
Matt Rush, a fourth generation New Mexico farmer and cattle rancher will be keynote speaker at the 60th annual Plains Cotton Growers annual meeting April 7, in Lubbock. The meeting will be held in the Banquet Hall of the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.

Rush, who farms in partnership with his dad on a farming and ranching operation, travels the country as a professional speaker, conducting leadership and motivational seminars. The Zig Ziglar Corporation recently recognized his talent and skill as a speaker and trainer, inviting him to become one of their first ever Platinum Level speakers. He also is the Executive Vice President of the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau. The keynote speaker is sponsored by Farmers Cooperative Compress.

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway and Kim Kitchings, Senior Vice President, Consumer Marketing for Cotton Incorporated, also are scheduled to speak. The program will feature an update on the Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. PAC and an announcement about the 2017 Celebrate Cotton Game.

Breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m., sponsored by Monsanto/Deltapine. Lunch, sponsored by Bayer CropScience/FiberMax/Stoneville, will follow the meeting.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., and the program will start promptly at 9 a.m. The meeting is held in conjunction with the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show, April 6-7, also in the Civic Center. For more information on the TCGA Annual Meeting and Trade Show, visit http://www.tcga.org/.

There is no charge to attend and no RSVP is necessary. Additional information about PCG and the Annual Meeting can be found at http://www.plainscotton.org.

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