Rachel M Pipan posted a blog post
Nerd Alert: Why It's OK to be a Square in College
Before we get started, let's introduce ourselves.This is me, Rachel Pipan.I’m sorry, that’s me *trying* to be poised and look like a totally cool, adjusted and professional college student. Here’s me, in my natural element, literally five seconds later.Yep, that’s way more accurate. I’m a complete and total dork, and I always have been. Most days, I feel like I'm still this kid, bumbling around with my backpack full of my favorite books and rocking the ever-so-stylish Snape haircut.Look, Ma, a prickly pear. Let me point at it awkwardly so I’m sure you see it. Most nights, you can find me working on homework, watching Netflix (The Office or a documentary like Blackfish) or sleeping. And before you write me off as a shut-in, let me give assure you that I do go “out,” dance to bands I’ve never heard of and try very hard to be "cool."Is my cool dance working?But I’m happiest when I can relax and make stupid faces (see above), preferably in yoga pants, over sushi, while talking about politics. But it's hard to be that person in college.You know how your parents always warned you about peer pressure? It’s trickier than just saying no to things that are clearly bad for you. Like meth. Or not wearing your seat belt.In college, peer pressure can be a series of comments and statements about your choices, sometimes even from people you care about, that can make you feel bad for choosing to be yourself.Suddenly, you have to navigate all these tricky situations that you aren't sure how to handle.Like this one: “Are you going out tonight?” “Oh, maybe.”Translation: It’s Wednesday, guys. I have class, or an internship, or work at 8 a.m. tomorrow. And it’s not that I “need” to be there at 8 a.m. I want to be there at 8 a.m. It’s fun, and I really like what I do. I want to hang out with you – but does it have to be at midnight on a weekday? My inner Liz Lemon says stay under the snuggie.Or this one: “Ugh I hate this class.” “Oh yeah, me too.”Translation: Actually, this class isn’t that bad. I kind of like it. It’s a lot of work, but I think it’s worth it. And it’s actually fun sometimes. But I can’t say that. That makes me sound like a total square.And sometimes the worst situations are the ones you put yourself into.I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve walked into my sister’s room (with my wet hair in a towel, pajamas on, at 7 p.m. on a Friday), plopped down on her bed and said,“I feel lame for not going out. I don’t want to go, because I really want to read my book/catch up on sleep/get ahead on work, but I feel like the lamest college student ever. Like I need to be doing something else." And sighing. Lots and lots of sighing comes with this conversation.Her response is always the same – “Do what makes you happy, and be true to yourself.” Mind. Blown.That’s my advice to you, fellow nerds. Learn from my sister’s excellent advice, as I’m still trying to do. Just do what makes you happy!For some reason, our generation has glamorized the life of going out, staying up late, sleeping in and acting like we’re too cool for school (even though most of us are paying to be here in college…what?)And what it has led to is this perception that enjoying something worthwhile, like quality time with friends, or school, or our work, (or sleep!) is nerdy and uncool. If watching Disney movies on a Friday night makes you happy, do it! If Auburn’s Special Collections and Archives makes you giddy (I'm so guilty of this), be that person and hang out in there for too long. Stay up late…with your new favorite book. If you think your class on the history of basket-weaving in ancient Mesopotamia is interesting and no one else does, say so anyway!Most importantly of all, don’t let anyone, especially yourself, make you feel bad about being who you are.Preach it, Jess. (A note: I’m not saying become a slave to school, or to your job, or shut yourself in without having any fun. That's a good way to get over-stressed, anxious and unhappy.)What I am saying is learn to love yourself, and stick up for that person. Don’t sell out to what you think a college student “should be.” There is no set definition, despite what the party culture tells you. Fun is only fun if you’re having fun – not if everyone else is having fun. So enjoy your classes, enjoy your work, enjoy anything that actually makes you happy, even if it’s not the “cool” thing to do.In the long-run, you'll be much happier, and you'll probably be surrounded yourself with friends who like the same things as you do.Like road trips to Mordor. Count me in! Sounds like a win-win to me.Interested in attending Auburn University? Please visit the Future Students page. Also, consider visiting Auburn for a Tour. We want you to join the Auburn Family … so Apply Now. See More