
today is Ali's day on the

Buttermilk Basin Blog Hop ~

we have all loved her designs

and wait until you see what she made for this, her day of the blog hop!

it's as sweet as she is ~

{and so is her recipe}




With major help from Miss Flea {Felicia}

the shop here at the farm has transitioned into a beautiful place

for the Open House this Saturday ~

we have both been putting in long hours,

...and pooping ourselves out to the point where we get punchy.

When we get tired like that,

...we have a tendency to giggle.

a lot.

at things we would never think of giggling at.

{like the word giggle. that is a weird word isn't it?}

oh, and Miss Joan Ellen is included in this equation too.

{she got that way while traveling to Ohio with me to the From our Hands Show}

I just know that you all get the same way too sometimes…admit it!

Girlfriends are good for that ~

...not only there to help you, they encourage you too.

~ and the added bonus of a good laugh is priceless :)


don't forget that the shop will be closed until tomorrow.

We will open the door at 10:00 am sharp for our annual

>>>> Christmas Open House at Notforgotten Farm <<<<

and I'm hoping to see your smiling faces on our doorstep!

* Blessed be *


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