
Fishing in Montana … it’s on the bucket list of the older boys in the family. And when sunny skies and a calm, cool morning collided, they loaded up and headed out onto Hebgen Lake from Yellowstone Holiday Marina. The boys, that is. It didn’t matter that there was a daughter who desperately wanted time in the boat. It’s a bit of a boys’ club.

And they headed off into the morning …

… leaving her ashore with the little boys and the rest of the women.

So she waited and waited and waited.

Finally, the boys returned for a passenger exchange.

And she hopped into the boat, eager to prove her fisherwoman worthiness.

It didn’t take long.

Because as it turned out, she landed the best catch of the day.

She caught a bigger, better fish than her dad, her little brother and her uncles.

The girl who wanted to fish? She now has a whopper of a fish tale of her own to tell.



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