Serving With Sincerity…and a Smile
~~~~ David Archuleta and Dean Kaelin Middle East Tour~credit Dean Kaelin ~~~
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A sincere thank you to the servicemen and women, along with David Archuleta, Dean Kaelin, Dan Clark, and Jason Hewlett who are all thousands of miles away, yet touching our hearts more and more each day through their voices, actions, example, and sacrifice. <3
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Dean Kahlin’s Blog Update
Dean Kaelin
11 hours ago
Too many pics to upload all, but here are a few cool ones; chatting with the troops, a patriot missile launcher, the Tree of life growing in the middle of the Bahrain desert, Bahrain mosque, at the Kuwait air base. *CLICK HERE*
Day 4 – Middle East tour. We flew from Bahrain to Kuwait. We were picked up at the airport by a security team and whisked off to Ali Al Salem air force base. We are only about 25 miles from the Iraq border. Kuwait city seemed quite nice and the temperature was actually rather pleasant and even Bahrain had some pretty parts as we drove to the airport. It has a nice skyline and views over the water. It was quite hot once we were on the base. They said it hit 114 today. And with that hot wind constantly blowing it is pretty stifling. Fortunately everything seems to be air conditioned so once you are inside it is quite nice. Walking around the base tonight was pleasant as well. It was still warm, but not so hot and the winds had died down. The personnel is mostly air force, but there are some marines as well. We did a non-denominational service tonight. There are about 15 active LDS here, but we ended up with about 35 attending. It is nice to be more direct about God and Christ and our testimonies in those kinds of venues. I feel that our shows are positive, uplifting and fun, but they aren’t at all religious. Everyone seemed to appreciate the spirt and the messages as well as the music. It’s definitely not country club living here, but we haven’t wanted for anything, There is plenty of food and they have everything here we have at home as far as products go. We have had free wi-fi wherever we have been and as I said, pretty much everything except outside is air-conditioned! They do a great job providing physical and entertainment activities for those that are here. Most seem to be deployed here for about 6 months and then are rotated out, but they have a whole staff that just provides temporary “housing” for people just “passing through” for a night or two on transport from Afghanistan back home. Some seem to be here for just a few weeks for a specific assignment. The temporary housing is just tents that sleep between 10 and 20 people. They are all air-conditioned still and nice as far as tents go, but still tents. We are staying in officers housing, which is quite comfortable. There are 4 private rooms in our “apartment” each with our own bathroom, computer, tv and small refrigerator. There are way more females here than I expected. Well, I think that’s good for now. I wish you all well!
*ed. note~I am so incredibly impressed with how these four men (Dean, Dan, David, and Jason) are bringing us on this Middle East military tour with them through their blogs, photos, videos, and comment responses. Through their attentiveness, they are not only in the Middle East assisting and offering their time and talents to all of our servicemen & women, but they’re also serving all of us concerned and interested fans, friends, and family members looking on back at home!
I never in a million years would have expected that we’d be given so much on an ongoing basis during this tour, and the gratitude being demonstrated so nicely in comments to the four men on their blogs, fb pages, and IG accounts is supportive and wonderful to see.*
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Jason Hewlett Latest Blog
~Another beautiful blog~ detailed, heartfelt, and well articulated. Thank you to Jason! For his entire photoset and to comment on this blog, click on the title above.
I SO wanted to update last night, but after 4 nights in a row of less than 4 hours sleep each night I was unable to get to it. It’s crazy how tired we get over here, mostly due to the heat.
Yesterday was so incredible. We woke up, had a nice breakfast at the hotel, and then went to a base to entertain a few of the troops who wouldn’t be able to come to our full show on another base that evening. They were seated in a horseshoe formation in a cafeteria/multi-purpose room. Their job is to make sure all of the country is protected, and their days are long, boring, covered in blowing sand and the heat.
I’ve never felt this kind of heat. Remember, we are wearing the loosest fitting clothes we could find, but these soldiers are in FULL Army garb, with helmets, gear, and sweat soaking them all day long. To experience what these guys go through every day, go get your most uncomfortable outfit, and then add about 50 lbs of weight to it, put on a bike helmet, huge boots, and go stand in your kid’s sandbox in the backyard. Now take a hairdryer and turn it to HOT and HIGH and stick it in your face. Make sure that it is noon and there is no cloud in the sky and then get a spotlight and shine it reflected from a window right in your eyes….I’ve been in Las Vegas, as well as Arizona in the summertime. That’s hot, for sure. Now go to The Strip and lay on the asphalt face down at 4 PM and add a 30 mile per hour constant wind of sand blowing in your nose – That’s the middle east heat.
The heat is searing. Painful. If outside too long you will be drained and wasted and depleted. By outside too long I mean walking from the car to the hotel, all 17 seconds, and you begin to understand what all of those ants went through under my magnifying glass in my youth. I believe those dead, burnt ants are all now up in the sky laughing their ant heads off as I shake my fist at the sun. Only thing is, these soldiers are in full regalia, marching as to war, it is inspiring that they can even force a smile and then stay outside for 12 hour shifts. Incredible the dedication to staying safe in their gear alone, yet also to appear as uniform and organized as can be, and still keeping their spirits high. It is inspiring, their commitment to the cause of protection, to their sense of duty.
To watch these Troops laugh gigantic hearty belly laughs (mostly coming from Dan Clark’s hilarity, and sometimes mine), is one of the greatest experiences I’ve had as a performer. To know that David Archuleta can sing and touch their hearts in such a way that it brings tears, Dean Kaelin’s piano and guitar accompaniment raises the level of emotion and beauty in the song and message, Dan Clark’s mastery as Emcee and Inspirational Speaker, delivering a message as only Dan can, with over-the-top stories, hilarious delivery, and powerful life-changing emotion. Once I get up there all I have to do is a face or two and I connect with the weirdest ones in the room that brings out the kid in them again. What is crazy is that most of these young people protecting our country are just that, KIDS, in uniform, who are the greatest MEN and WOMEN I’ve ever been honored to perform for. Who bravely step in the line of duty daily in order to keep us safe. Living in harsh conditions, as close to prison-like living as I’ve seen (and I’ve been to Prison a few times, just ask my kids – To their Teacher: “My Daddy went to Prison last night”. Teacher: “Oh no! What did he do?” My kids: “He performed for the prisoners to make them happy for a minute.” Teacher: “Oh, thank goodness…”), living with monotony, little praise from back home, little thanks even here….it is criminal we can’t all just give them HUGS forever.
And so our Military Tribute Tour brings a new level of helping them feel appreciated. They say, “Thank You for coming to us, this was so amazing, the best show we’ve ever seen!” That’s what’s so great about our show, is that all of us have a way to connect with someone in the audience, and it is joyous.
Armed Forces Middle East Tour credit : jason Hewlett
After our concert for the few pictured above, we had a chance to tour the camp. Hum-V’s, Bunkers, Weapons I can’t describe here, and an amazing amount of sand and heat. Did I mention it was hot?
From there we went to the larger camp, and had our show in the evening. It was received with a standing ovation and many appreciative audience members. We expressed our love and they showed it right back. It was so cool. Many people have asked to hear David’s singing of “Bring Him Home”, it was captured on video in only a portion but can be seen on my FB Page if you want to check it out, Dan’s team did a great job with our first video we’ve sent out. Many have asked if we can do any LiveStreaming or other uploads – unfortunately we have to be very careful what we post and send out, so thank you for understanding to in order to protect everyone here!
David performs for the troops ~Middle East Tour credit
DAvid Archuleta Middle East Armed Forces Tour ~signing~ credit Jason HEwlett
What a long, tiring, wonderful day it was. Early flight out the next morning to the next stop: KUWAIT.
Thank you for your support, prayers, and kind comments on this Blog. We are having a very incredible time and feel we are making a dent in the often hurting lives of those who enjoy our show. We have found many people here are quite homesick. I’ve only been away 5 days and I’m feeling it myself, I just can’t imagine how these faithful soldiers do it for 8-12 months at a time. I stand all amazed by them and only cried about 16 times as I saw them walk by, in uniform, in the sun. So, so proud.
Did I mention it’s hot here?
More blogs to come….
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Dan Clark’s Blog :Military Tour Tribute
In case you happened to miss this one yesterday, Dan Clark has a wonderful letter/tribute to our troops!
Dear Friends,
Today was different. I usually fly somewhere a couple of times every week, adding 175,000 miles to my frequent flyer programs each and every year for the past twenty-five years. But today was different. I have always approached every corporate and trade association engagement with conscientious preparation, intensity and commitment to connect with their people in a customized speech on their theme. But today was different. I was heading out to speak to our brave combat troops in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Ethiopia and Djibouti – an eighteen day tour performing on major bases to thousands, and to small groups of 75 at outlying FOBs (Forward Operating Bases). CLICK HERE to continue!!!
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A Familiar Shirt!
David received a pkg from the “Out Of Towners” and it looks like he liked what he received!
*Check it out at 1:08* Nice choice ladies!!
~ A very nice choice!!! It looks great on him!
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Another Crush Snippet!
This is a short but sweet IG snippet of Crush posted by JTGriffin77! Thanks Ali for posting it in comments! Click to play it.
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Abrra’s Candy Jar! BHH Mp3
Abrra has added JR’s (improved sound) “Bring Him Home” snippet looped to her mf account where you can download this little gem! Click on the jar above and thank you to Abrra and JR…and of course, David, too!
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A Red cd “extra”
Today’s celebration of David’s little red cd and the playlist brings us to a very special co-written David Archuleta song: “Somebody Out There.” The lyrics of SOT are pretty perfect as David is currently focused on reaching out and uplifting our servicemen. This first performance is the (studio) version and was used as a backdrop for a tribute to our servicemen. ~created by Rascal’s House of David
~A live SOT performance! Folks, it just doesn’t get much better than this! From Greenville, SC brought to you by Dustinn09
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Fan Finds
An Awesome David Archuleta sketch by @Yelshar. Thanks to @mlpb3 for sending it our way!
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David Stops For a Pic with a Fan
A lovely photo of David with a fan from the Middle East
~~~ Shared by ShadowBenny and seen on Tumblr ~~~~
That’s it for me on this sincere “salute” Sunday. We’ll be watching for new blog updates, pics and vids from the “3D’s and a J” but in the meantime, enjoy your day and take care everyone! Mary Lou will be back tomorrow with a most delightful Monday post.