
so much to say this morning...so little time before the girls wake up.

if you read oh hey, friday! a few days ago you saw that my mac ca-rashed. i was in the middle of uploading pictures and it just went dead.

i googled a few things, tried to reinstall snow tiger // leopard // lion whatever about 309 times...nothing was working. i was either seeing a folder on a white screen with a question mark (not good) or the international no sign - circle with a slash through it. also not good.

so...first thing friday morning what did i do? i tried again. because everyone knows if you let technology sit for a few hours it'll probably have resolved itself.

surprise - that didn't work either.

when i called mac life (not the apple store - these guys are local!) the first thing paul told me was - the last thing you want to do is mess with it a bunch. don't try to turn it on.

i was like...uhhhh...whoops. i should have known since you're also not supposed to turn your iPhone on if you drop it in water.

luckily kaye had gymnastics in boise, so before we hit that we dropped my computer off and went about our boise day.

gymnastics has been so fun with kaye. she's a little rockstar (bias?) and i love watching her make friends. kaye is totally the weird kid that's overly friendly // huggy // let's be best friends. no personal bubble for that girl. she's going to be the weird farm kid.

as if gymnastics wasn't tiring enough, we decided to hit up the park while we waited for paul to call with news regarding my computer.
kaye ran an absolute muck and ate sh*t more times than i can count. she's a wild woman. sawyer is officially a slide-master. it really doesn't matter how large the slide - sawyer is going to own it. what she sees kaye do - sawyer will do. i adore her admiration for kaye. it reminds me of me with my older sister.

it was at the park paul called to tell us the good news regarding the full recovery for my computer. it would only cost us $400. $400? sweet jesus. he told me we could pick up my computer the following day after he backed up all my files for me. thanks paul. i think he was shaming me a bit for my back-up negligence.

after the park kaye requested pizza. who am i to shut down her pizza dreams? pizza for everyone. we hit up our favorite joint. it was at pizza when i noticed both girls were getting a little erratic. this happens when they are ready to crash. unfortunately, this was the last thing i wanted. it meant they were going to take a nap at 5 pm, all the way back to the farm...which then meant they wouldn't be ready to go to bed at 7 pm. #fail

sure enough they slept the entire way home.

the next day, all of us - farmer included, went baaaaack to boise to pick up my computer and shop around for a new bike for kaye.

since the weather has been a bit nicer i've been taking kaye out on some rides with her little strider bike while i push sawyer in the stroller. our last ride was over three miles and kaye was using her feet to pinch the front wheel to slow down on hills. guys - not only is this extra dangerous, but girlfriends is straight crazy. time to get kaye a big girl bike.

as you can see...kaye was super jazzed about the idea of a new bike.

no really...she was. she tried out every single style and color and ultimately concluded she would like them all. however - for $250 the farmer and i were going to check out our options on craig's list first.

but beyond bike shopping, park visiting, and computer crashes...the girls and i have been getting in the easter spirit.

i saw these plastic eggs at the store and knew they would be a great option for kaye and sawyer. you can dye them just like regular eggs...but without the worry. sign me up. aaaaand...i tried out a new method of dying the eggs this year. basically, you just have little packets of color and some plastic baggies. you drop the color over the egg...voila! your egg is dyed. it's a super quick and easy way. very kid friendly...but not very nostalgic.

i pulled out my five easter decorations and printed a few easter egg coloring pages. i got the girls' baskets down and we've been hunting eggs all day err day. unfortunately (or fortunately) kaye doesn't quite get the hiding part. she'll have us go in the other room, then she'll put all the eggs, literally, in one basket (or spot). then she'll say, "okay! come find them!" she'll then grab our hand and point to them. so helpful.

this sunday we'll be heading to amy's farm to partake in easter brunch. i can't wait to show my girls how egg hunting is really done. the competish is extreme.

oh! last bit of news...and i'm terribly sorry for the quality of photo, but i got a new dress! not for easter...just a dress. and i'm in love! it's lightweight, figure forgiving, short!, and i love it. and i think everyone should get one because it's just darling. you can get it in blue or black...and for sizing i'm wearing the extra small.


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