Amanda witness another murder outside of her house:
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Revision as of 17:55, April 2, 2014
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*(Amanda drink a water)
*(Amanda drink a water)
*(Light on)
*(Light on)
*(Jack with the shirt)
*(Jack walk)
*(Jack walk)
*Jack: Amanda.
*Jack: Amanda.
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*Amanda: Huh.
*Amanda: Huh.
*(Amanda open the door)
*(Amanda open the door)
*(Amanda walk and cold feet)
*(Amanda walk and hide)
*Amanda: Oh my god.
*(A couple shouting and aruging)
*Amanda: Holy shit, they are worst couple ever.
*(Amanda laugh)
*(A man hold the gun at his girlfriend)
*Amanda: What.
*(Woman scream)
*(Gunshot 6 time)
*(Amanda gasp)
*(Man look at Amanda)
*Amanda: Oh shit.
*Amanda: Shit.
*(Amanda run)
*(Man chasing Amanda and Amanda pants)
*(Amanda close the door)
*Brad: Open that goddamn door.
*Amanda: What your name.
*Brad: Brad.
*Amanda: Sorry, Brad, I saw you kills your own girlfriend.
*Brad: I am going to kill you.
*Brad: You little bitch.
*(Brad knock the door and Brad scream)
*(Jack hold the gun)
*(Brad break the door and Brad hold the gun)
*(Amanda scream and run)
*Amanda: Please don't hurt me.
*Brad: I will hurt you because you saw my girlfriend died because of you.
*Amanda: Come on, your girlfriend did not mean to died.
*Brad: I hate her in my life.
*Brad: She is bitch and lair.
*Brad: And a cheat.
*Amanda: Can't be that bad.
*(Jack look at Amanda and Brad)