
Earth Watch Report – Volcanic Activity

Mount Etna showers ash on towns


A rain of volcanic stones in Sicily – Pioggia di lapilli su Giardini Naxos



Published on Nov 23, 2013

23 Novembre 2013. Una fitta pioggia di lapilli investe la Sicilia Nord-Orientale e parte della Calabria.

November 23rd, 2913. A massive cloud of lava ashes and stones hits North-Eastern Sicily, spawned by the explosive eruption of Mt. Etna and pushed hundreds of miles away by the wind.

Video by Turi Scandurra.


26.11.2013 02:55 AM

Sicily, Italy

Mt. Etna Volcano

Volcano Eruption




No. 0


Volcano Eruption in Italy on Tuesday, 26 November, 2013 at 03:55 (03:55 AM) UTC.


Italy’s Mt. Etna, the most active volcano in europe, erupted twice in less than a week earlier this month. The first eruption took place on Nov. 16, the second on Nov. 23. Lava flows were reportedly shot 700-800 meters in the air. Lightning was also present during the explosion, as well as plumes of gas, smoke and ash. The ash traveled across the region, coating Giardini Naxos on Sicily with black dust. It also pushed across the Strait of Messina and into the mainland. Chunks of ash and rock fell from the sky, as big as 2 centimeters in diameter. Four air corridors that service Sicily’s Catania Airport and a local highway were closed for a time as a result of the raining volcanic debris. “They must be spewed high into the sky and then carried by the winds. Those type of rocks are rather light and full of air,” said AccuWeather.com Meteorologist Mark Paquette. Some rocks and ash can also fall from the sky much like rain, as they are sent into the atmosphere and can collect on clouds to be rained down with later precipitation.


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