
Kids are enchanted by the magical neon glow emitted by glowsticks, and you may have lost count of the number of times that you’ve been pestered into buying glow bracelets and glow in the dark necklaces at fairgrounds, kid’s concerts and school discos, but did you know that glowsticks aren’t just for parties? Glowsticks are incredibly versatile in their uses but more importantly fun! Glowsticks.co.uk take a look at the top ten ways in which kids can enjoy glowsticks…

1. Birthday parties.

There’s no escaping the fact that these fabulous neon light sticks are a huge draw to children and they really add to the excitement of kids parties capturing the magic and the atmosphere perfectly. If your child is having a themed party, glowsticks make an excellent party accessory and work brilliantly in darkened environments such as laser tag. Glowsticks are also a fantastic and inexpensive party favour or gift that can be popped into party bags for kids to take as a memento of the party.

2. Fancy dress/costume design

Add a little glow to fancy dress costumes with glow bracelets and glow necklaces. Perfect for lacing through fabrics to give a bright glow, or simply to be worn as an accessory, glowsticks don’t require any batteries and so can simply be activated and worn with a glow for up to eight hours, and in most cases up to twelve! Perfect for Halloween for creating an eerie glow, glowsticks are also a safe alternative to candles for pumpkins and lanterns.

3. Night Light

Ideal for sleepovers where slightly older children may not want to admit to being a little worried about the dark, glowsticks make the perfect distraction. Dish out the glowsticks to your child and their friends at bedtime and not only will they provide the perfect backdrop for story telling, but they can then take them to sleep too. A comforting source of light that will glow all night, glowsticks are an independent source of light that don’t emit heat and so they’re safe for kids to enjoy all night without being too bright and disturbing sleep (Glowsticks.co.uk do not advise giving glowsticks to children under the age of three for fear of chewing), and because they’re portable and convenient they make a brilliant night light to take on holidays and camping trips.

4. Group Safety

Perfect for school trips and nursery outings, give children a glow necklace or glow bracelets in the same colour so that they can be easily identified as part of your group. Highly visible and the kids love them too!

5. High Visibility

Kids love to ride their bikes, and as the autumn and winter months bring darker nights, this can often collide with cycling home from school. Encourage your child to wear glowsticks, glow necklaces or bracelets either on their person, on their bike, or on school bags and give them the extra edge when it comes to being seen. Kids will simply enjoy their fun glow whilst becoming highly visible too!

6. Night Sports

Night sports are brilliant fun, and make even the best games that bit more enjoyable and a little tougher to master with the addition of glowsticks. Night football, night golf and night rounders are all fun ways to continue to enjoy sports well into the evening, simply mark out goals or holes with glowsticks and then issue players on either team with brightly coloured glow necklaces and bracelets so that they can see one another, add a light up ball, and enjoy! Playing at night is not only incredible fun, but also a great way in which to practice and master skills.

7. Camping

The perfect camping accessory, use glowsticks to decorate your tent so that you can spot it from afar, but more importantly decorate the inside to provide comforting light for children, and to make their trip that bit more of an adventure! Use glowsticks around the campfire when story telling and singing songs or play night sports. You could even take a trip into the woods for a nature trail at night!

8. Guide Light

Whether home or away, kids like the reassurance of light should they wake and need the loo in the night. If your little ones are going through a stage of waking for the loo at night, keep a handful of glowsticks within reach and activate one each night before bedtime so that they can guide themselves to the loo with the comfort of light (they may even be brave enough to go without waking you first!)

9. Hide and Seek at night!

An even more fun take on a classic game, play hide and seek at night! Issue all players with glowsticks and then go hide! The seeker will have the light of their glowstick to find the hiders by! Make it tougher on the seeker by issuing only them with a glowstick and the hiders will see them coming and sneak into another hiding place. Brilliant fun, and very entertaining!

10. Just for fun!

There are many more fun uses for glowsticks, why not try diving for glowsticks in the pool at night on holiday? Put glowsticks on the trampoline and see the fabulous patterns that they make as you bounce, or why not try your hand at light art? Wave glowsticks around on strings and take pictures with a long exposure camera for hauntingly beautiful effects!

And so there we have it, a list of ten fun things to try with glowsticks, why not give them a try? Find out more at www.glowsticks.co.uk


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