

Kavi Gupta Gallery, Scott Reeder, Real Fake (2013) (Artist Impression), Courtesy the artist and the gallery

Curated under the theme ‘Social Animals’ by Nicholas Baume, Director and Chief Curator of Public Art Fund, the artworks selected for this year’s Public sector will transform Collins Park into an outdoor exhibition space. Public, a sector of Art Basel’s Miami Beach show, features over 30 large-scale sculptures and installations by leading and emerging international artists, including Huma Bhabha, Carole Bove, Olaf Breuning, Aaron Curry, Mark di Suvero, Matias Faldbakken, Sam Falls, Tom Friedman, Jeppe Hein, Thomas Houseago, Alicja Kwade, Richard Long, Michelle Lopez, Matthew Monahan, Charlotte Posenenske, Scott Reeder, Santiago Roose, Tony Tasset, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Mungo Thomson, Oscar Tuazon, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Ursula von Rydingsvard, and Phil Wagner. For the third straight year the sector is produced in partnership with the Bass Museum of Art. A selection of artworks will continue to be installed in Collins Park through March 2014.

The Public sector’s opening night on Wednesday, December 4 will include a special program of performances, free of charge and open to the public.

First time Public sector curator Nicholas Baume has been Director and Chief Curator of Public Art Fund in New York City since September 2009. Prior to joining Public Art Fund, Baume served as Chief Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston, where he was responsible for shaping the artistic program from 2003-2009.

303 Gallery and Johann König and Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Jeppe Hein, Appearing Rooms (2004), Courtesy: Johann König, Berlin and 303 Gallery, New York

The theme ‘Social Animals’ has its origins in Aristotle’s observations about the nature of human beings. Set within the cityscape of Miami Beach, this year’s edition of Public seeks to turn a grouping of separate works by multiple artists into a temporary community of its own, with works in conversation and in dialog with each other – such as Sam Falls’ powder-coated aluminum installation with a master work by Charlotte Posenenske – as well as with the location – evident in Michelle Lopez’s towering site-specific structure.

David Kordansky Gallery, Aaron Curry, VVirgins (2011), Courtesy of David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, Photography: Dirk Pauwels

Drawing on his experience of injecting public art within the urban landscape, Nicholas Baume’s selection works to activate the public park as a place for social interactions and as an extension of the diverse exchanges that take place in the environment of the art fair. In this context, Public presents Phil Wagner’s diptych of opposing chairs, large-scale sculptures by Mark di Suvero and Oscar Tuazon, and two urban structures built from concrete, wood, and metal mesh by Santiago Roose. Alicja Kwade’s large-scale steel sculpture reimagines the border lines between time zones as a global electrocardiograph.

The sector’s title likewise links to the hand-worked surfaces and textures of many of the work’s figurative and organic forms. The varied works of Huma Bhabha, Olaf Breuning, Aaron Curry, Tom Friedman, Thomas Houseago, Matthew Monahan, Tony Tasset and Pascale Marthine Tayou incorporate figurative elements, at times alluding to Modernist and ancient totems. The use of natural materials is seen in Carol Bove’s open-form sculpture in petrified wood and steel, Jeppe Hein’s series of ‘rooms’ shaped by water, and Richard Long’s 12-foot-diameter installation in Dartmoor Granite, while Ursula von Rydingsvard’s composition of cut, stacked and sculptured cedar beams transforms solid material into gestural form. Mungo Thomson’s audio recording of professional musicians imitating the sound of crickets is played on outdoor speakers.

Symbols of popular culture are reused and repositioned to engage with the audience, as in Scott Reeder’s three-dimensional installation of the words ‘Real Fake’ and Matias Faldbakken’s adaptation of the original Peterbilt 281 big rig truck which appeared in Steven Spielberg’s first feature film ‘Duel’ (1971). Maarten Vanden Eynde’s composition of oil peak sculptures in bronze is based on the production rates of individual oil wells and the combined production rate of a field of related oil wells.

A selection of works from Public will remain installed in Collins Park for an extended run through March 2014 via tc: temporary contemporary. The city-wide temporary, public art program was initiated by the Bass Museum of Art in partnership with the City of Miami Beach in 2012. It seeks to activate the urban landscape with art and engage with residents, visitors and passers-by to encourage interactions with the city and its communities. tc: temporary contemporary is made possible through the support of The City of Miami Beach, ArtPlace, National Endowment for the Arts, Knight Foundation and Funding Arts Network, Inc.

Located in Miami Beach, the Bass Museum of Art offers a dynamic year-round calendar of exhibitions dedicated to our mission “we inspire and educate by exploring the connections between our historical collections and contemporary art.” This includes art from our permanent collection of Renaissance and Baroque paintings, sculpture, textiles and Egyptian Gallery. Artists’ projects, educational programs, lectures, concerts and free family days complement the works on view.

Additionally, the museum opened the Lindemann Family Creativity Center in January 2012. The center is the home of the museum’s IDEA@thebass program of art classes and workshops. The museum was founded in 1963 when the City of Miami Beach accepted a collection of Renaissance and Baroque works of art from collectors John and Johanna Bass, and renamed the collection that was housed in the Miami Beach Library designed in 1930 by Russell Pancoast to the Bass Museum of Art. Architect Arata Isozaki designed an addition to the museum between 1998 and 2002 that doubled its size from 15,000 to 35,000 square feet. For more information, please visit www.bassmuseum.org.

For Public Opening Night on Wednesday, Kate Gilmore has created ‘Only One Like You’, a new performance that builds on themes introduced in her 2011 Public Art Fund project. In this large-scale performance, lining both sides of the central axis through the park, performers, who will share a number of physical characteristics, will stand on individual pedestals, wielding sledgehammers, and pounding metal cubes, creating in the process a series of destroyed sculptures.

Taking the basic elements of human presence and bodily movement as his raw materials, Ryan McNamara’s new performance ‘Uncanny Liquidity’ intends to tweak perceptions and provoke curiosity. Two performers are placed in Collins Park, dressed to blend into the crowd. Their subtle movements betray the fact that something is not quite right, prompting visitors to observe them more closely. As the night goes on, their difference from the rest of the crowd grows more acute.

For ‘Smoke Grid’ Olaf Breuning will simultaneously set off smoke canisters to create a sea of colored smoke. The installation transforms its environment into a swirling painterly mass of color and movement, generating unique visual effects as the smoke and pigment erupt and disperse.

A new sound installation by Mungo Thomson will be created that evening. Four musicians playing different instruments – clarinet, flute, violin and percussion – will imitate the song of crickets. Recordings of the performance will be played in Collins Park throughout the rest of the week.

For the fourth performance of the evening, entitled ‘Santa Confessional’, David Colman installs a classic Catholic confessional within Collins Park for people to confess their sins and ask for absolution. Instead of the booth being fully enclosed like a classic confessional, open-air windows cut into the design, creating a tension between yesterday’s private practice of confessing in secret and today’s more performative and secular version of confession.

Public Opening Night, which is free and open to the public, takes place in Collins Park on Wednesday, December 4, from 8.30pm to 10pm. The Public sector is also free of charge and open to the public from December 4 to December 8.

Collins Park is located between 21st & 22nd Street, in close proximity of the exhibition halls within the Miami Beach Convention Center and adjacent to The Bass Museum of Art.

On Thursday, December 5, from 2pm to 3pm, Art Basel’s Salon program will see Nicholas Baume in conversation with Kate Gilmore, Alicja Kwade and Mungo Thomson. The talk takes place in the Hall C auditorium of the Miami Beach Convention Center. Art Basel entry tickets include admission to Salon.

List of 2013 Public artworks:

Huma Bhabha | ‘God of Some Things’, 2011 | Salon 94

Carole Bove | ‘Flora’s Garden I’, 2012 | David Zwirner

Olaf Breuning | ‘Dreams/Dirt’; ‘There is Absolutely Nothing to Find Up There’; ‘I Don’t

Want to Go This Way’, 2013 | Metro Pictures

Aaron Curry | ‘Untitled’, 2013 | David Kordansky Gallery

Mark di Suvero | ‘Exemplar’, 1979 | Paula Cooper Gallery

Matias Faldbakken | ‘Untitled (Duel Truck)’, 2013 | Simon Lee Gallery | Paula Cooper Gallery

Sam Falls | ‘Untitled’, 2013 | Galerie Eva Presenhuber

Tom Friedman | ‘Untitled (peeing figure)’, 2012; ‘Huddle’, 2013 | Luhring Augustine | Stephen Friedman Gallery

Jeppe Hein | ‘Appearing Rooms’, 2004 | 303 Gallery | Johann König | Galleri Nicolai Wallner

Thomas Houseago | ‘Striding Figure (Rome I)’, 2013; ‘Studio Seat I’, 2011; ‘Studio Seat

II’, 2012; ‘Yet to be Titled (Chaise)’, 2012 | Gagosian Gallery

Alicja Kwade | ‘Pulse of Time’, 2013 | Johann König | kamel mennour

Richard Long | ‘Higher White Tor Circle’, 1996 | Sperone Westwater

Michelle Lopez | ‘Blue Angel II’, 2013 | Simon Preston Gallery

Matthew Monahan | ‘A Lifer’, 2013 | Anton Kern Gallery

Charlotte Posenenske | ‘Vierkantrohre Serie D’, 1967 – 2013 | Mehdi Chouakri | Peter Freeman

Scott Reeder | ‘Real Fake’, 2013 | Kavi Gupta Chicago/Berlin

Santiago Roose | ‘Theoretically Stable System’, 2013 | 80M2 Livia Benavides

Tony Tasset | ‘Bear’, 2013 | Kavi Gupta Chicago/Berlin

Pascale Marthine Tayou | ‘Tug of War’, 2007 – 2010 | Galleria Continua

Mungo Thomson | ‘Cricket Solo for Clarinet’, ‘Cricket Solo for Violin’, ‘Cricket Solo for

Flute’, ‘Cricket Solo for Percussion’, 2013 | galerie frank elbaz

Oscar Tuazon | ‘Untitled’, 2013 | Galerie Eva Presenhuber

Maarten Vanden Eynde | ‘Oil Peaks’, 2010 – 2013 | Meessen De Clercq

Ursula von Rydingsvard | ‘Lub Też’, 2013 | Galerie Lelong

Phil Wagner | ‘Let Us Rejoice’, 2013 | Untitled

List of performances taking place during Public Opening Night:

Olaf Breuning l ‘Smoke Grid’, 2013

David Colman l ‘Santa Confessional’, 2013

Kate Gilmore l ‘Only One Like You’, 2013

Ryan McNamara | ‘Uncanny Liquidity’, 2013

Mungo Thomson l ‘Crickets Solo for Clarinet’; ‘Violin’; ‘Flute’; ‘Percussion’, 2013

More information on the sector is available at www.artbasel.com/miamibeach/public.

Filed under: Arts & Culture Tagged: Aaron Curry, Alicja Kwade, Art Basel, BASS MUSEUM OF ART, Carole Bove, Charlotte Posenenske, David Colman, Director and Chief Curator of Public Art Fund (New York City), Huma Bhabha, Jeppe Hein, Kate Gilmore, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Mark di Suvero, Matias Faldbakken, Matthew Monahan, Michelle Lopez, Mungo Thomson, Nicholas Baume, Olaf Breuning, Oscar Tuazon, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Phil Wagner, Richard Long, Ryan McNamara, Sam Falls, Santiago Roose, Scott Reeder, Thomas Houseago, Tom Friedman, Tony Tasset, Ursula von Rydingsvard

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