
An extremely gifted psychic medium, Diane’s true talent lies in her ability to help people.

At a young age, Diane had many psychic experiences. Her intuitive ability matured as she began her quest to understand those experiences and to fully develop and refine her psychic gift.

Her knowledge and understanding of the psychic realm has spanned more than twenty five years making Diane an expert on the subject of psychic and supernatural occurrences to which she consults on.

Offering private intuitive readings, mediumship readings and healings in picturesque Sturbridge, Massachusetts, Diane also conducts readings and consultations for individuals worldwide.

You’re sure to be moved and amazed as Diane bridges the gap, connecting you and others to loved ones in her mediumship presentation, Together, A Message.

Whether you’re having a reading, attending a workshop or a presentation, get ready for an experience of a lifetime.

Believing her psychic and mediumship abilities are a gift given to her so that she may serve and help others, Diane is honored by the trust placed in her.  From both sides.

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