
You’re seeing quite a few changes with our Southwest Farm Press website. And soon will see similar changes in our print issue with a  retooled cover, refreshed the graphics and interior to make it an easier read. This is part of a new strategy that includes our new website, as we continue to provide you information in an easier-to-read, and easy to access, format.

For the magazine, you'll see new type and a refreshed look, which will continue evolving for the next year. We want to be sure we're providing you the information you need as efficiently as possible. Page through the next issue, and get a feel for the new look.


For the website, we've improved new functionality designed to make that experience better than ever. And we wanted to share those key features with you here so when you're online you know what we're offering and can take full advantage of those features.

And there's one big change - to get to your state/regional site you need to enter the name. You visit Southwestfarmpress.com. This allows us to offer a better experience online, so be sure to bookmark Southwestfarmpress.com, or better yet, make the new site your home page.


As for the site itself? There are five major enhancements you'll notice online:

Read on any device. The site adjusts on the go as you switch between horizontal and vertical, tablet and phone, laptop and desktop. You will see virtually the same site and content regardless of how you access it with no drag on load times.

Bigger photos, useful galleries. You will see large, vivid images accompanying our stories and view photo galleries that are filled with even larger, nearly full-screen photographs taken by our reporter/photographers and contributors.

Expanded markets, weather information. The data display on our home pages is now larger and easier to read with even more market listings than before.  We are now carrying localized cash grain bids. Of course, you will continue to get award-winning twice-daily market analysis from Bryce Knorr and Bob Burgdorfer to keep you ahead of the curve on the shifting business climate. The weather report is also easier to read with bold graphics and includes a one-step personalization using only your zip code.

Registration offers added information. By registering on the site, you'll get access to our Ag Insights content with in-depth reporting and learning from experts we connect with from educators to commercial experts who will provide you with an edge in developing your skills and abilities to turn a profit even when times are tough.

Simple navigation. On the top left you'll see a menu button (it's those three lines to the left of the brand logo). Just click on that button and you have a selection of our most popular sections. And as you finish one story, we serve up more content on related topics. No more returning to the home page to see what else we've posted, it'll come to you as you scroll through the story.

So check out the website to keep up with the latest online information, and thanks for reading.

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