified.  there’s a huge hormonal variation amongst males and females alike, but it’s absolutely true that the hormonal lines between “male” and “female” aren’t as clear cut as we imagine them to be.  generally speaking: in the first half of the cycle, there’s more estrogen.  it slowly rises and triggers ovulation (or as i call it: horny time).  progesterone is more prevalent in the second half of your cycle.  estrogen and progesterone sharply rise during the pre-menstrual phase and then drop off, triggering your period.  testosterone remains the same throughout your entire cycle, but because estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest while you’re on your period, there’s relatively more testosterone. (x)

that said, everyone’s hormones are in flux all the time (including males) and the argument that females are uniquely unqualified/inferior to handle “real issues” because of their ~crazy lady biology~ is basically the root of sexism.

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