
Farming Simulator 2013 Mods

Altersberg v 1.0

Hi everyone!

I wish you the V1.0 of my first Map imagine: Age hill. The map contains a higher landscape, and a valley with a river. On the map you are 40 and 3 acres of meadows. There are no missions, deswengen you should disable them. Rot is on! It has changed a lot.

The map is not based on an original replica. It was simply built from the imagination. There are many small to medium sized fields. Meadows are also available.



Sales office for pig

-New BGA silos

Road to the BGA

Road Signs


Lidl market-

Fields album

-New Village: Steinach

Road changes (intersections and such)

If other errors are found, please contact me! Maybe Dan is still a V2.0!

Have fun gamble! 



-Texturen: Tessmann85 (FSM)

-LeereMap: ???

-Rolltor: GE-Mapping

- Brücke: Fatian

-Bauernhaus: modelleicher

-Billinger: Sunsh1ne

-CentralBGA: getsome2030

-Fahrbahnmarkierungen: FrankWienberg[GER]

-Getreidelager: Kyosho

-gitterzaunset: martinbigM500

-hecken: spider100

-leitplanken: LS-Landtechnik.de

-Maschinenhalle: ???

-mauer: Der DAS

-Straßen: Fatian

-waterplane: TheModdingMonster

-Weidentore: Weltbauer

-Weidenzaun: Weltbauer

-Fertighäuser: ?

-Schweinemast: Marhu

Download: link [direct]

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