
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Wolf Brand Chili.

Wolf Brand Chili has been around for a long time. The original recipe was developed by a Texas ranch cook and Lyman T. Davis in 1895. Now, the unique blend of seasonings and beef combine into a thicker chili. When Wolf Brand Chili heard about consumers craving a chili with a little more substance, they responded with a thicker, heartier chili.

When you open a can of Wolf Brand Chili, Authentic Texas Recipe, you will notice the heartier consistency.

Sure, you could simply warm the chili and eat it in a bowl. My family, however, decided to try something more adventurous.

My family loves Texas Potatoes, which are potatoes piled high with baked potato toppings, smoked pork or beef and barbecue sauce. If you haven’t heard of them, don’t worry. Before I moved to Texas, I had no idea such a potato existed. Since we love chili and potatoes, we decided to combine the two into a Texas Chili Potato (it is fitting since Wolf Brand is a Texas chili).

This dish is an all around winner. Your kids will think you are awesome for coming up with such a unique meal. Plus, as a busy mom, there is nothing easier than throwing a couple of potatoes in the oven and heating up a can of Wolf Brand Chili. It is a quick, fun family meal.

Texas Chili Potato Recipe

1 can of Wolf Brand Chili

4 baking potatoes

1 cup cheddar cheese

4 tsp. butter

1/2 cup bacon bits

-Preheat oven to 350

-Wash each potato

-Use a dinner fork to poke several sets of holes all over each potato

-Bake approximately 1 hour

-Heat the Wolf Brand Chili on the stove or in the microwave

-Cut each potato open

-Use a fork to loosen the insides of each potato

-Top with butter, chili, cheese and bacon bits

I hope you enjoy this recipe. I am so excited to announce that Family Fun Journal readers have a chance to win an awesome kit from Wolf Brand Chili. This fabulous giveaway is worth $100 and includes:

Three varieites of Wolf Brand Chili

Bamboo Texas cutting board

Texas apron

Soup bowls

Coasters featuring the Wolf Brand Chili logo

See the rafflecopter below to enter and leave me a comment about your favorite way to eat chili. For terms and conditions of this giveaway, click here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As an added bonus, check out these free printables from Living Locurto for the next time you have a chili bar at a family gathering. (Click on image to check out this and other printables).

Wolf Brand Chili is now thicker and heartier than ever, just the way that Texans like it! The new, thicker and heartier recipe can also be found every day on the shelves of your local grocery store.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Wolf Brand Chili.

For more information, visit http://www.wolfbrandchili.com or https://www.facebook.com/Wolf.Chili

The post Wolf Brand Chili Review & Giveaway appeared first on Family Fun Journal.

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