It’s hard to play soccer if you don’t have a pump, but the One World Futbol--which doesn’t need inflating--fixes that problem. Now the company is branching out to other kinds of balls, so that kids anywhere in the world can play whatever sport they want.
Tim Jahnigen just got back from a month-long trip to Malawi and Kenya, where he helped deliver about 11,000 "futbols"--near-indestructible soccer balls that are bringing joy to many. Having distributed more than 200,000 in the last two-plus years, he’s quite used by now to watching kids run around with his invention. But he says Malawi was special. President Joyce Banda announced a new nationwide youth soccer tournament while he was there. And, he was struck anew by what a difference a few balls could make.
"The average cost of the soccer ball is four times more than the average family income for a month. So, this will have a profound impact on the entire country. That’s so humbling. It’s a form of alchemy that I can’t even describe."
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